World Is In Urgent Need Of Listeners Than Speakers #CauseAChatter

Remember when the Pandemic hit, and the very first announcement of the lockdown took us to house arrest, how we revamped our schedule to beat the lockdown blues? Along with trying every possible delicacy, participating in many pic and video challenges, and learning crafts and creative if anything we did the most is to call our near and dear ones to know about them, and their city’s well being.

Amidst exchanging several sweet and bitter memories to sharing a handful of advice and knowledge, can you recall exactly which part you have played the most, being a listener or a speaker?

If surging cases of COVID-19 are killing badly infected people simultaneously, the fear of Coronavirus and its updated version is killing the mental sanity of non-infected people. Especially for those living alone, young or old, everyone’s mental wellness is at stake. And the worst part is those who live alone cannot express their fear; they are fighting aloof. The passive feeling of being unheard is killing them every minute, even after having a good immunity.

The world is full of speakers, institutes have a long list of producing excellent communicators but tell me, Is being a good listener tough?

What Required The Most To Be A Good Listener

When the world is full of excellent speakers, no one pays attention to look at the attributes a good listener possesses. Those who contribute their precious time listening to the other side that too without any agenda are tagged as a ‘FREE, JOBLESS, BOOTLESS ERRAND and so on. But, believe me, if not everyone is mastered in such a sensible and intellectual job of giving time and ears to listen to someone’s story simultaneously, it’s not that tough too to lend your ears.

Listing down the basic qualities of a good listener……

They Are All Ears

Sensible listeners are in the moment physically and mentally both. They fully engage themselves in the speakers’ conversation rather than connecting the illogical chord of past and present. They keep aside all the things like books, gadgets, or any chores that can distract them or letting the speaker feel unheard.

They Listen To Understand

A good listener listens to understand, to empathize with the other side instead of throwing advice or building a sympathy castle. Whether they are truthful or not, true good listeners are excellent in keeping the secrets to themselves. Which is indeed a mandate clause of the listening process.

They Keep Asking The Questions In Between

The most essential part of the listening process is to engage with the speakers constructively. To keep the communication two-way. Sensible listeners keep asking the related queries with the speakers that indirectly solve two purposes. First, speakers get the confidence to speak fearlessly on any topic as someone is there to hear them who is not in a hurry. And second, asking questions maintain the rhythm of chit-chat. In addition to that, it helps in summarizing the things that they have heard.

They Don’t Hop

Wonderful listeners prefer to go with the flow instead of rushing and honking in between the conversation. They patiently wait for the moment to offer assistance.

They Process Complete Crisp Right Information

Those who have the ability to be a good listener believe in gaining and sharing the right information. They do not jump over the conclusion or believe in assumptions. Whenever required, they follow their ethics of processing the correct flow of information and that too in a very crisp and decent manner.

Related Article: Habits To Bring Peace Of Mind

Myths About Listening Quality

I Am A Good Listener

Every person claims to possess the quality of a good listener, where they think that just sitting beside someone and speaking on few topics, shedding light on a comparative study of past and present, and giving plenty of tips while walking place them under the umbrella of the perfect listener. However, good listening comes with regular practice in and out of the comfort zone that too packed with a huge amount of patience.

Hearing And Listening Are Same

Absolutely not; hearing is the physical function that requires the ear only whereas, listening demands the active mind and ear both in function. Effective listening is the process where words are clearly listened to and put together to extract the right meaning in the right way.

Listening Is Better With Gender Based

The biggest myth is that women are more sensible and active in comparison to men when it comes to listening. They instantly get connected and understand the emotions, opposite to the men. In reality, the level of understanding is nothing to do with gender, it is based on age, experience, and the level of patience of the listeners.

Intelligent People Are The Best In Listening

Big No! Can you compare IQ and EQ? Again no, right? As both reside in two different parts of the brain. One needs to have a sense of emotional intelligence to listen to someone. Many successful people in the world hardly take pain to listen to the plights of their peers, subordinates, or anyone around. So again, listening is purely empathizing with the other side.

