Mothers Are Special #Mothersday2020


The first love of anyone on this planet, the first bond one can feel right from the moment God plans for his/her emergence, where words do not play even a small role, a mere touch conveys it all so perfectly i.e. one and only *MOTHERS* Isn’t It?

Making just one day special for mothers in the whole year is certainly not our Indian culture, where we start our day by seeing a mother’s face at first. Yes, I know where on one hand on this day social media is flooding with the messages of mother’s Day, on the other hand, there is also a group of people sitting to pass the judgmental comments. Nonetheless, tell me what is bad in this if someone wants to share the importance of the mother in their life, their bond of love, and tales of mothers on his/her social media, I do not find a flaw in such celebrations, leave them alone with their way of celebration ultimately it is all about someone’s mother. Once again I am saying I know EXCEPTIONS are always there.

So here is my way of celebration where I dedicated a small poem to my mom on this special day……

Mumma Take Me Back To The Days

Where I And You Lived In Our Own Space!

I Never Wanted To Grow This Much,

Where I Could Free Myself From Your Clutch!

Your Love And Scolds Are Only My Treasures,

Which Embraces My Life With Utmost Pleasure!

Living On A Foreign Land Was Never My Dream,

Trust Me Your Girl Can Shine From Anywhere With Gleam!

Mumma Why Are You So Special For Me,

Why Just Your Glimpse Fills My Day With Glee!

Listen Na, I Am Coming Very Soon,

Till Then Take Care My Luck My Fortune!

HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY MUMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the celebration of Mother’s day, I would like to share one more reason of my happiness here that my blog is featured as one of the best blogs on the comprehensive list of Top 200 Mom Blogs across the globe by Feedspot.

Do check out my blog rank at no.14 on the link below:

Thank you so much Feedspot for this honor, getting featured with the so many acclaimed bloggers across the world is indeed an honor to be treasured for life.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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