Dr. JEHANGIR KHAN #A2ZofBollywood



Dear Zindagi a movie released in 2016 I won’t say this is one of my favorites movie, NO!! It won’t be true, what I liked and what pushes me to bring this movie here is the Dr.Jehangir Khan, and his thought-provoking solutions to deal with life. Not only does the movie aim to break through the stigma of mental illness but it also gives out major life lessons. The character of Jehangir Khan is played by Shahrukh Khan.


Dear Zindagi is a story of a young cinematographer Kaira (Alia Bhatt), who broke up with her boyfriend Sid (Angad Bedi) later found love in another guy named Raghuvendra (Kunal Kapoor). Here again, things didn’t work between both and they parted their ways, meanwhile, Kaira has to deal with several issues, she has to leave her Dream Project with Raghuvendra only for her self respect, as she was not comfortable to work with him, on the other hand, her landlord asked her to vacant the house, she left Mumbai with only option to get back to her home town Goa, where she already has issues with her parents and their pressure for marriage, she found herself and her life in a big mess. Out there she meets a physiatrist Dr. Jehangir Khan (Shahrukh Khan) and starts taking his therapy sessions so that she can get back her normal and peaceful life.


A meeting with Dr. Jehangir Khan enriched me with the endless life lessons listing some from them ::

1). Let your Emotions vent out, there is nothing bad in crying, or breaking down, go cry when you feel like, scream if it gives you relief.

2). We grew up with the thought that success does not come in an easy way if you really want something bigger you have to go harder way, don’t complicate when simple solutions can be implemented.

3). Society who still thinks that consulting a Psychiatrist is not normal should watch this movie which conveyed the message so strongly that discussing grief, depression, and issues with someone close is absolutely okay.

4). Treasure the memories of beautiful moments, most of the time we put all our energy in remembering the bad times. how were they, how we broke down, who hurt us, Do one thing, go press the Shift+Delete button of blue days and replaced it with the brighter days, laughter memories, living in the past will only bring the loss of present and regrets of future.

5). Parents also need us, we have limited time with them, we are busy growing up we forget to share real-time with them, we do celebrate birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day, plan to out above everything, do not forget that they need a listener now, it is our turn to perform the task of a good listener for them.

6). Take the control of your life in your hand, when we are well aware of our inner strength, we become free from the loop what others think about us.

7). As we grow up we realize that our huge friend circle has shrunk to 5-7 people, nevertheless, our contacts list has become longer than before but these 5-7 are the real ones for whom my existence matters or vice-versa, the reason is, we have chosen the Quality of friends matters more than Quantity of friends.

That is all for today see you tomorrow with another influential character. Till then have a happy reading, leave with your comments and promise to be back tomorrow!!





**If you missed reading my post on Letter “I”

**This post is for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge Letter J**


Image Source:: Google

16 thoughts on “Dr. JEHANGIR KHAN #A2ZofBollywood”

  1. I loved this movie and loved your take on it. Indians think only mad people should go to the psychiatrist. Had written me off too but I proved them all wrong by announcing I am depressed and venting it out.

  2. I simply love this movie. First of all because of Alia Bhat and Shahrukh Khan and second the storyline. I have watched it a couple of times and thorough enjoyed it each time.

  3. You know Archana, I am a big big Shahrukh khan fan and always love the way he portrayed different character on screen with so much intensity and perfection. i had watched dear zindagi and loved the concept behind it. indeed, mental illnesses are a big taboo in our society and still, people feel ashamed discussing their mental problems in front of others. the movie cover this important aspect of our life so beautifully.

  4. Dear Zindagi a beautiful movie, I always love such movies with strong messages especially this, which talked about mental health. Lessons learned were really worth reading and worth sharing.

  5. Quality of friends is so important but I know people who think quantity is more important. As always a lovely post of a wonderful character and of course some awesome lessons.

  6. Noor Anand Chawla

    I think this is the only movie in your series so far that I haven’t seen as yet! Liked your assessment of it though.

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