Value Your Time, Help, And Advice #BlogchatterA2Z

help time advice

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions: Today’s Emotion ‘Free Help, time And Advice’

‘Unsolicited Advice are the junk mail of life’ ~ Bernard Williams

Who doesn’t like FREE stuff; Whoo; Free Free Free ~ Almost everyone, right? With no offense, Will you deny that as a public, we easily get lured by the FREE Offers during the time of elections in choosing the right Leader for the nation or our area? Likewise, we opt for FREE offers to sell our product to attract customers.

We grew up listening, ‘Always help others in need,’ ‘Be ready to help do not wait for someone to ask,’ ‘ Time is the best thing you can offer someone you really care,’ If you know the better pathway, be a guide by advising your next comers.’

However, the fact is Time, Help, and Advice are the most underrated things if offered FREE. The Unsolicited Trio leaves you with no respect and dignity. You end up finding yourself the last person someone would like to ask you, hear you or value you.

So, by the time, it becomes necessary to filter out our learning before passing it to our next generation. They could understand the crux of moral responsibility instead of finding themselves between the standard values and practical values. Ask before coaching with any of the offerings.

Situations; refrain from bombarding Advice, Help, Time:

▶️ Friendships, relationships, or any relation, definitions have changed over time. Nowadays, it is tagged with the term SPACE. As unknown, you feel more contented receiving or giving advice/Help, but you chose filtered sharing when it comes from your closed known ones. Share concern, let them know you are there at any time; however, do not be nosy until asked.

▶️ When a person doesn’t value your presence and hinting you through the behavior and words to leave.

▶️When you find that person is taking your truth-fullness for granted and hide things from you.

▶️ When you are aware person only comes to you, tethering selfish motive.

Ways You Let People Know Your Over Free Time:

▶️ You don’t abide by your time limits.

▶️ You are always available.

▶️ You always come with the option YES, without even considering all the factors.

▶️ Your immediate(means on a single beep) reply of emails, messages and phone calls.

Remember few things before offering Advice, Help, Time:

▶️ Have you been asked for it?

▶️ You are not living their life.

▶️ They are adult enough to take decision, so act as a parent.

Nonetheless, it may hurt, things also goes Person-To -Person

▶️ It might seem as patronizing.

▶️ Even though you have fair intension, it could be bothersome.

▶️ They have confidence on their way of dealing with, and want to share it only.

▶️ They have disdainful attitude and feel receiving help or advice may show their vulnerability.

Despite all the realities that ruling in the mind and society, beneath all and above, your heart knows well that you must stand by your words, your hands, your advice, and of course, by your time when you are obligated to and when you know this person will accept help.

Read Theme Reveal here.

Letter A: Appreciate the things you see or you feel.

Letter B: Latest trend of bullying.

Letter C: Confrontation is an art more than science

Letter D: “Deja Vu”

Letter E: Embrace your imperfections

Letter F: 8 things to sacrifice for better future

Letter G: How to proceed guilt-free Life?

This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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15 thoughts on “Value Your Time, Help, And Advice #BlogchatterA2Z”

  1. What a practical post this is. Advice and time when given away unfiltered and in ample often tend to lose their value and respect. One must tread carefully even if they have the best intentions.

  2. Some very practical pieces of advice, that must be kept in mind to ensure our own sanity. People normally don’t value the free stuff. It’s basic human psychology. So it becomes mandatory to add value to it by setting healthy boundaries.

  3. Truly said, Time, Help, and Advice are underrated if free.
    We need to be careful before offering them free and refraining at right time.
    Liked the post, as never saw it from this angle.

  4. Agree with all pointers dear. I feel time is more valuable that money and we should use our time so wisely as this can make a major difference in our present and even future life. also, giving free advice is not a good option. agree, that every one is adult enough to make their choices.

  5. I am guilty of two and time. I am a people pleaser and find it very difficult to say NO…I don’t give advice to anyone but bend over backwards to help. I am trying to control this but haven’t been able to 🙁 People just use me and take advantage.

  6. True unsolicited advice can only be a bane. Liked your way of putting it. Specially when you are investing your time.
    Deepika Sharma

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