10 Best Quotes On Mental Health Helps In Healing #CauseAChatter

A good mental health is the main ingredient to keep overall health at the best. Only mentally healthy person is able to know his real worth in both favorable or adverse situation.

I brought here some mental health quotes that really helps majorly in healing process. Healing from the grief, healing from the loss, healing from the broken anything that pushed the sanity of mind upside down.


1). “Self forgiveness is essential to self healing.” ~ Ruth Carter Stapleton

2). “Healing is an art, it takes time , it takes practice, it takes love” ~ Maza Dohta

3). “It has been said that time heals all the wounds.the truth is that time doesn’t heal anything.it merely passes. It is what we do during the passing of time that helps or hinders the healing process” ~ Jay Marshall

4). “Awareness is the first step in healing”. ~ Dean Ornish

5). “The practice of forgiveness is our most important contributionto the healing of the world” ~ Marianne Williamson

6). “One of the most healing things you can do is recognise whre in life you are your own poison” ~ Steve Maraboli

7). “There is always a hope, when your brain tells you there isn’t” ~ John Greeen.

8). “We don’t heal in isolation, but in community” ~ S.Kelley Harrel

9). “Healing the soul first then healing of the mind and body will follow” ~ Zhi Gang Sha

10). “Healing is a matter of time but it is sometime also a matter of oppotunity.” ~ Hippocrates

Read More: How to get back lost confidence?

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13 thoughts on “10 Best Quotes On Mental Health Helps In Healing #CauseAChatter”

  1. All the quotes are fantastic and for me, “Awareness is the first step to healing” has worked for me. And I think it is the first step to healing yourself and taking help from others.

  2. Motivational quote and Inspirational quotes can surely the way we loo at the world and sometimes just one quote can do wonders. Good to read bundle of them here.

  3. Such beautiful and inspiring quotes. I truly believe in forgiveness whether it is self or others it helps great deal in healing. These quotes are extremely motivating.

  4. Self forgiveness is essential to self healing… this is something that I believe in… truly. Forgiving ourselves is difficult but is so important. Letting go of pity parties in the head, anger, remorse, guilt, can make way for peace of mind. And when we do that, it helps to focus our thoughts on taking better actions in the future along which in turn builds our self-esteem and well-being journey. Thanks for these inspiring thought, Archana!

  5. Oh gosh that’s so true. Healing not only takes time but love too. From you and from others. I loved this one the best as i know it’s true and works too.

  6. I loved all the quotes you shared and the best among is “awareness is the first step to healing”. We need to spread awareness and make a happy place for all.

  7. Wow great quotes dear. I loved them all. loved the most is “There is always a hope, when your brain tells you there isn’t” ~ John Greeen. I believe in this quote so firmly and love to stay positive and hopeful all the time.

  8. These days I have been reading a lot of books in Self help genre and Alamo at all of them tells to forgive. Letting go bitter feelings will bring so much of harmony in our life. Infact self compassion is the second thing that we all should learn.

  9. Pingback: Are You An Expert of Blame Game Or Victim Of it? #CauseAChatter

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