Essentials Pointers for online classes
As a parent, while checking your kid’s school calendar, you cannot ignore the factor of your time which is equally required in the form of active supervision. The younger the child, the more hours of parent supervision required around 4 -6 hours a day opposite to that parenting of an older kid demands 2-3 hours of supervision.
Pandemic has shown us many things that we have neither watched nor heard before. In the chain of several changes, one the biggest change or you can say the challenge is to create the aura of the school environment for the kids at home. Where they can get the real feel of classrooms and easily sink in academic schedule side by side acknowledging the big change.
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- Fix the place for kids The best work required a comfortable, and peaceful place. Kids/children will be in this space for many hours each day, making it comfortable will reduce the boredom, and complications in posture issue.
- A periodic break from the screen is mandatory to break the eye contact with the monitor also to regularize the physical activity among kids. Set the alarms to get up, get some fresh air, or to have a quick snack and water.
- Have a Schedule of the whole day Ask your kids to maintain a journal for the entire day or for a week rather. and keep them checking it from time to time to track their activity. Which would be a great guide to utilize their time efficiently.
- Make your kids aware of the concept of discipline while remote learning. Usually being at home pattern create confusion among kids that they are on vacay, however, things are not what they thought to start with any kind of discipline make them well aware about the seriousness of grading, assignments, and their timely submission so that they couldn’t lag behind in any class activity.
- Minimize The Kid’s Screen Time Limit your kid’s indulgence into rest of the screen activity like digital games, mobile, or iPads as these days their eyes are already glued to the screen for the long school hours, to balance their screen hour this point has to be taken under consideration by parents. Planning some physical activity would be a fruitful option.
- Keep an eye on Desktop/Laptop screen Monitor your children’s daily school activity while it’s going on, sometimes kids ignore class sessions thinking of no one is watching them and starts playing the game or chats in a different window on the laptop. So to utilize their school hour efficiently Parent,s throughout attentiveness is the prime requirement to make the remote learning successful.
- Get your kid’s snacks ready at certain intervals as taking bites in between and that too of their choice certainly helps in keeping their spirit and enthusiasm high.
- Take small breaks from sitting for long hours at the same place, tell kids to take a walk at certain intervals, or pick any physical activity that makes them happy.
These are some pointers I am following to make my kids learning regular and disciplined.
NOTE:- This post is written as the part of Blogchatter #CauseAChatter Blogging with a purpose.
Copyright © Archana Srivastava
This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
I agree dear online learning has its own set of challenges and as a parent it is our responsibility to keep check on all these factors. taking break is mandatory to avoid muscle fatigue. great post and all points are well explained.