Author name: Archana

I am an MBA Graduate, former HR professional and former faculty in Management Schools of Varanasi(UP) and Pune(Maharashtra) India. Now enjoying life to the fullest in the role of a wife and proud mother of 2 wonderful kids. I am a simple fun loving girl, who is extremely passionate about dancing ,singing. I love to spend my time with some of my close friends and family. Indian Festivals give me immense happiness and charged me up for the whole year. I was fond of pouring down my thoughts on paper right from my childhood. Blogging has given the voice to my views, a platform where I can freely put my points my feeling in my own words. I strongly believe that LIFE itself an institution, allow us to learn something new in every moment, if you want to grow, never ever stop the flow of knowledge, it grows only and only by sharing, keep learning keep growing until you get the call of last breath.💕💕💕

Effective Communication Wins The Battle #CauseAChatter

What Is Effective Communication “Communication is a weapon makes win the battle if served smartly; it brings volcano if served harshly; moreover, it bombards you with disasters if served wrongly”. Communication skill does not refer to the command over a particular language. Good communication is the tool that plays a major role in imprinting the […]

Effective Communication Wins The Battle #CauseAChatter Read More »

‘Social Media Addiction’ CHANGES That Debunked The Myth In Pandemic #MyFriendAlexa Post -4

This is my fourth post for the campaign #MyFriendAlexa hosted by Blogchatter. Social Media Involvement In Initial Days Of Pandemic During Pandemic, the only relief we get, i.e., Internet services. Especially when we were confined to our homes, with limited work to do, if anything that remained unaffected with the deadly virus, undoubtedly our love

‘Social Media Addiction’ CHANGES That Debunked The Myth In Pandemic #MyFriendAlexa Post -4 Read More »

” Choose Ideal Wisely” #Celebrity Fandom CHANGES That Debunked The Myth In Pandemic #MyFriendAlexa -Post 2

This year for the campaign #MyFriendAlexa organized by the Blogchatter I will be talking about a few changes that I have witnessed during the Pandemic, remember these are the changes that debunked my myths about certain things for certain reasons in Pandemic, not due to Pandemic. This is my second post for the campaign on

” Choose Ideal Wisely” #Celebrity Fandom CHANGES That Debunked The Myth In Pandemic #MyFriendAlexa -Post 2 Read More »

“Reality Check Of Relations” CHANGES That Debunked The Myth in Pandemic – Post-1 #MyFriendAlexa

Hola My Readers! Happy October! Welcome to my very first post of #MyFriendAlexa 2020. This year I have already written about various aspects of Pandemic affects. Here bringing down the changes that have debunked many myths we held in our mind from ages on the name of social influence. You may like to read this

“Reality Check Of Relations” CHANGES That Debunked The Myth in Pandemic – Post-1 #MyFriendAlexa Read More »

“Ghar Yaad Aata Hai Mujhe” Most Memorable Travel #SpeakEasyChallenge2.1

Thank you Ruchi And Dipika for allowing me to board on this Wonderful Speakeasy Blogging Challenge2.1, which unfortunately I missed last time. I must say that working with you two hard-working influential souls is such an amazing experience. My Span Of Travel Living in the USA has never been an issue of traveling and collecting

“Ghar Yaad Aata Hai Mujhe” Most Memorable Travel #SpeakEasyChallenge2.1 Read More »

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