Add E(x)tra Dose Of Fun To Every Day Life #BlogchatterA2Z

Life Is Ocean : Myriad Of Emotions – Today’s emotion is “Fun”

“Enjoy life. There’s plenty of time to be dead.” ― Hans Christian Andersen

 “When fun gets deep enough, it can heal the world.” – the Oaqui

“Winning is only half of it. Having fun is the other half.” Bum Phillips

In the year 2020, deadly viruses planned to roam around the world by shelving our plans, hitting our physical and mental well-being. We didn’t give up, we embrace the new normal. Despite all the crisis, India was the only country that made maximum Memes on Coronavirus; women opted for many saree challenges, video challenges, WhatsApp Jokes, and what not? Remember?

You know why? We believe when things become out of control, we remain with two options in our hands, either Do or Die. And see, we have the ability to bravely choose both; we do pray from the pure heart at the same time we can create magic in everything to smile until your last breath.

Unfortunately, the second wave of the pandemic in India pushed the whole system, fell face down. Writing every day with a heavy heart, taking care of rest responsibilities, mourning over the grief of departing someone too soon, or someone in too much pain, no doubt all in all everything well trying to break us so deeply.

Maybe being a charismatic creature, not losing hope so easily; we know how to stand back and support others. Will you agree with me somewhere, in all the hues and cries, we missed the tinge of fun from our daily routine?

Hence let’s talk about how to add that extra fun to our life, or if possible to other’s life too.

1). Challenge yourself

Do something you can’t even imagine. Try to make yourself strong enough to do anything and at any time. Believe in yourself. Otherwise, you can’t compete for anyone with others. Sometimes, certain life changes can be helpful for our future.

2). Host online reunion party

In this pandemic, when we have limited things to do, we keep talking to our daily regular friends, for a change, plan a reunion party for ourselves, or surprise our parents with this amazing idea. Connect to their contacts. Ask for a suitable time and go for it. Tried and tested therapy to add fun to our day! Have some refreshment. online games or talkies.

3). Make videos of your dancing steps

Dance like no one is watching; it’s time to implement the same. Dance brings another level of energy that makes you forget all your worries and stress and rejuvenate the day with sparkling spirits.

4). Plan Your Weekend Prior

At my home, we have rituals of watching movies together on weekends, along with non-traditional food and some rounds of Jenga game or deck cards or Uno cards. Having Karaoke nights is also one of the best options.

5). Adopt a Pet

Do you live alone and feel lonely? Adopt a dog from your local shelter if you’d like to have a new companion who will greet you with a burst of excitement every time you walk in the door. 

6). Be the glue that holds people together

Make it easy for everyone to get along in a group by introducing your friends to each other. Help them discover things that they have in common with one another.

7). Be A StoryTeller For Someone

If you are a good storyteller, host a storytelling session for kids or elderly persons, mostly living alone or in old-age homes. Do not miss the opportunity to serve them.

8). Pick Any Favorite Laughter Show/Series Old/New To Watch

We are fortunate enough to live our childhood memories repeatedly by watching the fun -binge favorites show with our kids. You can choose any show of your favorite language, a pure laughter riot for a family, and help you keep all your tensions aside.

9). Let Your Kids Take Control

sometimes it’s fun to mix things up by letting your children take the reins for a little while. 

10). Have a Photoshoot Day

Why wait for some special occasion to have a well-dressed family photoshoot? When you have a beautiful family all the time with you! Go outdoor, forget about if someone is watching you or not! Keep the shyness aside and dwell in the fun of the photoshoot.

Don’t hesitate to do what you find fun, and it may even bring joy to others. Become a Fun Ambassador. Now that you and your family have recognized the power of fun pass it onto others. Sharing the positive impact of spending time with friends and family encourages others to do the same. Fun IS CONTAGIOUS.


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This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

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14 thoughts on “Add E(x)tra Dose Of Fun To Every Day Life #BlogchatterA2Z”

  1. I did every one of these things during the first lockdown apart from getting a pet. It is important to add a little bit of fun to our routine to break the monotony.

  2. This pandemic is taking a toll on us. Fun things do not occur as casually as they used to be before pandemic days. I try to keep my family happy by telling stories of positivity. My blog is buzzing with fun posts and it calms my anxious mind.

  3. A much needed post in these times my dearest but both on my mother’s side and in laws side so many are sick that finding it a little difficult despite trying hard

  4. Thanks Archana, for this post full of positivity that came as a ray of hope amongst this chaos that is taking a toll on our peace of mind. Trying to stay positive by whatever means, indeed helps us managing the feelings of anxiety that result from uncontrollable circumstances. Wonderful suggestions from your side. I have been following a few of them lately. Will try to include others too.

  5. Wow loved all the ideas and among all these photoshoot is my personal favorite. it is great fun to do this as a family. also, binge watching during weekend is always a great idea to add extra fun and spend some quality time together as a family.

  6. This pandemic has brought so much of negativity that some where we have forgotton to enjoy those small moments with our family. Loved all the suggestions . These are now of a reminder… Face this difficult time with a smile.. This shall will pass.

  7. A bit extra add-on in daily life and routine works as an added topping to life. I’m a storyteller and I liked your idea of the session, will surely arrange one soon. I did a photoshoot day last month with my kids and it was a fun-filled day for sure. Loved all your pointers to add that Xtra spice to normal life with added fun and happiness.

  8. I try every day to keep myself motivated, stay positive but the news all around and extended family is very demoralising. When there are people around one can at least talk but being alone really is pulling me down during this time.

  9. With so much of negativity which is spreading around it really important to add this extra dose of fun in life to stay fit physically and mentally

  10. In these gloomy times it is so important to become a fun ambassador. Letting kids take control, clicking pics and so many more activities you outlined are sure to keep the negativity out. This post should be read by majority
    Deepika Sharma

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