Book Review: Inner Feelings By Cindy Ann D’Silva

Book Title: Inner Feelings

Author: Cindy Ann D’Silva

Publication: Blogchatter

Genre: Non-Fiction

Pages: 40

Format: Ebook

Rating: 4/5

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About Book (Blurb)

Book Cover: Inner Feelings

Inner feelings are something some of us don’t recognize, or probably are afraid to address, or think it’s wrong if we feel a certain way. Inner feelings come, inner feelings go, some we need to talk about, and some we need to conquer. But, once we accept them and understand them, we can only decide how to handle them.

If we are shown how to understand and accept our inner feelings right from a young age, we could probably get through life more easily, especially when people and things around us change ever so quickly.

I thought this was apt for those who wanted to understand their inner thoughts through short and crisp passages.

Don’t forget to check out author Cindy Ann D’Silva’s another book ‘Aavishka’ that she published with her debut book ‘Inner feelings’

About Author

Cindy Ann D’Silva is a blogger, influencer, content writer, and belly dance instructor. Before this, she had a full-time job and sang with a band & choir in Kuwait, where she was born and bred. Currently, she resides in Bangalore with her husband and two kids. You can find more of her writings on her Lifestyle blog

My Review

The book “Inner Feelings” By Cindy Ann D’silva constitutes 27 chapters, showcases all the inner feelings that a human goes through in his life, E.g., Appreciation, confidence, gaslighting, passion, nostalgia, hope, strength, jealousy, etc. needless to mention sometimes we are well aware of such feelings, however, most of the time it goes unaddressed that indeed derails the purpose of everything we have. Furthermore, the author has also shared few moments from her life where she witnessed how things have gradually fallen into place by a mere acceptance and acknowledgment.


The language of the book is flawless and straightforward. In many places, the author has given her own examples, to which readers get an instant connection; I must say that this way author has successfully tossed the coin in her favor. Especially the chapter Nostalgia will triumphantly take you down memory lane.


I wish the author could have been a bit elaborative in the chapters. Inner feelings are a very vast subject to talk about, where several known, unknown, inner, outer factors also play an unavoidable role in hitting one’s feelings. This book is more of the author’s own feelings in the journey of her life.


I consider the book under the category of ‘One time read’ for all age groups. A few incidents and experiences mentioned by the author would be very helpful for everyone looking for ways to come out of their passive thoughts and to lead a happy, meaningful, and creative lifestyle. I will give a 4 out of 5 ratings to this wonderful read. So go download your copy and enjoy the debut book by Cindy Ann D’silva ‘Inner Feelings’ over a cup of masala tea.

Also Read: Book Review ‘A Magical Conquest’

Chit Chat Corner With Author Cindy Ann D’Silva

Q.1 What inspired you the most to pen down on the particular subject or genre?
Cindy ~ I have been writing about inner feelings for more than a year now, so it only fitted to start with that subject before writing anything else. I have observed that we have feelings that remain unheard of or not talked about, or left for later because we have no time to sit and talk about our deep inner feelings. Some of us still don’t understand, and we live in denial or believe that we are not SUPPOSED to feel a certain way, which is not true.

Q.2 Have you ever gotten writer’s block? How you overcome it?
Cindy ~ Of course! After writing my book, I sat on it for a week. Then I checked its spelling and grammar and again sat on it for a week because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to end the book or write more. Then I drafted my fiction book ‘Aavishka’ before I completed ‘Inner Feelings.’ So, every time I got writer’s block, I would snooze it out and then read and add more content to the books with fresh eyes.

Q.3 What is the best advice you would like to give to budding writers?
Cindy ~ Well, as a barely new author, I would say that one should write from his/her heart. I mean, some of us have awesome imaginations too, so when you think of a storyline, start writing and then give it time. Don’t write in a hurry just because others are writing. Believe in yourself and write. Give it a month or two… or maybe three. But, write, give it time, and then you’ll surely release an awesome piece of work.

