Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions. – Today’s emotion “Appreciation”
Bring it on all the emotions beyond their standard meaning, according to the present era and trend.
Let’s take it one by one. Tell me, with all your honesty, How do you feel when you appreciate someone, or you get appreciated by someone? The feeling is magnificent, right? So why delay in serving it to others. Words are powerful; keep their genuineness intact by using them wisely.
“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.”- Dalai Lama
“The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”- Philosopher William James
Hang On! We are not discussing the online comments here that we do on social media, like our daily chores, most of the time, which is just to pay back. Or sometimes that we serve, fitting in the mold of flattery. Let’s take about the Honest praise that comes straight from the heart.
In the rush of touching the pinnacle, we are losing the real version of ourselves. I will not preach anything that one must follow or do not follow to make life at its best. Nope! Everyone has their own journey; everyone can take their own fundas to live it and love it.
Nevertheless, we can not deny, we became so mechanical, so robotic in expressing our real or genuine emotions. Appreciation, a gesture, an emotion, can perk up anybody’s mood in seconds!
8 Easiest way to make someone’s day, make someone feel appreciated just by giving the touch of genuine words that can fill someone’s heart delightful if received on the dot.
1. Discern the quality you marvel at: Just like the love at first sight, recognize someone’s gesture or deed at the various moment that sways you, and take it a notch above by lauding for their presence of mind.
2. Appraise real talent or efforts: Every person is blessed with some unique quality, which deserves to be recognized and esteemed. Appreciating others authenticate your own sense of observation. Also, it elates the person to do better to best in the future.
3. Let the person know if his idea/advice worked for you: Any advice or proposed idea, anything offered by others that makes your way easy in reaching your desired destination, the person and his suggestions definitely deserves accolades.
4. Laud for their honest view/upfront views: In this era where things get manipulated and twisted as per power and position, vocal persons are easily noticed but rarely appreciated. It required a lot of guts to speak the truth.
5. Acknowledge if you admire someone’s lifestyle: Rather than being a silent copycat, be upfront in saying that Yes! You inspire in so many ways. Can I borrow your dressing sense? Can I follow your footsteps n such and such area? Can you advise me on this as I know you are too good at it?
6. Felicitate wholeheartedly for someone’s achievements in both ways: A reward of appreciation doesn’t go one way, i.e., privately only, if you are a real appraiser of talent, you would be courageous enough to express your views in both ways privately and publicly both.
7. Even the tiniest feat involved in teamwork deserves to shout out: Portion of work doesn’t matter if the output gains massive success; even the lowest job holder is liable for an equal amount of appreciation. Do not be selfish; claiming your part only; should be served in the same amount. That’s what we call Team effort.
8. Encourage to continue with the good work: If you are a true well-wisher of someone, do not forget to make them remember about their strength. We grow by lifting others; make someone aware with your honest concern if you see any opportunity related to their talent.
Key Points While Appreciating Someone:
Watch your words: Use of hypothetical words in praising the person or deed will parallely hit your own genuineness. Hence, it is important and a responsibility towards your own words that it shouldn’t loosen their efficacy.
Understand the fine line between appreciation and flattery: If appreciation builds your authenticity, flattery kills your self-respect in your own eye and in other’s eyes as well. True appreciation is done when the related talks or job is going on, flattery has no stop sign, no sense of words, totally irrelevant to the time and task. Understanding that broad line sensibly is the most important.
Did you find anything today that is praise-worthy? If not, observe a little closure; I am sure you would find it before the day ends. Maybe inside you, or around you, it is there for sure!!! Do not forget to appreciate it!
Read the Theme Reveal post here.
‘This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.‘
Copyright © Archana Srivastava
This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
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wonderful points. You have rightly said their is always a line and need to check ourselves with it. love those points that would help bond two people more close with honest speaking
This is so true. We know how much we love being appreciated and I believe we should do the same. As you said, appreciation makes people want to do better.
Even I believe appreciating someone for what they do is really important as they get more motivated to do even more and yes good appreciation is a way to do better things.
I have included the habit to appreciate even small things and trust me it helps. We should not hide what we feel.
We always forget to appreciate someone’s. Though appreciation does play important roles in person well being
fabulous approach and ideas. it makes such a difference to a person’s day and mindset when a person says or does something kind.
Small bit of genuine words of appreciation can go a long way for the aching heart. I always love to leave in a word or two of happiness for people around me as I know it can lift the spirits so high. And yes these words shud genuinely come from within to touch the other soul.
