#BlogchatterA2Z courageous enough to say “NOOO”

Jo Napot (morning greet in Hungarian) Friends

DAY 14-: courageous enough to say “NOOO”

“Learn to say “no” to the good and the advantageous, in order to receive the best.” 
― Sunday Adelaja

Stop presenting yourself as a” Public Pleaser”.Don’t damage your identity and freedom under the pressure of maintaining the image of “Good Buddy”. Those who loves you,believes in you ,will remain the same inspite of taking your NO as an answer,If it is not the same,definitely, it is a clear sign ,you are wasting your time on someone who are not meant to be a part of your happiness.Many of us end up saying yes to activities, plans,ideas only to regret it. We ourselves give the switch of our happiness in the hands of those who don’t deserve to be there or we drown our ownself into the sea of worries by saying NO,if we really have the right to decline a request or invitation, to stop spending less time with a friend.

“Sometimes “No” is the kindest word.” 
― Vironika Tugaleva

“It takes an effort to say no when our heart and brains and guts and, most important, pride are yearning to say yes. Practice.”
― Cole Harmonson

By following some notable footsteps, you can smartly and calmly handle the embarrassing situation of saying NO.The first thing one must understand the correct gesture and flow of conversation, take a pause before commit for yes,avoid the instant reaction ,go through the screening in your mind.priortise your to do list,you may messed up with it by saying yes . If you are already drenched, then you must have got a good reason not to say yes.Sometime saying NO sets you free from the undue unwanted dramas of life.You deserve and you are allowed to present the best show of yourself.

” Let today mark a new beginning. Give yourself permission to say NO without feeling guilty , mean, or selfish, Anybody who gets upset and/or expects you to say YES all of the time clearly doesn’t have your best interest at heart, Always remember: You have a right to say NO without having to explain yourself, Be at peace with your decisions.” – Stephanie Lahart

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