Amazing Experience From Publish To Download, From Reading To Review Of ‘Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions’.

As the celebration of BlogchatterEbook has come to its end. I decided to summarize my journey and experiences throughout the month. Commencing with heartfelt gratitude to Blogchatter for encouraging me to fly high in the open azure sky. Honestly, I never ever felt like being an author; I dream of it but could gather the courage to step on the path of authoring.

Blogchatter is a master in tugging us out from our comfort zone, and that too in a promising way. My second Ebook Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions is the result of it.

After so many good responses to my first Ebook ‘Bolly Talkies’, the seeds of dreaming high have sowed inside me. In 2021 when the whole world was fretting over the second wave of Covid-19, the news of surging cases has again confided our lives within the four walls; I observed so many people, irrespective of being infected or non-infected, struggling with one more thing side by side and, i.e., the turmoil of emotions.

The agony of the second wave somewhere taken over the zeal that we experienced in the first lockdown. In and out, we found ourselves broken, alone, wounded, maybe due to the loss of our close ones, or at some point, restriction over freedom stole our glee, or the rage on the Government body, or because of fear of missing out over social media or in-person both. Which engraved our spoken or unspoken emotions with so much negativity.

These circumstances had given me the objective to pen down something that can help the grieved people to look at the situation from a refreshed positive perspective.

Heartfelt Thank You To All Ingenious Persons Who Have Reviewed My Book Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions

Read the review of Swati Mathur when she recommends my book under 3 Must Read Books from The Blogchatter Library.

Ruchi Verma considered my book in the list of 6 Must Read Books for self help.

First Review for my book done by Cindy D’Silva is here.

Acclaimed author and blogger Srishti Rajeev took her time out to review my book and added my book to her favorite Book Basket.

I can’t be thankful enough to my friend Surbhi Prapanna an author, blogger, and Homeopathy therapist for reading and reviewing my book. Read her thoughts on my Book.

Cannot forget the day when a blogger from UK Abha Mondal shared her review read what she says on Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions

Apart from these, I would like to thank all my friends and family who downloaded my book and reach out personally via text and voice messages to express their views on Life Is An Ocean:Myriad Of Emotions

These reviews are not merely words for me it is the source of huge motivation that is going to brighten my path for further journey!

This Year I also extended my efforts to review so many books from the BlogchatterEbook Library and out of it. Which, direct or indirect, aided me in enhancing my confidence. You can check my posts of book reviews here.

Do check out the link below if you have not yet downloaded!

This post is a part of #BlogchatterHalfMarathon hosted by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article/ image is the property of Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site is strictly prohibited.

If you are a brand for any collaboration or review, please email me at or you can also connect with me through any of the following portals.


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11 thoughts on “Amazing Experience From Publish To Download, From Reading To Review Of ‘Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions’.”

  1. Congratulations on your book. Blogchatter gave us a platform to turn our dreams to reality.. I publised my book last year…All the reviews are like accolades… I will surely read ur book asap

  2. Congratulations on your achievements 😊 That’s so fascinating and interesting way you articulated the feelings . Great thoughts.

  3. The Champa Tree

    Your book is praised by the top bloggers
    I am sure it is the best read in the library of blogchatter. When we are having a tough time handling our emotions, your book would be a boon.

  4. We all feel good when people like and appreciate our work. I can feel the emotion you are going through. Trust me this is a real big achievement for you and I want to congratulate and want to read your book too.

  5. Archana all the best wishes dear & reading this blog it self was a nice journey. How fascinating and interesting way u articulated the feelings , I’m pretty bad at expressing by words. I appreciate and looking forward to read more from you. Love n regards ❤️😇

  6. Wowww many congratulations. You are an amazing writer and I m gald that I have read the posts from this book. I m very interesting to read your post. I loved it. I will share it. And you are doing a great job. Thanks for your post.

  7. Congratulations on your achievements 😊 it’s always a great feeling to see how your hardwork pays off! Your writing is indeed beautiful. Continue inspiring and doing what you love!

  8. I have read the posts from this book and have seen you while you worked towards compiling it into a book form. You have doe an amazing job. congratulations for your second e-book.

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