Appreciating others is a virtue that we should instil in ourselves and the future generations The post is an eye opener
Somehow I feel.that our generation is getting more and more stingy about appreciation. Somehow people think that appreciating makes others high headed. It is very important to acknowledge others.
Congratulations on beginning yet another A to Z Challenge! I look forward to reading your posts this year as always!
I really loved the post, and it’s so important to appreciate others to bring happiness and positivity around the world.
I so agree to this. Complementing someone for even a smallest thing can make them so happy. And not just others even my own kids, when I appreciate the smallest thing done by them be it keeping their toys or helping me in kitchen, I can see the happiness on their face. Genuine Compliments are the best thing you can give someone.
It’s difficult for someone to appreciate when they are brought up by parents who keep putting them down. But learning to appreciate is a good thing.
I truly wish people were as generous with appreciation as they’re with criticism. Just a few genuine kind words can make someone’s day. So nicely written!
This makes me ponder, social media is filled with flattery. People just want to grow and there is no real sense of appreciation and just words of flattery which will make that creator follow back. That is the sole motive.
Leaving social media apart, in the real world atleast appreciate with genuinity.
Loved the pointers mentioned.
Well said; one should appreciate others when they deserve it but the appreciation should be genuine; like u mean it!!
One word of appreciation and affirmation can certainly change the mindset and motivate a person to do better. Loved your suggestions, and it doesn’t take much of an effort to bring a smile and make others feel good about themselves.
With that, I can say you are really doing a great theme by discussing thoughts and emotions we go through in our daily lives.
Dil Se Archana, this reminds me I had always cherished your appreciative comments on my voice and they stay deeply engraved in my heart which always brings a broad smile to my face. Remembering such motivating comments helps keep me going.
A few kind words can make someone’s day. I’ve always tried to keep this approach of appreciating my staff and pushing them to do better.
I wish they could teach these things in our education system and give this wisdom also as part of corporate trainings… Somehow this skill of being able to appreciate other is seriously lacking these days in our society.
appreciation is so needed in our lives. Very well written post.
Thank you Tina, glad you liked it!
(Honest)Appreciation has become the most valuable thing today. Many have forgotten the difference between appreciation and flattering. I believe when you say something from your heart then it does not require any outer coating. What a powerful start of A2Z.
Thank you so much for your words Alpana.
Wow i loved your post and i totally agree that Appreciation can perk up anybody’s mood in seconds!
Thank you Jyoti, glad you liked it!
Appreciation … An often forgotten or missed gesture. Beautifully penned.
Thank you Sreeparna!
Beautiful post for A dear, in my personal life I too value appreciation as the most important virtue in our life
Thank you for the reading Dear!
Appreciation should be genuine and stem from the heart.The world is full of fake people and sometimes we do not recognise the real ones. Different subject handled very well 👍
Thank you so much Harjeet.
Lovely post.. Indeed appreciation is the most important factor in motivating everyone to give their best. Loved all the suggestions given by you.
Thank you so much Swati.
Appreciation plays a vital role in our lives. It always makes us better creatures.
Absolutely true! Thank you so much Sir!
Archu, so true appreciating others also has many rewards for the one who appreciates. Your points are so valid and in today’s current times it’s all the more important!
Thank you so much Chinmayee!
So glad you wrote this, Archana. So many insightful thoughts here. Making others feel good makes us feel good in return too, so it is surely a win-win.
Glad you liked it! Thank you Mayuri!
I loved reading this post. You have beautifully inspired your readers to embrace the quality of appreciation.
Thank you Purba!
Absolutely love this post. This is what I keep begging others to do. It would make a world of difference.
Thank you so much Dr.Roshan!
I think to look for gratification is a basic human emotion. It makes us the social being that we are
I loved your article.
True that glad you liked it!
Such a heartwarming write up dear. I m glad that you had mentioned about social media thing. Honestly, I also feel the same way and many times it feel like a mechanical thing rather than feeling it from heart. Loved all the suggestions you had mentioned here. Indeed appreciation is such an amazing gesture that could make a major difference in everyone s life. Appreciating others and receiving appreciation for your good work both work like a magic and instantly uplifted the mood.
I am glad to know you could relate to my thoughts. Thank you, Surbhi!
Sincere appreciation is what everyone yearns for. Yes, there is a huge difference between appreciation and flattery. Even kids can differentiate the two. Great creative suggestions on how and when we can grab the opportunity to appreciate genuinely.
So true Navita! Glad you liked it. Thank you!