A movie that sets a new milestone in the history of Bollywood Cinema is Dangal (2016). The movie that doesn’t need any brief or introduction is based on the real story of Haryana’s(a state in India) small-town wrestler Mahavir Phogat and his struggles to train his daughters Geeta Phogat (the first Indian woman wrestler to win a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games in 2010) and Babita Kumari (gold medalist) In movie Mahavir’s part has been played by the actor Amir Khan, who himself raised the bar of his acting skill, This movie has represented the face of that Indian society where girls are not considered to have a good education where encouraging girls for sports was far fetched. This is very unfortunate to say despite tremendous change on the technical part, on living status, and all advancement still some states in India are not ready to come out from their conservative thoughts. their minds are stuck in the orthodox Patriarchial system, where boy child is always preferable over the girl child, to carry forward the legacy of family, even in 21st-century female infanticide cases are top of the chart. this film Dangal has made a fine effort to showcase the mindset of this society and the struggles girl faces at home, school or neighborhood level.

Mahavir Singh Phogat dreamt of becoming a wrestler all over his life however, his house condition didn’t permit him to make his dream to reality, he decided to pause- on his dream, only in the hope that he will live it again through the eyes of his future son, nevertheless, life served him another disappointment when his wife gave birth to four consecutive girl child. Undeterred by everything Mahavir never left a shot behind to shower his love and concern on his daughters and wife. An incident of a small fight between his girls Geeta, Babita, and a boy, rekindle Mahavir’s gone dream, he contemplated the incident where Geeta and Babita beat the boys badly because of their misconduct, Mahavir thought of that girls could also possess equal strength as boys then why I should think of boy to live my dream and he said, “Mahri chhoriyan chhoro se Kam he ke” , he took the plunge, put all his efforts to give the daughters best possible training to make them Pro in Wrestling, right from waking up Geeta and Babita at 5am for running to turning them from vegetarian to non-vegetarian, to making an arena for wrestling practice in his farming Land, to resigning from his job and getting back to farming in nutshell whatsoever Mahavir could do he did by every mean. Geeta and Babita did not agree on initially, they felt ashamed of doing the things, that boys were supposed to do, and the place and society they belonged to could not take Mahavir’s step positively, where girls at this little age were pushed into marriage and limit their life between house chores and kitchen, how can someone have thought of, to bring his daughters in such a field where they will have to face only boys, down the line Geeta Babita beheld their own worth in addition with respect their father’s decision, followed everything ardently whatever comes to their way, abided the instructions given by father Mahavir Singh Phogat they started to taking part in Dangals on town level then-District to State Level then National and today their hard work is known to all over the world, Phogat sisters successfully imprint their name among the top wrestlers on the International Board. eventually, it proved one more time when you crowned the success, the crowd follows your footsteps.

1). The devotion of a father to make his daughters pro in wrestling despite all odds he fought with the society shown all his courage to stand against the tide.
2). I would like to convey my message to all those who are struggling in their career like, where to go? whether with passion or profession, trust me, always listen to your heart go with your passion, sharpen your skills and the day when your passion becomes your profession no one can hold back your glory. Also, passion meets with profession it makes your life more contented, if you still have doubt go watch the movie Dangal where Mahavir Phogat got insulted by Geeta’s Coach but at last Mahavir took over the command and ask Geeta to follow the basics learned from him only, and the rest is history, I am sure you got my point on passion and profession.
3). The most important thing I strongly believe never ever let your success hit your head, be what you are, learn new things, work on yourself for every better, but always remember where you belong, who are your own ones, who sacrificed for you, Live your dreams with the hold on grounded feet.
4). In spite of being superhit movie with a strong inspirational message at some places I found the girls and their mother so helpless, as before deciding their future Mahavir never considerate the opinion of his wife nor his daughters, somehow I felt like he is pushing his broken dreams on little girl’s shoulders, which is not right according to me, maybe I sound wrong here, but ya this is my personal filtration.
See you tomorrow with another intense character. Till then have a happy reading, leave with your comments with a promise to be back tomorrow!!
#Staysafe #Stayathome #Stayaware #goawaycorona !!!
**If you missed reading my post on Letter “C”.
**This post is for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge Letter D**
What a brilliant choice for the letter! I had loved the movie so much.
Thank you so much Shalini 🙂
Interesting post and i agree with your takeaways. Yes he does sound inconsiderate at a point till the family realizes he is right. He saw the potential which others did not but yes, had the girls not agreed and he continued to force them to train, it would have been wrong. Waiting for the next one from you 🙂
Thank you so much Arushi for the read and honest feedback.
It’s a great film – the story of one father who decided to defy all odds. I love that movie. Hopefully, their story will inspire many more fathers to see their own daughters in a better light.
Yes, Shweta the purpose of any movie solved if it could become able to changed the mindset of even one person for better tomorrow, Thank you so much Shweta for the read .
This one is another my all time favourite movie Archana, and I just loved the way Mahavir ( Amir khan) trained her daughters to achieve dreams. yes..agree with last points, sometimes parents push their kids to pursue their own dreams. and at some level it is not right.
Yes, Surbhi I have witnessed many cases around me where pushed dreams have ruined the lives, everyone is not lucky like Phogats who take the things in a positive way, thank you so much for the read!
Another great movie.. I feel the girls and the mother were helpless because that is what happens in our society today, especially in small villages and towns. Girls are neither educated nor encouraged to participate in any kind of sport
True Simrit, I have witnessed many unfortunate cases around me. Thanks for stopping by dear!
It was a great movie! Loved your take on it. Incidentally, Babita was trolled yesterday for her comment on #nizammuddinidiots.
Yes Harjeet I watched in news it’s really sad how someone gets trolled badly, just for the reason he/she speaks his/her heart out.Thank you so much for stopping by!
Dangal is one of Aamir khan’s great movies that I missed. You are correct. The Indian society has a patriarchal mindset even iin the 21st century.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Dangal is one of the masterpieces from Aamir Khan that I missed and regret it to this day. And you are correct. The Indian societyy has a pathetic patriarchal mindset.
I appreciate your observation about him pushing his dream on to the girls, but I feel that was required in their circumstances. We all are the sum of our social conditioning, and the girls had to be shaken out of centuries of shackled conditioning, for which their father’s aggressive behaviour was perhaps the only answer.
I love this movie, everything about it!
Agree with your points Noor, sometimes it’s only parents who make us realize our hidden capability, Thank you so much for stopping by.
I watched this movie quite late but I remember i was crying in rejoice at the last scene when she does that rainbow strike!!
The same emotions were here also Tina in the climax, thank you so much dropping by and read.