7 Common Myths About Emotion #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions – Today’s Emotion is ‘Myth’

“Our emotions don’t necessarily tell us the facts about the situation, rather they tell us our interpretation of the facts.”
~ Carolyn Mahaney

Emoji balls, face mask

Emotions describe a collection of physiological states that include subjective experience, psychological experiences, and the nervous system’s responses.

Even though under strong emotional influence how one perceives things and how one makes decisions matters first, sadly, most people spend very little time talking about their feelings. The harsh truth is we were never educated about feelings.

We were told to learn socially acceptable trends to handle feelings by observing the people and occurrences around us. Our disposition to talk about and share feelings is majorly dependent on the culture, age, religion, ethnic background, and language to interpret emotions.

Whereas the real meaning of emotion is beyond all these. Let’s have a look at few common myths attached to emotions.

Biggest Common Myths About Emotions:

▶️ Ignorance Is The Best Way To Shoo Away Emotion: It could be true in the case of a mild one. Emotions if not sufficiently acknowledged or expressed tend to go etched deeper. Which might lead to depression and come out of irrational anger or grief.

▶️ Showing Emotion Is A Sign Of Weakness: It required huge guts to let others know about our real circumstances. Being able to communicate your emotional signs you have a deeper understanding of them.

▶️ Emotions Are Uncontrollable: We can gain some control over the types of emotions we experience through paying more attention to how to react to stressful situations and actively challenging ourselves to think about situations differently.

▶️ Venting Out Makes Us feel Better: This is a commonly held misconception that venting out makes you feel better. Instead what it often does is traps us into a certain way of thinking and rationalizing that might be difficult to get out of.

▶️ Negative Emotions Are Bad: Every emotion is information and has a purpose, through which our body and brain react sensibly to different situations. There is no good or bad Emotion; any emotion can turn bad if you fail to cope.

▶️ Changing Emotion Is Inauthentic: Emotions can vary from moment to moment. No need to hold on to emotion longer than the moment. By synchronizing our emotions, we can use them worthily.

▶️ Others Are Responsible For Our Emotion: Nobody can make you feel anything. Most people think that their emotions come from what happens outside of them—such as situations, events, or other people. 

The restrain the myths about emotions to impact your thoughts is to pinpoint your own myths, observe what triggers them, and then handle them with a healthy mind and behavior.

How important you find these myths to be recognized in expressing and understanding your emotions? Do share in the comment box!


Read Theme Reveal here.

Letter A: Appreciate the things you see or you feel.

Letter B: Latest trend of bullying.

Letter C: Confrontation is an art more than science

Letter D: “Deja Vu”

Letter E: Embrace your imperfections

Letter F: 8 things to sacrifice for better future

Letter G: How to proceed guilt-free Life?

Letter H: Value Your Time, Help, And Advice

Letter I: Find Your Ikigai

Letter J: How to jazz Up your life?

Letter K: Kinds Of People You Meet In Life

Letter L: Learn To Let Go Of The Past

This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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30 thoughts on “7 Common Myths About Emotion #BlogchatterA2Z”

  1. Very well said.. There are so many myths attached to emotions and you have covered them all beautifully, especially people who show emotions are weak and negative emotions are bad.

  2. Agree with most of them. Emotions should not be ignored at any cost. Subtly expressing them is what makes the difference. Negative emotions are also a part of our personality. They need to be observed and let go without any judgment or evaluation. Some very important pointers.

  3. Myths around emotions, oh we carry them in ample. They are uncontrollable, and ignorance is the best way, this is not always true. And well said every emotion has a purpose, so negative emotions too play a major role in our lives. I liked this post as it helps us know being emotional is not a weakness.

  4. I agree with all your seven points or myths. Emotions are something we all have either positive or negative. Sharing all is not a good idea. Some emotions should be held back. After my husband passed away, I always put up a brave face even though I was facing huge difficulties. But when I was going through depression I started sharing and didn’t hide it and that gave me the strength to fight it.

  5. Very true. There are myths a plenty regarding emotions. You have described them in detail though i was surprised that venting out is not really a good option
    Deepika Sharma

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