Theme Reveal:Blogging A2Z Challenge 2019


Yeah!! Archusblog is here to participate in
#BlogchatterA2ZChallenge 2019. for the very first time with the mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness.

I found this Blogchatter challenge very amazing and helpful for all the new bloggers out there just like me, an outstanding booster to develop their writing skills through their blogpost.

So here’s the brief of this challenge for my readers from non blogger world A2Z challenge starts in the month of April every year,it gives an opportunity to bloggers to come up with their articles/blogpost in alphabetical manner like April 1 – Alphabet A ,April 2 – Alphabet B and so on ,throughout the month except SUNDAYs ,

After taking so many hours and days of thinking , walking through so many phases of rejections and selections of my own ideas finally got my theme to blog on i.e.



I will share my ideas , ways and some must be carry on attributes to gift yourself a lifefilled with immense happiness and positivesness inspite of dwelling with crazy/non crazy imperfections.I will keep my blog short,concise and interesting.

So guys Stay tuned!

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3 thoughts on “Theme Reveal:Blogging A2Z Challenge 2019”

  1. Pingback: THEME REVEAL A2Z Challenge2020 – ARCHUS BLOG

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