Author name: Archana

I am an MBA Graduate, former HR professional and former faculty in Management Schools of Varanasi(UP) and Pune(Maharashtra) India. Now enjoying life to the fullest in the role of a wife and proud mother of 2 wonderful kids. I am a simple fun loving girl, who is extremely passionate about dancing ,singing. I love to spend my time with some of my close friends and family. Indian Festivals give me immense happiness and charged me up for the whole year. I was fond of pouring down my thoughts on paper right from my childhood. Blogging has given the voice to my views, a platform where I can freely put my points my feeling in my own words. I strongly believe that LIFE itself an institution, allow us to learn something new in every moment, if you want to grow, never ever stop the flow of knowledge, it grows only and only by sharing, keep learning keep growing until you get the call of last breath.💕💕💕

#BlogchatterA2Z Quality Over Quantity

DAY 17 -: choose QUALITY OVER QUANTITY “As Aristotle said, ‘Excellence is a habit.’ I would say furthermore that excellence is made constant through the feeling that comes right after one has completed a work which he himself finds undeniably awe-inspiring. … “Excellence comes when we balance quality with quantity.” “Excellence comes when we balance

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