#BlogchatterA2Z EXERCISE

Guten Tag(greet in German) Friends!

DAY 5: EXERCISE For A Healthy Life!!

“Healthy Body Leads To Healthy Mind”.

“The Secret Key Of A Happy Life Is GOOD HEALTH” ,

We grown up by listening and reading millions of health quotes .Do we ever count the percentile of adaption of such quotes in our daily life?Not sure ?No harm done it’s always better late than never,by making a committment to yourself at this very moment start to give atleast 20 min to exercise to attain a healthy body which lead to healthy mind eventually entails a blissful life.


Today we become far more vigilant about fitness .Research reports found, those who practises exercise at least twice a week are more happier and healthier than those who don’t.Once you add on exercise to your routine it opens various doors of happiness for you by removing stress and depression from the life.It makes one’s immune system stronger when one feels fit and healthy ,his/her confidence sparks gradually .When you find yourself ready for any outdoor/indoor activity, or at your workplace activities you feel much energetic and active.Exercise revamps your sleep .

So start practising exercise right away in whatever way you want to fit yourself.Those who are in love of dancing like me can opt Zumba /contemporary /hip hop dance rather than going to gym.Add on morning/evening brisk walk in your daily job,practise yoga,learn meditation.

Don’t forget an unhealthy lifestyle not only ruins the happiness of your life and body but dreams also,and UNDO keys doesn’t work on one’s life.Hence replace unhealthy word with healthy one by adding on 20 min exercise in your daily routine.

Wish you all aging with a HEALTHY & FIT BODY!!!!!!!!!!!

#BlogchatterA2Z Alphabet E


4 thoughts on “#BlogchatterA2Z EXERCISE”

  1. Liked the article… inspirational for ppl like me who are really keeping their excercise schedule on low priority. By the way these graphics added in blogs are becoming famous 😊

    1. Love ❤️ your article ..
      After my 2nd baby I couldn’t find time for outdoor activities but while reading your article I realized, I can do indoor activity for better health 👍🏼
      Waiting for next article 👀

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