Book Review: Self Care- The Road Less Taken By Kapila Rattan Bhowmik

Book Name: Self- Care The Road Less taken

Author: Kapila Rattan Bhowmik

Genre: Self Help/Motivational Genre

Published By: Blogchatter

Language: English

Format: eBook

Pages: 49

Rating: 4/5

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About Book Cover

Book Cover: Self-Care The Road Less Taken
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The Book cover of the Ebook ‘Self-Care The Road Less Taken‘ is well designed by the author who preferred to print her own picture as a book cover. This clearly depicts a selfless yet independent person who is equally eligible for self-care. A subject that is conveniently kept on the back burner most of the time by most people. At first, sight, looking at the cover page gave me intuition, the book might have talked about only women’s self-care, but this really came as a surprise for me; it is purely about Self-Care irrespective of gender.

About Author

Kapila wears many hats along with the author. She is a techie by profession, an eminent author by passion, and an excellent mommy of 2 beautiful daughters. She well knows the skills of blending various life experiences by combining technology to achieve work-life balance and discovering herself all over again. She shares her parenting experiences to help new-age parents globally enjoy parenthood and grow. Kapila believes in the continuous process of learning and un-learning to become a better parent.

To know more about Kapila, reach out to her social handles.

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My Review

The eBook Self- Care The Road Less Taken is a compilation of 26 chapters in total. Where each chapter is well-curated with the 26 tips of self-care for instance, “Ask for help, setting boundaries, sleeping, honing skills, gratefulness, read, mindfulness, forgive, spirituality and many more. I like the tagline of the ebook, i.e., ” The Road Less Taken,” I couldn’t agree more on this Self- Care is the most underrated practice that we follow in our life. The author has beautifully discussed the several factors that aid in building the base of Self- Care in both ways, physically and mentally, up to a great extent.

Hit Points

What I like the most about the book, its easy language. Every topic has been explained in a very concise way by giving few casual examples. This trick of the author is the key skill to connect with her readers. For, e.g., “In the chapter NOSTALGIA, the author shared some tips how a simple chit chat over the gone days can connect you with the person you are sitting in any situation, and you start feeling connected.” Isn’t that true? Sharing one of the paragraphs where as a reader, I find it so relatable, and I am sure everyone out there will agree with the author:

Miss Points

From the cover page to the content, I like everything about the book that the author has mentioned to explain the big and small things in the best way to imbibe the practice of self-care—only one thing I missed, i.e., Food/Nutrition. I truly believe that the goal of self-care cannot be accomplished without mentioning the importance of nutrition. At the right time, the right food with the right quantity is the foundation of any care.

My Verdict

Self-Care The Road Less Taken ebook is indeed worth reading, especially when you have so much negativity around; a daily dose of self-care becomes the utmost requirement. Therefore, I will put the book under the category of ‘Must Read.’ As a reader and as a guardian, I understand my moral responsibility while suggesting the book to the right audience based on their age. Considering all the chapters, including the alphabet X chapter, I will keep this amazing read for the 16+ age group. Concluding my verdict by rating the book 4 out of 5.

Free Download Link:

This Book Review is a part of the #BlogchatterEbook carnival hosted by Blogchatter.

Stay Tuned there are more book reviews are coming in the month of June. In meanwhile, do not forget to download my ebook Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions, which is free for a very limited period of time. , in case you are yet to download it, click the link below.

Also Read: Book Review

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36 thoughts on “Book Review: Self Care- The Road Less Taken By Kapila Rattan Bhowmik”

  1. I got attracted to this book cover and liked it a lot .kapila’s book sounds really interesting and I am sure it can inspire us to get focus on self care more. Loved your honest review . We should definitely focus on self care

  2. Radhika Jindal

    Self-care is one of my fav topics and one must add this in their priority. I’ll download the book and share my review soon. You have put in so much effort to write such a detailed book review. Kudos to you!

  3. Self-care is indeed one vast subject that needs to be addressed carefully. In fact, it is one thing that most of us often miss out on. I would love to read this book in detail to know more about self-care.

  4. The Other Brain Inc.

    Kapila is a fine writer and her articles are quite in-depth so I guess the book will be a nice self-help read. There is nothing to lose by reading this one and the thought about Nostalgia is what I agree too.

  5. Self-care is so underrated, esp in women. I’m happy that this book will give us pointers on keeping ourselves happy and showing self-love.

  6. Self-care is a puzzle of many, people consider it being selfish or unconventional when it comes to women. I have to salute the author to pick this topic for her book. You have again brilliantly reviewed it, would love to read this book soon.

  7. Loved reading your review of this book. I have known Kapila, the author, personally and know that how particular she is with her routine. I am already halfway through this book and loving it.

  8. I have downloaded this book, but I still, have to read it. Really loved the idea of this book to talk about self-care which is extremely important in today’s life.

  9. Self Care is something that is oft-ignored. However, there is more and more awareness that is emerging now. This promises to be a good book that explains all about self-care and its need and benefits.

  10. Many of us ignore self care.. We surely need a reality check and reminder. I am gonna grab a copy, this book seems to be a must read for a person like me who usually ignores herself

  11. Agree dear self care is an under rated practice and despite knowing the benefits, many of us did not pay enough attention on this. kapila’s book sounds really interesting and I am sure it can inspire us to get focus on self care more. loved your review dear.

  12. Wow great Review. I would love to read this book. I agree Self care is most underrated and should be given serious thought. Giving real time examples helps to connect with the readers.. I strongly believe in that.

  13. Awesome review Archana. I agree on the point of nostalgic. And have experienced it myself. You captured the essence of the subtitle. We al read self-help book but still we miss to practice the lessons.

    -Alpana Deo(

  14. Suchita Agarwal

    Your point on the subtitle of the ebook – the road less taken – is so nice. Self-love and setting boundaries is indeed talked about a lot but few practice it.

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