Hola Friends
DAY 2: Be Bonkers

Continuing with the tips and tricks of living a blissful life lets move towards a lighter note but equally significant note of life i.e.Be Bonker / going crazy. The Happiest moment of life clubbed with the deal of little madness. So what to wait for? its time to come out of shell.

Don’t let die your inner madness for the sake of maturity whether by age or experience.Let it too come in, but not at the cost of your incy wincy craziness. Sometimes choosing street food with the childhood friend over the scrumptious cuisine with formal colleagues gives more happiness ,feel to being drizzly in the rain go for it,do what you wanted to do,crazy about music vocal/instrumental but not good at it atleast give it a try listening your sour note is not that bad ,
though being style icon do upload some pics with messy hairs too, at the end its all going to give you an ecstatic experience.
Owing to jam packed schedule most often we put our plans on hold,dreams under wrapped ,give up on our passion , but why ?Because some are waiting for perfect time, some looking for lucrative bank balance and so on but trust me there is nothing like the term Perfect ,whatever it is merely about having a whale of time in your crazy imperfections.

Remember craziness doesn’t follow an ordinary path its always favors something out of box and thats completely OK ,what delights you bring it on!!
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Whoo hoo!!! 200% agree that we need a little craziness not sometimes but in our day 2 day life.loved the article…it reminds me my good times with my besties. Going great Ms Archu!!!
Thanks for read and words of appreciation dear!!!
True, there is no age for craziness and no cut off limit to one. One should live life till one’s last breath. Nice post.
Thank you Rashmi!