“Peace of mind is that mental condition in which you have accepted the worst.” ~ Lin Yutang
The most crucial aspect of one’s mental well-being is possessing a peaceful mind. It is the ultimate goal of almost every creature on this planet, though only a few become able to touch the pinnacle. The quest for peace will be endless if the path of the process is chosen wrongly.
Millions of chaotic introspections occupy the mind via stress, anxiety, insomnia, insecurity, or fear so far. We try our best to disconnect the mind from all the negative wires and engage in different activities. But trust me escaping is not the right way to win over any fear. This mode of working is definitely not going to bring long-lasting peace of mind.
In simple words, “The longer you procrastinate your day-to-day chores, the bulkier the burden of finishing it becomes.”. So to lighten the burden one has to sit, and check the root cause of the problem and take the chores one by one to accomplish it within the time period.
Observe the state of mind after accomplishing the task and escaping from the task by indulging in different activities; your mind would be at much peace opting for the former option.
To achieve that ground of peace, the pillars of 5 essential habits are at utmost requirement:
5 Essential Habits To Build Peace Of Mind
1). Live In Present
There is a famous saying, “If you are depressed you are living in the past, if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace you are living in the present” ~ Lao Tzu.
The human mind has the ability to keep a perfect balance between cherishable memories of the past and huge aspirations of the future while enjoying every bit of the present moment. The situation becomes stressful and taxing when a person starts living in the hypothetical imagination of either one, i.e., past or future. Living happily in the present is the first habit that leads the path to peace. Enjoy the ride of time travel to the fullest; however, do not allow yourself to dwell there, not even for a second.
2). Lower The Expectation Level
“Set expectations for yourself, not for others.” Expectations over every move of yours put unnecessary pressure on the mind and body. And if things don’t go in the desired way, it stimulates negative emotions in frustration, anger, disappointment, anxiety, etc. Hence, do everything for others or for yourself that makes you happy, but do not expect returned favor every now and then. For the precious peace of mind, drop off of a few expectations is the better option. Studies say by following few steps one can start lowering the expectations from others:
- List five important persons of your life.
- List at least five expectations you have from each of them.
- Drop any three expectations from the list for each of them.
- Make a list of the remaining two expectations from each of them and check how calmer the mind you have by the end of the process.
Loosen the grip of expectations on others brings mammoth relief to one’s mental wellness.
“Expectations were like fine pottery, the harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack” ~ Brandon Sanderson
3). Be Kind To Yourself
Whom we talk to the most in our entire life? i.e., SELF, right? Unfortunately, SELF has been taken for granted for the maximum time and laden under tremendous mental stress. We console or encourage our near and dear one’s in their low time, opposite to that pin down ourselves by every corner when going through the same phase.
“How come I will be so insane?”,
“I am not a person who can be the priority of anyone”
“How could I make such a blunder?”
Change the habit of lowering down yourself, or being judgemental with you.
- Treat yourself like you treat your friend when he/she is in need. You stand by them like a rock when they look up to you for help.
- Take your time table of meals as seriously in terms of time and nutrition as you take for your guests when they visit to you or you prepare To-Go box for them.
- Accept your mistakes as politely as you accept the shortcomings of your friends while consoling them.
“When you make peace with yourself, you make peace with the world.” ~ Maha Ghosananda
Also Read: How to deal with negative thoughts?
4). Value Your Principles And Potential
Setting boundaries is the first step to stick by with the principles. Imbibing flexibility is a positive thing, but compromising your basic ethics to prove your potential vanishes the ground of peace forever. No one will value you if you can’t value your principles.
Most of the time, we end up overloading ourselves with responsibilities beyond our potential, which surely damage our mental peace. Better to know your potential well, and feel free to express your consent towards your limitation.
Avoid the situation that puts you on the edge of commitment every time. If you want others to respect your principles, you should be the first to stand by them. When others see you be flexible with your ethics, they get the keys to twist it on their terms. For eg.
“If you say that you don’t pick official calls after 10 pm then stick by your words.”
“If you say you don’t work on weekend and keep it purely for family time, then make sure you have concluded all your jobs before weekend and have valid reason to happily flag your principles.”
5). Mindfull Meditation
In Meditation, most of us have an excellent record of failed attempts. You know why because sometimes we have the wrong reason to pick it up, and sometimes we opt wrong way to perform it. Either of them only accelerates the data of our failures. For peace of mind, first, know the right reason to pick the session and what you expect from it for eg.
“Having difficulty in concentrating on your work”
“Your mind is occupied by the unknown fears”
“Facing trouble in sleeping” and so on!
The practice of mindful meditation slims the size of the Amygdala( a mass inside the cerebral hemisphere that involves emotions) which makes a person feel less stressed and makes him better at handling life challenges. It improves working memory. Better to start with mini shots of meditation and then gradually increase the time. Fix a particular place and supporting aids( plants, mat, fresh air, etc.) to meditate.
These are the few habits that make the way easier to lead a peaceful life with a peaceful mind. Can you relate to any of them? Do share in the comment box.
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The expectation & the meditation part is bang on for me. Needed to hear/read something like this to overcome my current anxiety issues. Super pointers. Going to start practising
Being kind to yourself and others is so important. I like the pointers you have mentioned here. Being mindful towards your surroundings and nature is also a good thing to do.
True that! 🙂
Mindful meditation has been my new year resolution this year. But somehow it didn’t materialize. Got to start it soon. Thanks for the reminder.
Best wishes to you 🙂
Nothing can make a person more content in life than a peaceful life. No amount of money and wealth can replace it. One thing I’ve learnt well is to lower the expectations and forgive and forget. This works like wonders for me.
Well said Hansa 🙂
‘We console or encourage our near and dear one’s in their low time, opposite to that pin down ourselves by every corner when going through the same phase.’ – it touched the right chord. Why do we forget that our body and mind need love too, why do we expect that to come from others and not from within us. This made me think. Great pointers, Archana!
Thank you so much Neha! 🙂
With your simple advice on how we can be mindful, you have hit the nail completely on the head. Beautiful and highly-appreciated post.
Thank you so much Noor, coming from you means a lot! 🤗
This is amazing article .Your pointers make it so easy to acheive peace of mind. I totally agree that Mediation does help in mental peace and we should lower our expectations
For a person to be called healthy, physical as well as mental health is important. Your pointers make it so easy to acheive peace of mind. Mediation does help a great deal.
Thank you!
I personally have to agree with all the points mentioned by you. And most important one is expectations. The moment we drop our expectations we live happy and much more peacefully.
Absolutely true! 🤗
Great pointers Archana and I agree with each of these. yes, we can not change outer situation in world but if we have inner peace of mind, we would be in better stage to deal with adversity. live in present moment and be kind to yourself can help a lot in achieving the same.
That’s so true Surbhi!
I have started mindful meditation. I was told by a very wise man to do a certain exercise which consisted of going to a certain spot at my house and sitting closed eyes for 15 mins everyday at the same time and spot. Whilst my eyes are closed, I should keep my mind blank, not be bothered of the surrounding noises. At the beginning, it was tedious but slowly it helped me focus and got me more creative than I usually am. It also brought me self awareness. I really loved all the pointers mentioned.
I can resonate with you Shweta, a consistent practice makes us calmer.
Wonderful article full of great tips! I liked the exercise you mentioned about shedding expectations.
Thank you, Purba, glad you liked it!