How To Proceed Guilt Free Life? #BlogchatterA2Z

Guilt free girl enjoying on road

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions– Today’s emotion ‘Guilt’

The guilt you feel finally comes to an end when you fully express how it came into your consciousness.’ ~ Luke Garne

‘Guilt is an indulgence, it entangles you in the past.’ ~ Gregg Herwitz

Mistakes and guilt both generate by our “wrongdoings“. Humans are made to make a mistake. No one on his planet is spotless. The first step towards correcting your mistakes is to realize one, and you have done it. Now, know this thing that we are humans, and we tend to make mistakes. There is nothing like perfection in this whole world. If you know you are sorry, it should reflect in your acts.

Guilt is an “awareness” of the conscious mind: mentally, emotionally, or physically. It’s having a conscience regarding one’s behavior or actions. The awareness convicts the heart or mind and causes the person to feel sorrowful, remorseful for their actions.

Causes Of Guilt:

▶️ Conflict between personal and ethical values.

▶️ Shown selfish side when someone in opposite was in genuine need.

▶️ Thought process or yearn that you believe shouldn’t come to your mind.

▶️ If you betray someone despite of loyalty towards you.

▶️ Mental or Physical concern.

▶️ Broken trust for your interest.

▶️ Gone through any trauma.

Steps To Proceed Guilt Free Life:

Acknowledge Your Guilt: Sit calmly, think about what makes you trap under guilt, your greed, your carelessness, or your selfish attitude, scan it out of curiosity rather than being judgemental. If possible, not it down on paper; vent it out all your feelings. Watch your judgments every time before release. Judging is the root of the cycle of guilt.

Find out why: Now connect the dots to explore the trigger point that impels your behavior towards the unpleasant feat. Do not feel shame; make the self -confession based on honesty and integrity. Focus on your real feelings and needs. Accept, attend and honor each of them.

Time To Apologize: The only way to set you free from the trauma of guilt is to apologize to the concerned person, amend your issues. Ensure your actions are based on your real needs rather than in response to conditioned cycles of guilt.

Learn And Move On: There is no right or wrong, good or bad but things to learn from for sure. When you have done or said something you regret, do take responsibility, own up to it, really apologize from your heart, stop doing it and move on.

5 Facts About Guilty:

Guilt can make you a belligerent creature:  If you are forcing someone to go on a guilt trip, you are basically planting the seeds of resent in their hearts.

Unsettled guilt haunts you whole life: Also if guilt is not taken under the right time of span, it averse you to enjoy life.

Guilt-prone people assume they’ve harmed others when they haven’t: When your trigger for feeling guilty is set too low, your guilt alarm goes off very easily.

Guilt does protect relationships: Guilt occurs primarily in interpersonal contexts and is considered a “pro-social” emotion because it helps you maintain good relations with others

We experience 5 hours a week of guilty feelings: Study says if you add up all the moments you spend feeling guilty, it will be a pretty significant chunk of time. 

Guilt can paralyze you if you do not acknowledge it; it’s best to immediately deal with it. Do share your views on handling the guilt issues.

Read Theme Reveal here.

Letter A: Appreciate the things you see or you feel.

Letter B: Latest trend of bullying.

Letter C: Confrontation is an art more than science

Letter D: “Deja Vu”

Letter E: Embrace your imperfections

Letter F: 8 things to sacrifice for better future

This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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Note: Facts by experts and studies have taken from the various expertise websites.

19 thoughts on “How To Proceed Guilt Free Life? #BlogchatterA2Z”

  1. Acknowledging our guilt, is the first step towards finding peace. Sometimes , we even realise that it was wrong of us to feel guilty and that we are harsh on our own self.

  2. As they say in Hindi that antaraatma ki awaz hamse kabhi jhoot nahi bolti. When we hit alone, and reflect on our actions, there will be moments, incidents when we were guilty. Acknowledging it is the most important thing to free ourselves. No one is going to come and free us from the trap.

  3. Again an insightful blog. I also make mistakes, sometimes in anger, and then feel guilty later. It hurts like hell. Then I try to make myself calm. Thanks for sharing the suggestions. I’ll follow what you have mentioned.

  4. Five hours of a week you feel guilty.. That’s scary. I completely agree when you say we need to acknowledge that we are feeling guilty and instead of asking why I feel you should ask what to be done to overcome that guilt.

  5. Yet another wonderful post dear. loved all the suggestions. among all these, I strongly follow learn and move on. as human, we all make mistakes but is very important to learn from mistakes and them move on.

  6. A guilt-free life, because one deserves to enjoy life. Finding something that gives purpose and learns and move on. A lovely post to remind ourselves it’s ok to make mistakes and accept them. It’s about our awareness.

  7. The five facts about guilt are so apt. Your detailed points on how to lead a guilt free life i found them to be really helpful specifically learn to move on. You touched on a very sensitive topic today and kudos for handling it well
    Deepika Sharma

  8. Having studied in a convent, the sisters used to make us feel very guilty of any silly mistake too. Till date I cannot lie or hide things as the guilt just piles on.I wish it was not like this though

  9. I like how you described guilt as the awareness of the conscious mind. We can’t talk enough on the adverse effects of guilt. Acknowledge , learn, apologize, and move on, should be our approach.

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