Happy to see #MyFriendAlexa is almost at the door to bring back my lost tune of regular writing. The last two months had been very harsh on my family and me. Not to say much, we all know that this Pandemic has shaken many lives. After all the difficult periods, I could barely get into the regular writing and reading practice. Which made me worried why I am losing my hold on my love for writing? I was eagerly waiting for the most prominent blogging campaign of the year by the team Blogchatter after A2Z Challenge, and that is one and only My Friend Alexa, so that I could get the excellent reason to grip in on disciplined work. Though the theme is yet to decide by me.
This year it would be m second-time participation and I am all set. Finally, A long wait has come to an end. My Friend Alexa campaign will take off from October 2020.
Read my first experience with My Friend Alexa here.
What is My Friend Alexa
My Friend Alexa is a campaign organized by India’s most active, biggest blogging community Blogchatter. It provides the opportunity for bloggers to improve their blog’s Alexa Ranking by engaging in regular writing and reading blog posts. It is a month-long activity where blogger participants are supposed to post 8 blog posts, 2 posts per week, ideally. Along with writing a set of reading, works as an icing on the cake.
What Is Alexa Ranking
Alexa Rank is an important metric to benchmark the sites against their competitors.
Google Wikipedia says,
” Alexa rank is a measure of website popularity. It ranks millions of websites in order of popularity, with an Alexa Rank of 1 being the most popular. … Alexa rank is calculated using a proprietary methodology that combines a site’s estimated traffic and visitor engagement over the past three months”.
The straightforward language to know the Alexa Rank better is ‘The loser is the winner here.’ The more you drop from, the higher rank, the closer you become to the winning.
Who Can Participate
Anyone who writes and owns his/her blog is fully eligible to participate. Having your own blog is the first condition to participate in My Friend Alexa. Next is you have to get registered yourself for My Friend Alexa by filling the form on the site of Blogchatter. This year, Blogchatter has revamped its website, which has many things so easy to handle even if you are not tech-savvy like me.
What To Write
The best part is Blogchatter has given us full freedom to pour our thoughts in our own way. There is no such theme to write on one is totally free to pen his articles based on a particular piece or to write on 8 different topics.
However, I personally feel taking some theme makes our way more comfortable to connect with our readers.
These are some ground info about the campaign #MyFriendAlexa. I am ready to dive into the ocean of reading and writing. How about you/Have you registered yourself for it? If not, Hurry up then.
Stay Tuned for upcoming new posts.
Copyright © Archana Srivastava
This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
Yeah happy to read, meet with fellow bloggers & grow together.
Yes I am in Alexa marathon this time and hopefully will finish it without loosing the steam! looking forward to your posts.
Good luck for the challenge Archana! This is going to be a busy month for you! I chickened out because I felt I might not be able to put in the required time.
That’s such an informative writeup about Alexa. This is my 1st year of Alexa participation and I am thoroughly enjoying the writing and reading lists.
Yes we are on board for the campaign and must say this campaign by Blogchatter brings in consistency and connects with many blogs in blogosphere.
Sounds interesting and informative. Would love, absolutely love to know more. I am a regular on Alexa to check The Champa Tree’s insights. Been doing this for 6 years. So glad there’s finally a lot of acknowledgment and efforts being made to validate Alexa’s ratings!
This is great news by the way.. I haven’t resistered because I can’t manage this with my kids. But I am excited to read all of yours posts .
Already wrote 3 posts for #MyFriendAlexa and am loving the variety of blogs I’ve been reading. This is one blogging challenge we can’t miss!
im going to be missing it this time.. it is so helpful for all the bloggers. will follow you for more updates and awesome articles. all the best
Best wishes to you for My friend Alexa dear..pouring thoughts about what we feel is the bliss. And blog chatter gives that freedom. I am looking forward to read your posts.
It’s my 1st tme with Alexa and superb excited about it. My two posts are already live and it’s fun reading all the blog posts by fellow bloggers.
Hey I have signed up too. Hoping for good things to happen as I have written like crazy in the past month. All the best to us!
It’s my first time and I’m very excited. I have got 2 blogs live already and connecting with so many fellow bloggers is great.
This is one challenge I wait a lot …Registered and happy to be a part of this to read and write more!!
I am all geared up to read lots of wonderful posts this month. All the best to all participants.
Archana, MyFriendAlexa has been a great campaign to bring in consistency in writing. Looking forward for you posts in this campaign.
Though we are already in second week of Alexa.. somehow this post got missed from my side to read previously. All the best dear for Alexa. And looking forward to reading your posts for same.
I am completely drenched reading and writing with my friend Alexa. This is a great initiative to encourage good writing and helping fellow bloggers growing.
I registered for My Friend Alexa :). Its my 4th year with this exciting campaign. I love the results – totally :). Thank you for this informative post 🙂
I’m glad you signed up for this campaign to bring your writing back up to speed.
Just wanted to alert you, when I try to visit your website through Blogchatter, I am unable to because it asks for my WordPress login credentials and then refuses to accept them! I just came to your site on my own, but others might not. Just check once with Blogchatter what the problem is!
My friend alexa has always been helpful. this is my 3rd or 4th year!
This is my first time, I am not participating in MFA but I am going home try reading as many posts as I can. You will have a wonderful experience and thrilled you see the rank improvement.
Participating in this challenge is surely for reasons for me. I really want a disciplined reading and writing. Hope to get more of it.
this is my first time, and I’m so excited to be a part of the Alexa ranking. After becoming a mom, life has changed a lot. I have accepted this challenge to write at least 8 in the month of October, hope I can complete and stick to win over me.
It would be great fun Sonam trust me! All the very best, glad to connect with you!