A QUEEN From India Made Whole London Crazy #A2ZofBollywood



Queen (2013) is a movie, consists of all ingredients to understand the flare of women’s freedom and depth of her womanhood with the perfect mix of little humor, little sincerity, little courage, a little hesitation, and endless laugh. Unbeatable and phenomenal acting by Kangana Ranaut has set another benchmark after “Tanu Weds Manu” for all the female actors in Bollywood, an underdog actress has successfully flagged her name in the fraternity through this movie, because if I am not wrong before Queen Kangna was always known for her glamorous act. She also Bagged Filmfare and National Award for the Best Actress in Lead Role for this movie, I must say Queen was one of the best Bollywood flicks of that year, also undoubtedly it has raised the career graph of Kangna. I have watched innumerable times, and every time I found something new to learn.


Rani Mehra (Kangna Ranaut) simple, a meek girl from Delhi, a day before her wedding her fiance Vijay(Rajkumar Rao)calls off marriage, saying he is not prepared for it. Devastated Rani decides to go to Paris and Amsterdam, her pre-decided honeymoon destination whom tickets were already booked, she went all alone despite, cancellation of her wedding. The story moves forward with many jerk dramas and adventures Rani faced in a new country, She got to make many true friends like Vijayalakshmi(Lisa Haydon), a group of boys(her roommates in Amsterdam), who helped her a lot throughout the juggles. Gradually, she realizes her worthiness that she is much more than only being a wife someone.


1). Do not compromise on your self-esteem, even when your forgotten loved ones come back after betraying you when you needed them most, there is nothing bad in giving them the taste of their own medicine. by keeping your self-esteem at kick them off.

You can read a fiction “Apology Not Accepted” on self-esteem.

2). Keep trying your hands in doing new things, you may get the chance to find out your own hidden talent, never known before.

3). Set yourself free from the relationship where you are not respected or valued, it might pain you for a while, but in the larger picture, you will find yourself at a better place, with someone, best for you, life is not always about “Happily Married After”

4). Wear what you want, what makes you feel confident and beautiful, you don’t have to get approval from society.

5). Traveling to new places, meeting people from different cultures and lifestyles, develops your persona and your lookout towards life and persons.

6). Happiness lies within, neither on the environment or situation nor on the person around, marriage or a man will not decide the happiness of a woman.

7). Queen movie has strongly conveyed the message to all those mindsets, doubted the friendship of different gender, Yes! Man and woman can be friends, can live in the perfect platonic relationships in the same room.

Have a Look on the Trailor of QUEEN Movie Once Again, may you crave to watch it one more time……

That is all for today see you tomorrow with another dazzling character. Till then have a happy reading, leave with your comments, and promise to be back tomorrow!!

**If you missed reading my post on Letter “P”

**This post is for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge Letter Q**






Image Source:: Google

24 thoughts on “A QUEEN From India Made Whole London Crazy #A2ZofBollywood”

  1. You won’t believe it Archana but this is just what I am doing now at the age of 56…living for myself! Queen really made me realise that I have to get out of my shell. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. A brilliant movie portrayed by Kangana. I think every individual should watch this movie not only women. It’s important to be ” You” respect who you are, what are your desires and choices. It’s better to be a free bird rather staying in abusive and disrespectful relationship.

  3. Queen what a movie, Kangana emerged as a brilliant actress with this movie.
    Don’t be afraid to try new things, happiness lies within, travel, be confident, really so many lessons it had taught all of us. I’m sure ready to watch it again and again.

  4. Queen is one of my favourite movies. I love Kangana in it. Though of course I found her taking up the stereotypical role often from there on. But Queen was different. Nice compilation of lessons.

  5. This is one of my favourite movie, where I learnt never chase anybody to keep them hold right in the relationship. If they want you, they will come back.

  6. The story quiet resembles with me. I also found my voice back when I started loving myself. Obstacles and rejections make us stronger and look inside. Nicely written Archana.

  7. Noor Anand Chawla

    Queen is one of the only Bollywood films that got everything right- a subtle yet powerful and relevant message packaged in a wonderful performance that was funny and touched everyone’s heart!

  8. This was an amazing movie and I enjoyed it thoroughly. kangana is really good in this movie and she has played this character with full conviction. as usual, all take away points are awesome and I agree with all of them.

  9. Queen was the first movie that I had watched of Kangana and I just loved her natural acting. Later I watched Tanu wed Manu, and recently Manikarnika and Panga…She has groomed herself so well…

  10. I agree one of the best movies of Kangana and what a brilliant movie. It had so much to teach a girl especially those who are not confident about themselves. Your points are spot on. Thanks for a wonderful posh again

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