Think To Embrace Your Imperfections #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Motion: Myriad Of Emotions – Today’s Emotion is Embrace

” To practice extreme self-care,

you must learn to love yourself unconditionally,

accept your imperfections,

embrace your vulnerabilities”~Cheryl Richardson

To embrace your imperfections, let go of identifying yourself as incompetent and personify the wholeness of your real being.

In the rabble, where flaunting your victory, accomplishments, has become a trend over SMs, embracing your low points sounds a bit unfit, isn’t it? Let’s have a look on how to learn embracing ourselves brazenly, instead of gloating over ‘I, Me, Myself’.

No offense, we belong to a society where blame -game is the inseparable part. It becomes our solely responsibility to come forward and mitigate the strain from our mind by embracing not only the bright side of what we have but also the dim view. By following few things we can start stepping towards embracing the life with imperfection:

▶️ Stop going through conventional ways, of following trending role models. Everyone is different by their looks, their thoughts, their priorities so how come one role model will work for all? Think about it!

▶️ Dwell with the people, belongs to brighter outlook.

▶️ Accept the fact that Imperfections are common traits that reside with everyone in different way.

Why It Is Important To Embrace Your Imperfections?

To Earn True relationships: Your honesty towards yourself will attract the honest people around you. Bragging for achievements may collect the crowd for a while. However, when the honest soul starts speaking crowd becomes bound to stick by them.

It Strengthens your mental ability and health: No negative comments or perspective can break you through once you start accepting your flaws high headed. These few sorted sights over little flaws foster inner and outer strength. You stop living in fear.

It makes you a better decision-maker: Confessing your weakness is more important than conceding your strength. Your merits will steadily help in the mission, but being aware of your demerits/limitations helps you in opting for the feasible path to attain the mission.

It prohibits you from distracting from the path: Knowing to embrace your flaws, knowing to embrace your differences, Knowing to embrace your failures, or knowing your struggles, will make you more cautious towards the opportunities. For instance, What to do? When to do? Or how to do it?

It helps in flourishing the outspoken side of personality: Personality and confidence are inter-connected; if we talk about outspoken it is more intent, being mindful outspoken. Speaking more will not make you confident and outspoken, Albeit speaking right in loud does.

It makes others know their limitation: No one can mock you, sneer at you, or laugh at you when you feel grateful for what you are neither on your face nor behind you.

To become more compassionate: “Only the cobbler knows where the shoe pinches,” being well aware of your own flaws and the related problems will always make you stand at the place where you can easily empathize with the other side’s story.

In nutshell, there is nothing like the word Perfection. Life is all about the caliber of embracing your Imperfections Perfectly. Why to ruin the essence of improvement in rushing for perfection?

Are your ready to embrace your imperfections, the way you crown your achievements?

Read the Theme Reveal post here.

Letter A: Appreciate the things you see or you feel.

Letter B: Latest trend of bullying.

Letter C: Confrontation is an art more than science

Letter D: “Deja Vu”

This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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30 thoughts on “Think To Embrace Your Imperfections #BlogchatterA2Z”

  1. Pingback: How To Deal With Emotional Changes In Teens #BlogchatterA2Z

  2. Pingback: How To Be Young At Heart Forever? #BlogchatterA2Z

  3. Yes! No one is perfect. We all are struggling with something in our daily life. It becomes a little easy when we accept ourselves gracefully and embrace our imperfections. Loved your posts.

  4. wow loved it. indeed in fast pace world, where everyone chase for achieving perfection is every aspect of life, your post give us a beautiful reminder that it is more important to embrace your im perfections and enjoy the journey. loving the series dear.

  5. Embrace your imperfections,… It’s Flawsome…
    Accepting yourself with good or bad, the whole self.
    A lovely post highlighting the importance and ways to do it.

  6. Such important points which need tobe written and read to one self daily. Confessing your weakness i actually really important.
    Beautiful points you have given there
    Deepika Sharma

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