This Book Review is a part of the #BlogchatterEbook carnival hosted by Blogchatter. I have also published my ebook this year Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions. Do not forget to download it here.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterHalfMarathon hosted by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

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37 thoughts on “Book Review: Inner Feelings By Cindy Ann D’Silva”

  1. I got my hands on Cindy’s book and loved it . She has beautifully written and expressed her feeling in this book. This is a very nice review from you

  2. I have read this book and many chapters from it during A2Z and had loved how Cindy has shared about inner feelings and emphasised each one of them. You have done complete justice to this book in your review.

  3. I love reading Cindy’s blog. Her writing style is very beautiful. This book review sounds like intriguing read. Would check out

  4. I have alwys enjoyed reading Cindy’s blog, Blogaberry. I am sure sge has done a commendable job with her book too. Would surely check it out. Thanks for your honest review.

  5. Releasing two books at almost the same time is a huge high, hats off to Cindy. I am intrigued to know more about the book now. Will check out the fiction book as well, as that’s my favorite genre.

  6. The book, “Inner Feelings”, seems to tackle an important subject that is usually not dealt with. It seems definitely worth reading once, based on your candid review.

  7. Loved your genuine review of this book. I would love to give it a read. As I love to read books in this type of category. Thanks for sharing

  8. Cindy’s writing is a great mix of wit and maturity. I’m sure her book will be a good way to understand inner feelings. Good review!

  9. The Other Brain Inc.

    I feel this book is like learning from your introspection and modifying your life accordingly. I will download Cindy’s book now as it seems worth reading.

  10. I too read the e-book by Cindy and it’s absolute beauty. Feeling could never have been explained/ expressed in a better manner. I didn’t agree to all the points but yes to most of them.

  11. Lovely review dear, I also loved Cindy’s book and excited to share my review next book. Indeed she has talked about various inner feelings so well in this book. Addition of personal examples make it more interesting.

  12. Actually I love this book which tels me more about my inner feelings. I have already downloaded doesburg and finished three chapters very soon I will finish.

  13. Inner feeling need to be talked about. They are always there wth us but we don’t acknowledge them. I like Cindy’s writing style. I have read a couple of posts from this book. I am sure, it will be a good read.

  14. I have yet to review this book . Reading lot of good reviews. Seems to be good .Thanks for the honest review. BTW, loved the cover page.

  15. An interesting book, and while i know you feel that it should have been a longer book, i wonder on this subject would any length actually be enough? it isnt a topic which could ever be exhausted!
    lovely reading the chat with the author – so relatable.

  16. I have read few of the Inner feelings posts and could relate to it, yet to read shall complete it soon. And your review is balanced that gives hits and misses to the readers to decide about the book.

  17. I love reading Cindy blog and like her writing style which is fearless and speaking the truth. This book sounds intriguing from your review. Would check out

  18. I have been following Cindy’s post on A2Z and love her unique write up, this book is super awesome too. Got my hands on the ebook and loved her write up

  19. I’ve been following Cindy’s blogs and work and i know for sure that she is good at it. Her book taps a very interesting topic which I think all should read it. I myself will download the book and read it soon.

  20. Priyanka Chhabria

    Have read some of her work and I have always admired her work. This book seems interesting as well. Loved reading the chit chat corner.

  21. I have read Cindy’s book and reviewd it too. I agree this book is a must read bood all the age groups. I could strongly resonate with it as we all deal with various emotions day in and day out, recognize them accept them and deal with them makes it easier for us to handle them. By giving personal examples she has added more credibility.

  22. I have read Cindy’s book and reviewd it too. I agree this book is a must read food all the age groups. I could strongly resonate with it as we all deal with various emotions day in and day out, recognize them accept them and deal with them makes it easier for us to handle them. By giving personal examples she has added more credibility.

  23. Really loved how this book covers the inner feelings and emotions of human beings. I have been through few chapters from this book and really appreciate Cindy’s thoughts on these feelings.

  24. I have downloaded this book and yet to finish it, it seems so interesting and amazing to read more about inner feelings.

  25. Very nice review and I really love the way you have interviewed the author. It is refreshing. You have been honest in the ‘misses’ section, I appreciate that.

  26. Inner feelings is a vast topic. I have read Cindy’s blogs on this topics. I guess, considering my interesting in psychology, I will like this book. Thanks for the honest review. BTW, loved the cover page.

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