God Dag (Morning Greet In Danish) Friends
DAY 13-: MONEY Matters!

Remembering actor rishi kapoor’s very popular bollywood song on money,the lyrics says “Paisa Ye Paisa Nahi Koyi Aisa, Jaisa Yeh Paisa, Ke Ho Musibat Naa Ho Musibat,’ (There is nothing like money, whether you are in trouble nor not). The song personifies money and explains how everything can be bought with money in this world. Money and its relevance to our lives need not be explained the happiness on seeing ‘salary credited’ on the first day of every month explains it all.So lets put some light on both contradictory points of Money, whether it can buy happiness or not?
Though it’s true that money doesn’t buy happiness in a direct way, but we can’t deny with the fact that a lack of it can certainly buy unhappiness. Perhaps,Money is not everything,but it is surely a thing without which a vital angle of a secure life could not be mention. Hence I believe, money does buy happiness but that too only to the certain limit,where it is able to provide you all comforts,but beyond that limit the power of money fails, notwithstanding, your kindness ,positivity still able to clutch the true flavor of joy and happiness in one’s life.
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. –Franklin D. Roosevelt

Smart saving and investment plans of money only can give you better and safe future , understanding the significance of knowledge of best investment and outstanding return should be the priority of one’s life.finding yourself at secured place always gives immense satisfaction,which boost the level of happiness.
Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant. –P.T. Barnum
When I ask people what money means to them, I get words like freedom, choices and enjoyment. To me, this suggests that while money doesn’t buy happiness, it gives us the ability to pursue happiness. Sounds simple, yet often what we think will make us happy leads to disappointment.
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