With succeeding winters and preceding summer, Spring season knocked down, with the toughest challenge of the year. Yes! Here comes another year of Blogchatter A2Z Challenge 2021.
In 2019 when I came to know about the BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, I instantly took the plunge and got registered for it with zero preparation. There were no buddies, no groups, hardly sticking with the reading part; I just boarded on holding my 4 months old baby in my arms. I picked the theme ‘Ways To Gift Yourself A Blissful Life’ I completed the challenge by burning the midnight oils.
In 2020 I became a little smarter, a little prepared, having a bunch of like-minded friends; I chose to write about my love for Bollywood I picked vivid stories and characters from the movie and their impact on society. I thoroughly enjoyed my journey of BlogchatterA2Z Challenge and ended up becoming a published author of my first eBook ‘Bolly Talkies.’
Now here in 2021, after swinging and juggling between Yes and No’s knots, I eventually choose to drum for the option, YES and I registered myself for BlogchatterA2Z 2021.
What is Blogchatter A2Z Challenge:
It is a month-long blogging challenge from 1st April- 30th April 2021, hosted by Blogchatter. Bloggers are supposed to write 26 posts throughout the month, in short, one post every day, exempting Sundays. The Uniqueness of this challenge is to write all the 26 Posts Alphabetically; for instance, the first day of April starts with the letter A, ends on 30th April with Letter Z.
Posting 26 posts throughout the month is indeed one of the most rigorous tasks for anyone out there. However, by following a few tricks of ready drafts in advance, I will try my best to make my journey smoother to enjoy it to the fullest.
My Theme For This Year:
This year I am penning down the theme ‘ Life Is Ocean: Myriads Of Emotions.’ I will discuss the thoughts and emotions we usually go through in our daily lives at different ages of life, performing the different roles of lives. And how a little twist to the thought process can change the sight of both sides.
Wish me, luck guys, so that I can sail through this amazing yearly challenge. Hope I can do justice to the subject and my readers. Do come to check out my posts from 1st April 2021.
Till then, do not forget to subscribe to my blog to get updated on all my blog posts.
Stay Tuned!!!
Have you registered for the challenge yet? If, not no worries, you still have time to register yourself for BlogchatterA2Z Challenge here. Hurry up! As the last date for registration is 25th March 2021. Also, check out this calendar timetable to better understand which Alphabet is allocated to which date.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava
This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
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Twitter: itsarchanaS
FB Page: Archusblog
instagram: itsarchanas
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Looking forward to processing my emotions with you all through April.
So we are in for a treat from you all of April! Loved your theme and I know you will do full justice to it, Archu!
Thank you Mayuri, fingers crossed!
Loved your theme. Emotions are an integral part of our personality. Different people have different ways to express them. I am sure many will connect with it. Good luck!!
Thank you, Alpana!
I just loved your theme dear Archana. it is something that will bring lost of positivity in our though process. looking forward to reading your amazing posts.
Thank you Surbhi!
Life is an ocean – quite a profound thought that. Happy A2Z-ing 🙂
Thank you Suchita!
I am with you here.. even I wasn’t prepared the first time I signed up for this challange which was also the year 2019 like you. 2020 was amazing.. again this time though I have signed up once again.. but I am quite fumbling!! Wish you very best of luck.. looking forward
All the best to you too Payel, Let’s sail together by supporting each other 🙂
That sounds exciting!! Looking forward to reading, getting nostalgic, and learning from this series. All the best, Archana.
Thank you so much Navita! 🙂
What an amazing topic to write on. Waiting eagerly.
Deepika Sharma
Thank you Deepika 🙂
May your thoughts give way to better solutions and happiness wishing you all the very best for the challenge. 🤗🌼😘
Thank you, Siva!