My Debut Book “Bolly Talkies”`#BlogchatterEbook Carnival 2020


Can someone please pinch me? Ah, can’t believe that one of my dreams finally turned into a reality, yes finally my first ever book “BOLLY TALKIES” ABC’s of Bollywood has been published on the biggest platform Blogchatter Ebook Carnival 2020 organized by Blogchatter. In 2018 when I step into the blogging world never ever thought of being an Author. After completing my first A2Z Challenge in 2019 only I came to know about the term Blogchatter Ebook Carnival from there definitely I dreamt of becoming an author one day. Initially, I dared too to step in but honestly being a newbie in blogging world somewhere my fear and nervousness overshadowed my dreams and I gave up in midway of the process. Nevertheless, no regrets I believe everything falls to their right place eventually when their right time comes so maybe my debut was written to happen in 2020 only so here I am a one-year-old Blogger and one book old Author.

I can not move forward without mentioning that I will remain indebted to the team Blogchatter for providing me a golden opportunity with an open podium where I can not only live my dreams but also free to take it to the next level. I would like to thank you to the Team Blogchatter and all the Mentors especially Manas Mukul, Sitharam Jayakumar, Dr.Amrita Mishra, Pooja Priyamvada, Paresh Godhwani, Ravish Mani, Rashi Roy who helped me out in clearing every bit of my doubts time to time that’s too very patiently, I must say their support led my confidence to board on this journey.



GENRE:- Non-Fiction

BOLLY TALKIES ABC’s of Bollywood is a delight to all the Bollywood movies lovers, here I would like to mention that I have not chosen the characters/movies based on the publicity or box office collections but the way they imprinted their everlasting remark on their audience’s mind was the major criteria in picking them for eg. some characters impressed with their beauty, some the lessons we got to learn from them, some have broken the stereotypes of ill mindset of the society, some came out as a myth buster, some has given us the perfect reason to dwell in their charm forever, etc.


ATTENTION ALL BOLLYWOOD LOVERS!!!!! This book is all about the famous movies/characters of Bollywood! And some opinions and facts that may spark endeavor in you! The movies featured in this book are all movies or characters that imprinted their own mark in society! So, if you are a keen lover of movies then Bolly Talkies (ABCs of Bollywood) will surely win you over and you will feel very connected to it!! So, be sure to get your read on!!!


Free Download link of my Book is HERE also so go grab your copy as the link has a free download option for a very limited period of time.

Do not forget to share your reviews.!!!!

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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