When UNCONVENTIONAL METHODS Of Teaching Worked A2ZofBollywood


It is not only me I think everyone out there must have a teacher during school days or college. whom you admired the most. Hichki(2018) movie is the perfect tribute to all those teachers who inspired you or motivated you the most by their unconventional method of teaching or handling students. Movie plots the story of a school teacher Naina Mathur who suffers from a neurological condition called Tourette Syndrome since childhood which visible in the form of irregular Hiccups. According to Wikipedia Tourette Syndrome is,” a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary tics and vocalizations and often the compulsive utterance of obscenities”. Character Naina is played by the unerringly one of the finest actresses Rani Mukherjee. I wonder how she manages to elevate every character she plays just with her presence.


Naina Mathur(Rani Mukherjee), a Tourette’s syndrome sufferer since her childhood wants to become a teacher encouraged by her mother Sudha Mathur (Supriya Pilgaonkar) and brother Vinay Mathur (Hussain Dalal) but not by her father Prabhakar Mathur (Sachin Pilgaonkar).She dreams to become a school teacher but almost faces rejection in every interview due to her neuro disorder eventually, Naina gets a job at St. Notker’s School, which was her own school. she has appointed as a teacher of Class 9F, unruly behaved ill-mannered, underprivileged children from the slums. Due to their mischievous practices, they kept separate from the rest of the students in the school, in fact, they were also treated roughly by the management. The reason for bearing these slums students was only that the school management used the land of slum dwellers to build their school building. In return management committed to giving free admission to their kids. Handling these grouchy students was the biggest challenge for Naina, she faced many moments of humiliation and mock for her weakness. But she stood firm on her decision and tackle every situation so smartly and wittingly. She applies something off track unconventional methods of teaching to make them understand the discipline concepts of their syllabus, through which Naina got the keys to encounter her students with their own knack.


1). Accept your weakness with pride just by admitting this you open the doors for a comfortable road for you, road breakers might come in your way in the form of bullying, mocking to create hindrance but you are well prepared to tackle them since you know how to turn your weakness into a strength.

2). The most important message that I liked from the movie is “There are no bad children, only bad teachers” an ideal teacher is one who identifies and understands the worth of every student.

3). Rejections indicate us we yet have a very long way to go with better strategy and a huge amount of conviction.

4). Understand the origin of problems, why a particular student is performing in such a peculiar way teachers are supposed to first empathize with the students, their actual condition, their point of view, their expectation from life, and then channelize their potential accordingly.

5). There are no rich or poor students, they should be only students of equal level for teachers once they entered the school premise.

That is all for today see you tomorrow with another astounding character. Till then have a happy reading, leave with your comments, and promise to be back tomorrow!!

**If you missed reading my post on Letter “T”

**This post is for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge Letter U**






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21 thoughts on “When UNCONVENTIONAL METHODS Of Teaching Worked A2ZofBollywood”

  1. I loved this movie. It’s a story of a woman who dared to beat the odds against and a few children who didn’t let their lack of money and status pull them down! It’s a must-watch.

  2. This has been my all-time favorite movie ever since I have watched it. The lessons learned from this movie have provided me strength many times while managing a difficult situation in my class. Nice review by you.

  3. Rani mukharji is one of the finest actress of our movie industry and in this movie has given an amazing performance. the concept of movie is really good and I had a great time while this movie. agree with all takeaway points dear.

  4. I have always been a fan of Rani Mujherjee’s voice and here acting. But this movie made its place in my heart. The message it conveyed it so powerful. Someone with a weakness talking so confidently and achieving her dream is very inspiring. Today, even with a small flaw, we develop a inferiority complex.

    1. Yes, Harjeet sometimes it happens, In this movie, the biased behavior of teachers towards underprivileged students made us think that teachers can also be at fault sometimes.Thank you so much for dropping by 🙂

  5. I had loved this movie! Very emotional and inspirational. You have analyzed it so well, and the messages are aptly drawn.

  6. I really want to see this movie and hopefully will manage soon. I agree with you accepting your weaknesses is good and sometimes it opens new doors. And of course, a student is a student. Lovely post again

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