Konnichiwa (greet in Japanese) Friends

Whooohoooo what a start of the day for me when I was getting ready to share beauty of compassion in our life with my readers, while watching news I came to know about a little innocent boy from the state of Mizoram India ,his gesture of compassion for a small chicken touched me so deep and made me realised that my blogpost will remain incomplete if i forget to mention this incident. .Before I start anything about the word compassion I would rather like to share a brief of the incident that brought this boy into limelight.

This little boy was riding his bicycle and accidently runs over the chicken, as soon as he realised his mistake he came into action to make sure that chicken should be absolutely OK and wouldn’t injured much,he took the chicken right to the hospital and at this small age well known with the value of money ,he gave all his money for chicken’s treatment.
Ahaa!!!what a compassinate boy he is no words just claps,applauds for him!!!!!Do I need to say anything more about the beauty of compassion in the life?
‘Compassion automatically brings happiness and calmness. Then, even if you receive disturbing news, it will be easier to take, as your mind is still.”- Dalai Lama
Compassion amplifies the beauty of life by upgrading the level of one’s understanding.when you are not only empathize the pain, the suffer of others but also come forward courageously to alleviate the pain of sufferer by all the best possible efforts and thats the point when you actually honed your ability of being compassionate.
Embrace yourself with the power of compassion which is not only about the feel and expression of words of sympathy it is an act of ACTION to find out the root and cause and do possible efforts to subside one’s problems.

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“Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation”. Henry Ward Beecher
This is a beautiful story.. if only everyone could be as compassionate as this little three year old boy, our world would definitely be a better place to live in.
Compassion and empathy gives a really hard time for those who feel it as you cant always act on it. But these are the only 2 feelings that are still keeping us human i guess.Lovely story about the little boy in the beginning.
That’s a happy post! Compassion is so important to bring happiness and joy not only to others but to yourself too!! Thanks for reminding 🙂
I remember following your A2Z series last year but I think I missed this post. A great read like the other posts!
Such a sweet and touching story. Though we are non vegetarian we still feel sad when chics are run over by vehicles. This boy will go places for sure.
Compassion these days is a hard to come by commodity. People in this fast-paced life have no time for it. Heartening to see a little kid showing so much compassion. Hope everyone learns from him. Great topic to share.
Wow what a sweet little boy! If only everyone was like him, the world would be a better place. Compassion is and important part of our life and what sets us apart from wild animals…
I completely agree with you dear, compassion is such a beautiful and positive gesture that brings so much happiness and joy in our daily life. Thanks a lot for reminding us with this feel good post.
Wow!!! Great write up on most needed topic.👏👏👏
Our society needs to understand this most. The example of Mizoram guy itself is saying that we are born with this feeling but somehow started loosing it as a grown up ones..
Thanks for liking it dear!
That’s so true that compassion brings so much positive thinking on us, but people need to understand this. This little boy is an example of it. Nice write up