#CauseAChatter Blogging with a Purpose Pandemic Lessons

Design your life

This pandemic has given us many lessons, taught us how to design our life in the best possible way with limited sources, it has enhanced our vision to see the life from a different angle, isn’t it? In my third post of #causeAchatter, I am going to discuss the real purpose of our life which somewhere we all have forgotten in grabbing the top rank of the rat race. How social distancing made us learn to value the real treasure rather than dwelling in the show-off, also to be aware of the crux of our happiness.

Things we learn during social distancing:-

1). Family is important than anything in the world be it job, money, friends, or social status nothing can replace the happiness of being together. Get some time to make a call to near and dear ones. No need to wait for any specific day or occasion to exchange the concern calls.

2). We can survive in limited pairs of clothes, shoes, perfumes, furniture etc.the The only thing is at the utmost priority is food for good health. And to lead a good health longer one must practice exercise and standard sleep.

3). Life is all about living in the present as the future is unpredictable, unseen, unknown, so whatever you have is today only, stop overthinking about tomorrow.

4). There is no age for learning you can start it any time. this lockdown has given us innumerable ways to learn something new, to explore our hidden talents by learning online.

5). Do not mess with Nature ever, because when nature hits back, it can put the whole world on stake. Plant trees, start from your home first try to keep at least 5 plants at your home according to the space available, to increase the outflow of oxygen in the atmosphere also make your children learn about the importance of planting.

6). Equality always rules, global pandemic shows us that we all are in the same race irrespective of caste, creed, and culture, hence respect and love each other, there is only one religion remember that and i.e. Humanity.

This post is written as the part of Blogchatter #CauseAChatter Blogging with a purpose.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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