2 Major Enemies Of Your Life, Anger & Worry! #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Ocean : Myriad Of Emotions – Today’s emotion is “Anger & Worry”

Discussing almost all the emotions, we go through in the modern era every then and now, we have managed to step on the last leg of the emotional myriad. Won’t it be unfair if we forget to mention our two major enemies, i.e., Anger and Worry!

Enemy? Yes! Enemy, don’t you remember what our parents or elders kept chanting to our ears? Chanting? Of course, chanting, don’t lie; at least at that age, we named most of the lessons chanting. At the same time this is also equally true, by the age, we made sure to imbibe all their lessons, which benefitted us from time to time.

Let’s move forward to the two very common sayings from our elders,

Krodh insaan ko andha kar deta haiAnger makes the person blind

Chinta Chita ke samaan haiWorry is like a pyre

If you could control these two emotions, you will be happier, but you will be the happiest if you know the tactics to command Anger and worry. How many moments do you have where you lose your control over temperament and wish if you could control your words or action at that moment. The outcome would be a little different, a little better.

So begin with identifying the ground level of the hazy moment, when Anger takes over your senses.

What To Do When ANGER Takes Hold

▶️ Give a name to emotion 

If you don’t control your anger, more is the chances, anger will overtake you. Label the emotion you feel enables you to process it. Hence, step back for the betterment and observe what is going on inside and out of you. 

▶️ Identify the fear fueling it

The base reality is anger is the byproduct of fear. For instance, fear of ego, fear of losing possession, battle, relationship, social image, security, etc. Knowing the root of anger will help you in behaving constructively.

▶️ Give yourself time out 

The stress hormones anger triggers literally impair the oxygen flow to the brain. So it takes time for those hormones to level out and rational thinking to return. The best is to keep you at a distance from the place or from the person you’re angry with as of immediate solution. This tested and tried therapy will certainly drag back your temperament to the state of mild discussion or thinking.

▶️ Later, Consciously choose your response

Being able to consciously choose how you will respond is what anger management is all about. What is the most constructive response to this predicament? What is the outcome you most want to achieve that is good for you and others? What conversation do you need to have, with whom and about what? What changes need to happen?

▶️ Don’t bottle it up

Will you agree with me that the majority of people are extremely instant in giving reaction in anger? Whereas, few bottles it up and stew on it. Both ways, it hit your physical and mental wellness very badly. Keep the matter on halt for a moment, till then jot down your trigger and valid points. Give some thought to the things that make you mad.

▶️ Progressive muscle relaxation

With this technique, you slowly tense then relax each muscle group one at a time. For example, you might start with your toes and slowly work your way up to your head and neck.

Ultimately, there is no magic to remain calm and composed 24*7*365. You encounter endless moments that might push you into frustration, resentment, rage, or anger. Only by learning to administer our emotions we can win over anything. Sometimes two steps forward, and sometimes one step back.

Do’s And Don’t In Anger


  • Do speak up when an issue is important to you.
  • Do take time out to think about the problem and clarify your position.
  • Do try to appreciate the fact that people are different.
  • Do try to avoid speaking through a third party. 
  • Do Speak in “I FEEL,” “I THINK” language rather than imposing. 
  • Go for a walk around.


  • Don’t participate in intellectual arguments that go nowhere.
  • Don’t expect change to come about from hit-and-run confrontations.
  • Don’t tell another person what she or he thinks or feels or “should” think or feel.
  • Don’t make vague requests.
  • Don’t use below-the-belt tactics.
  • Don’t strike while the iron is hot. 
  • Don’t air your disputes on social media.
  • Don’t give reply to any messages, emails, phone calls in anger.
  • Press the pause button on the argument right away.
  • Don’t dwell on the matter.

When WORRY Takes Hold

Worrying is a form of thinking about the future, defined as thinking about future events in a way that leaves you feeling anxious or apprehensive.