So, it is easy to speak louder in a nutshell, but listening patiently to someone is way easier. In the hustle-bustle of fast-forward life, anything you can best give to someone in need is your time to sit beside and your ear to listen to the other side’s story. The feeling of gifting someone relaxation and relief of being heard is surreal.

This post is a part of the #CauseAChatter campaign with Blogcahtter and I am talking about Mental Health. Would you like to spread awareness? Get yourself register!

This post is a part of #BlogchatterHalfMarathon hosted by Blogchatter.


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29 thoughts on “World Is In Urgent Need Of Listeners Than Speakers #CauseAChatter”

  1. I think that’s a very important post. I have always believed that its important to be a good listener first of all before being a good speaker. And it requires a lot of traits to keep in mind to be a good listener.

  2. This post reminds me of.a video where when a girl is sharing her worries with her friend and when the friend started giving he advices thi her friend to just keep quiet. sometimes people need someone to open up to.

  3. You have chosen an extraordinary topic Archana. Every one requires a good listener who can listen to their issues and problems and sometimes give a feedback but only when necessary. A listener for some becomes a dumping ground which has become so important during pandemic 😊

  4. What a wonderful read this was. The world definitely needs more listeners when everything around us seems to take a toll on our mental health. There is indeed a huge difference between hearing and listening 🙂

  5. After reading this post I am reminded a quote by Robin Sharma that says we need to listen twice as we speak as we have two ears and one mouth”. Liked the pointers that differentiates between hearing and listening.

  6. These are such valid points. Listening is an art but it can be developed as a skill. Active listening can be beneficial not only in professional lives but at a personal as well.

  7. That is such an important subject you have written on Archana. There are many people who can talk well but I haven’t come across many who can listen to us well. And to support the mental health issues faced around the world we definitely need people who can listen to us. half the battle is won if you have someone who would just hear you out.

  8. That’s an eye opening post. Absolutely the world is an urgent need for good listener. A listener plays an important role in our lives.

  9. The gender-based listening myth was new to me!! I completely agree with you, good listeners need to have patience, an active mind, understanding, and above all, should not be judgemental.

  10. Listening is an art. Most people are not listening when others are speaking, rather they are busy thinking about what to speak. The secret to good decision-making lies in good listening.

  11. I agree with you, it’s not easy to be a listener. One has to listen to others patiently. And in today’s time most of us need a listener who can listen to us without judging us. Lovely post

  12. Such a timely post and well-articulated too. Good listening is an art that needs patience and conscious effort. You’ve given some good pointers to ace it.

  13. The Other Brain Inc.

    Oh yes today everybody is so opinionated about everything. Good listeners are very much needed. Thanks for detailing out qualities of a good listener and the myths associated with it.

  14. It’s very easy to share our emotions but at the same time to listen is not easy you have picked up a good to go topic… Thank you for sharing the post

  15. Wonderful post Archana. You have picked up a topic which is much need especially during this time. Seriously being a good listener is a wonderful quality one can possess. Being a coach for me or is important to balance between a communicator and being a listener.

  16. I found myself nodding my head on each point. We all (agree or not) have forgot the power of listening and are only focusing on speaking. This is a thought-provoking article Archana.

  17. You have explained it so well dear. I agree that in today’s busy world, listening has become a rare quality . I am glad that you have shared great tips to become a good listener. I am sure this post will help a lot people in becoming more empathetic towards others problems.

  18. I totally agree with you that one need to have a good listener before we share anything. It’s true that if you are a great listener you are emotionally and mentally strong stop

  19. They listen to understand – the is very important. We all are in a rush o say what we want to say but we rarely take some time off from our speaking part and focus on listening part. Giving someone an attentive, listening ear is like giving them the best gift they are looking for at that moment.

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