8 Things To Sacrifice For Better Future #BlogchatterA2Z:


Life Is Ocean : Myriad Of Emotions– Today Emotion is ‘Sacrifice’

“The most important decision about your goals is not what you’re willing to do to achieve them, but what you are willing to give up.” Dave Ramsey

Success is a simple measurement of the commitment. sacrifice and pain one endures to achieve a dream.” The GymFather

What Is Sacrifice

Giving up something that you love to live with in place of something better to achieve is Sacrifice. When we asked for sacrifice, a tinge of detachment assuredly unnerves the happiness for a spell. Nevertheless, it flourishes the euphoria around when we receive a huge accomplishment in exchange.

For Instance: When I was in 10th grade, and my board exams schedule released. Papa asked me to subside TV time to extend study time only to prepare all subjects at least once before the commencement of exams. My addiction to Cable TV put me on cry the whole night.

I went to Papa early morning and asked, “is sacrifice necessary to gain something?”

Papa~ ” Not at all, it is just a prioritizing the call of the time, and the time which you have limited, so you need to renovate your schedule as per the requirement. And if you want outstanding results, you need to extend the zone of hard work, which you have to borrow from the entertainment zone, which can wait for your return once exams get over. Sacrifice is simply practicing prioritizing and discipline since we don’t have space and time to accommodate everything we like.”

The next day, I made my timetable purely omit the TV time for straight 2 months without much ado. Be it Zee Tv’s Amanat Or Doordarshan’s Chitrahar or Rangoli, nothing could melt down my determination; I proudly choose sacrifice for my better future.

My first learning to Sacrifice started from that day!!!!

8 Things To Sacrifice For Better Future:

A better future could be a study for kids, a career for grown-up ones, a passion for anyone, a peace for someone, it could be anything, depend on person to person. Listing down 8 crucial feats to sacrifice if one is gazing for a better tomorrow.

Measuring Success From Other’s Parameter: No one can define your success except you. Your neighbor, your colleague, your friends, everyone has their own vision, own destiny to see themselves in future, considering their own factors and priorities in the pocket. So sacrifice your habit to compare your success with others or vice-versa.

Fear Of Change: Change is the only constant thing in the whole world. Sacrifice your fear towards change, cuddle it if it brings joy, stand like a rock if it comes to break you, but do not fear in any way.

Pleasing Others: The perpetual epidemic of pleasing others will not take you anywhere. Those who love you will love you in any form, and those who don’t like you, what is the need of wasting time in pleasing them. Let the pattern desist.

Crave To Be Special: Those who are well determined to have a better future chose to sacrifice their craving for any special treatment or catching limelight. They recognize the real worth of their energy and time.

Lament for Circumstances: A substantial believer knows that problems come and go at certain intervals; they glance at a solution rather than lamenting on causes and effects.

Wide Social Circle: Draw the Ideal limitation of social engagements. It gives room to incorporate your energy in grooming yourself as a person, or as a professional.

Entertainment Span: Wait! Sacrificing the entertainment zone doesn’t mean that enjoying the moment is barred; it is just a logical distribution of time.

Giving Reaction On Everything Happens Around: Refrain yourself in reacting to every rational or irrational feat that happens around, better to invest in grooming yourself somewhere worthy.

In rundown, the choices you make to use your time, energy, money, and knowledge determine what your future is going to be. Always remember that sacrifices are only for a short period of time. Sacrifices are temporary, the rewards are yours to enjoy forever.

Do you have any story where you prepared yourself to sacrifice to gain something better? I am waiting for your answer, do share!

Read the Theme Reveal post here.

Letter A: Appreciate the things you see or you feel.

Letter B: Latest trend of bullying.

Letter C: Confrontation is an art more than science

Letter D: “Deja Vu”

Letter E: Embrace your imperfections

This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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33 thoughts on “8 Things To Sacrifice For Better Future #BlogchatterA2Z:”

  1. Pingback: Learn Zeal To Life And Zip To Lip #BlogchatterA2Z

  2. Some good pointers here. We repeat the same mistake of measuring success from the scale of the other people. Measure with your own scale and climb up the stairs to success.

  3. Fear of change is quite an important roadblock. We find it so hard to let go of that fear that many times it stops us from seeing the bigger, much more beautiful picture. But once we cross that fear, it is so freeing!

  4. What a co-incidence..I have a similar story of grade 10 exam. I remember, I was severely addicted to cable tv ( ZEE tv was new at that time) and my father did same to me. yes, at that time, I felt so bad but making that sacrifice, I get very good marks in exam. I agree with all pointers dear. indeed, life is not a bed of rose, we have to learn many things every day and have to make many sacrifices as well.

  5. I so agree with all 8 things and one which I too believe in strongly is not to do anything for entertainment. Glad you shared these pointers

  6. What a great thought- sacrifice is just prioritizing and discipline. More than often we start cribbing about the sacrifices we have to make but as you said- it’s just the rescheduling your time and its logical distribution according to the priorities. Great tips 👍

  7. Its a special post. People tend to view sacrifice in a negative way. You have such beautiful examples of what it really means to scarifice. I personally found the need to please others very relevent for me. I can’t say no
    Deepika Sharma

  8. These are some great pointers, especially pleasing others, measuring or comparing success from other’s parameters should be sacrificed in the first place. I don’t remember anything particularly but I feel when I stepped into motherhood I sacrificed a lot for the love of our kids, not sure will it be counted for better future or not, but yes we did it.

  9. I loved the quote by Dave Ramsey. And the pointers are so vital for our existence that it is essential for a peaceful life. In this contemporary times , and the CoVid has also taught us that the parameters of success needs to be thought from another perspective.

  10. Talking of sacrifices…in our times of arranged marriages, we sacrificed and compromised so much for the husband and for the kids. These days there is hardly any sacrifice from both the partners! They want their SPACE..then why get married is my point.

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