It has no limit; unlike anger, anger has few issues; we work on it to get out of it or escape from it. But Worry if we say, those who have a tendency to worry about every tiny and big thing, their job is limitless. It is initially not recognizable, of lately may cause many severe effects on mental and physical well-being.

Everyone feels afraid or worried at times, but if these feelings begin to take over your life, then you may have crossed over into generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which is the most common anxiety disorder among older adults, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).

Steps To Burst Out Worry

Prepare a list of all your worries

List down all your long-term, short-term worries. The worries related to your future, present, past deeds. Worries related to the financial condition, physical well-being, related to your or your dear and near one’s safety. etc.

Analyze your list

Segregate your worries based on productive and non-productive. Productive worries on which you can work right now. Suppose you wish to travel to some specific destination, plan leave, budgeting, bookings, etc. Opposite to that, unproductive worries are which we can say are presumed or based on “if,” ” what if I lost my source of income?” ” What if I caught the life-threatening disease?” etc.

Accept the term Uncertainty

You may need to accept your own limitations or it may be a degree of uncertainty that you need to accept.

Good to practice Uncomfortableness sometimes

The deterrent worry helps you avoid discomfort, but if you force yourself to practice few things that make you uncomfortable or keep shifting over the comfort of luxuries to the absence of repetitive comfort for a change, you will achieve victory over your worry!

Cry Loud if you feel

Let your worries vent out by tears, cry out loud, once your fear of hiding something inside blows away, may it anger or anything, it vanished all your stress or worry. So cry in a closed room, open terrace, or in a shower if you really want to do so.

Be Vocal About Your Worries

Talk about your worries and anxiety with someone you believe the most loved ones who can be a great source of support, with empathy and understanding. Friends and family can also offer you valuable advice, giving you a different perspective on your problems. or consult the experts in the area.

Undoubtedly, Talk Therapy and cognitive behavior therapy work wonders. ” baat karne se hi baat banti hai,” I truly believe in. The more you be vocal about the problems, the more it opens the doors to solutions. Chose the best one and start working on it.


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This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

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15 thoughts on “2 Major Enemies Of Your Life, Anger & Worry! #BlogchatterA2Z”

  1. We all should have a very much control on our emotions and I believe that being a very practical person I hold my emotions intact. Really loved your tips for healthy mental life.

  2. Such an important post and you have listed down beautifully how to manage your anger. Will follow these steps for sure. As you said baat karne se hi baat banti hai, I do agree but sometimes chup rehane mein hi sab ki bhalayi hoti hai.. Again it depends from situation to situation.

  3. Can’t agree more on that!! These two are certainly among the most dangerous enemies of humans. Acknowledging the emotion is very essential indeed. Once we give it a name and allow ourselves to take some time out, it definitely subsides. All we have to do is remember these things in the time of distress. Being vocal about worries gives us a lot of relief.

  4. Great post dear and you had listed all possible options to manage our anger and worry in a positive manner. I feel writing out things work so great in giving a direction to our negative emotions. also, it is very important to give yourself a time out. when we take a time out, it give us an opportunity to think again about our emotions and reactions.

  5. Anger and worry, which can make or break a person. I think I need to take a printout of do’s and dont’s for an easy recap. As one neds to control the initial stage when anger piles up if one can conquer that we can win over it. Your post is meant for me it seems as I worry a lot and anger also comes easy to me. I’m improving with time but still, need to work a lot more. Talk therapy certainly helps.

  6. Worrying is an absolute waste of time yet we indulge in it day and night. Chinta chita ke samaan hi hoti hai. Its better to consciously distract ourselves and find something productive to do instead.

  7. I am a very calm person. I don’t lose my temper. I feel its a waste of energy. I wasn’t a worrier but since I live alone I have become one and I hate myself for it. Working against it

  8. Absolutely essential in today’s time on how to manage anger. A very pertinent post. Most of the times we regret after getting angry. You rightly mentioned the points like wait and then respond.
    Deepika Sharma

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