Life Is Ocean : Myriad Of Emotions – Today’s emotion is “Feel Young”

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”
― Franz Kafka
Who wants to be old? Who wants wrinkles on his face? Who waits for days to look weak with a slouch back? Who wants to embrace grey hairs? No one, right? Wish we could hold our age, and it’s the most cuddling part. For some, it could be childhood, it could be the age he/she met with their first love, might fail to write destiny together, some might got lucky to live together. But tell me don’t you want the fun of your dating days back? Or for some, it could young college days, hostel days.
We all have our own specific part of life that we want to live again, or you can say, we don’t want to grow from that point of age. But the reality is that even the wealthiest man on the planet cannot be physically young forever. However, we have the choice to be young at heart. To live with the moment, we love the most by enclasping responsibilities and aging.
Age is just a number when you’re young at heart. This is a great motto to live by, but staying young at heart, physically and emotionally, often takes some effort and positive energy. While you may be growing older in years, there’s no reason to forget to laugh, love, and enjoy the simple things a little more at every moment in your life.
How To Stay Young At Heart?
Staying young at heart is a choice, not a compulsion. If you take it as a compulsion, you may get the result sooner or later, but after reaching a certain point, the tendency of quitting the practice will crave you. So before stepping ahead, make sure the motive behind the mission is, WANT (want to stay young at heart) not HAVE TO (have to stay young at heart).
▶️ Exercise mind and body.
Yes, You got the gist! Working out mindfully every day doesn’t require any age certification. But a consistent practice of it, irrespective of age, rewards you with a healthy body and mind. Stick on this funda. Add the regular (six monthly/yearly) check-up of the whole body as an essential task of your life.
▶️ Say straight NO to negative people, negative atmosphere
People will absorb every bit of energy from you only if you allow them to do so. It is always better to connect with the pals, have some specific goals, big or small, and putting worthy efforts to achieve them, shares their highs and lows with sole honesty, instead of sitting with equipped souls of blame game and pity party.
▶️ Get rid of things that are dragging you behind
Memories can be good or bad, both. Collecting memories is good. However, there could be some good memories or the things of our beloved ones in our treasure trunk. Reliving those memories may make you weaker every time. Even though they are so precious, if it etches the wound of losing them repeatedly, it is better to declutter it from the treasure box.
▶️ Keep Yourself Socially Active in your community
Living a life of young has only one rule, ” keep yourself actively busy”. Participate in social engagement activities of community. Take responsibility that matches to your capability, or collect like-minded enthusiastic buddies, organize yearly/ occasionally social events for kids, women or men or for all. And Say Let’s do this.
▶️ Do not let your curiosity die
Read books, go for net surfing, get updated yourself with new technology in town/world. New shopping center, transportation, the fashion trend, etc. No issue if you have no interest in political talks, like me, happily leave it.
▶️ Have faith
Learn to have faith in God, faith in the goodness of things around, faith in something that is bigger than yourself is an essential element of remaining young at heart.
▶️ Live the adventure
Again I will say just like curiosity, let be alive a tinge of adventure in you. If not the big one like hiking, trekking, atleast find the smoother way to bring the tadka of adventure to your life, a night on the terrace with friends and family, have fun gazing at stars, a campfire, camping, retro night etc.
▶️ Avoid Watching At the Mirror All The Time
Seriously, don’t. We are our own worst critics. What we see when we look in the mirror, is someone who is of our age looks the same? Gosh! One more grey hair? Endless complains isn’t it? So better to put down the mirror and feel your beauty!
▶️ Forget about acting your age, just act yourself
Stop placing limitations on your heart’s desires simply because of the number of years you have accumulated.
▶️ Don’t Be Ashamed Of Your Age
“I object, my lord! We girls are exempted from this clause; we have full right to keep mum on our age “. Haha! Jokes Apart! Do not be conscious of asking, “How old are you?”. Be proud of your age and the wisdom that comes along with it!
No matter where you are in your life’s journey, you can take action to remain young at heart. Everyone deserves pampering regardless of his/her age which is just a number, and for many of us, it is not applicable in our everyday lives.
Before taking the practice in routine or the following everything, enlisted above, would you still like to cross-check your heart and mind whether both are acting young or not? Check this way—
Signs You Are Young At Heart
✅ You appreciate every little, big thing
✅ You proudly flaunt your scars
✅ Trying new things is your habit
✅ You don’t hold grudges
✅ You live in the present by kicking out your worries about the things, not in your control.
✅ You welcome new people in your life with open arms
✅ You don’t let your fear suppress your courage
✅ You better know how to fit the humor in life
✅ Your charm for outings didn’t fade.
What’s say? I am all set to be young at heart forever! Will you promise me to keep your checklist all ticked by the age?
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‘This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.‘
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Glad that I’ve been already found what is mentioned on.the lists and the rest would need to be incorporated. Age is just a number
I feel younger now than I did in my teens. It’s all about we see ourselves and go the extra mile for acceptance. Adventure, self-love, and child-like curiosity keep us young at heart!
I totally agree with all points. age is just a number. you look the way you feel . Loved all your pointers and will surely follow them
I really liked what your said.. Do not act like your age, act like yourself. This is so true.. Follow your passion, do what you love doing the most .be healthy and happy.. Mantra of looking and feeling young.
The essence of all tips is presented in this post. As long as the body and the brain of a man are in working condition and his eyes sparkle with childhood joy, he won’t grow old. Kp
Very true. Our age is just a number in our mind. If we can keep our mind fresh and young, we can be young forever
I totally agree with you how we e feel is how we become and so even today I feel that you should not kill your young version of yourself
You reminded me of that Punjabi song- Dil hona chaahida jawaan, umran ch ki rakheya. ( You should stay young at heart, irrespective of your age). Staying young at heart is an art and everyone should certainly learn it. “Take it easy” attitude often helps. What an apt point-forget about your age, just act yourself!! Thanks Archana, for this beautiful reminder!!
Being ourselves and loving who we are, keeping toxicity away brings so much positivity into life. Very valid points in your post Archana.
Another wonderful post in the series dear. agree with all points. age is just a number. you look the way you feel . of course, keeping your mind and body healthy is something that could make a major difference in our overall wellbeing.
This was my Dad’s life mantra….smile and spread smiles and move with the times. He would say I am 86 years young beta not old at all! I try to follow his values.
Exercise, Selfcare, adventure, chose positivity over negativity, having faith, and accepting ourselves, all this sure help us to feel young at heart. Age is just a number if you feel good from within. Loved all your pointers and will surely follow them as I HAVE TO feel young at heart always.
I am going to bookmark this post as you have listed out all relevant life lessons. I loved every single listicle as people often tend to bring you down by telling you to act your age. Loved it.
Some sound tips in the post!
Such a sweet post. Staying young at heart is absolutely necessary and will keep one happier too. Like i tell my friends I don’t feel like a mom of a son who is in 10th 😃. Wonderful list you have there.
Deepika Sharma