#BlogchatterA2Z Growth

Yasou ( Greet in Greek) Friends

DAY 7- (Self ) GROWTH

At some point self growth is being misunderstood with the tag of selfishness,however in the content list of one’s happy life, growth is placed at highest rank.Working on yourself is the best thing you can gift youself throughout the life.Yooo Go For It!!!!!!Never stop yourself from growing in all the positive aspects.

Life is the name of continuous growth ,to joyfully taste the actual fun of life ,to add on more flavors to its splendour ,a gradual growth is much demanded.Essence of a blissful life resides in oneself’s continuous growth,no matter how high or low benchmarks have been settled down by the society.One must be well aware of his own areas and requirement of growth.Everyone has their own parameters to measure the degree of growth ,which is calculated on the basis of their need, priorities,lifestyle and time.So here the term growth not meant in the context of monetary or career growth only but intellectual growth and emotional growth also.

“Growth is important not the pace”

Speed of growth never been a matter of concern, if efforts on growth are working properly at their place,it will definitely going to give an immense satisfaction and this aura of satisfaction will lead you through the pathway of the happiest life.Today in this era of intense competition, every second we are loosing ourselves ,we are almost forgetting to take care of our own interest,to counting our strength ,working on our weaknesses,our own agenda of life,this blindness of mind is dimming the shininess of life’s happiness. So from today eliminate this uncalled, non- required,useless competition,which has taken a permanent place in one’s mind.To enjoy a bliss of a life one has to understand his real need,his own pace,his own priorities which is absolutely nothing to do with his/her neighborhood’s priorities , relative’s priorities ,your dear friend’s priorities or anyone out their at your workplace.

Make your way to self growth ,mistakes happens with those only who tries,so forget about the worries, mistakes and hurdles are expected to come in, prepare yourself to face those ,no matter if plans doesn;t work,come up with plan B.So chill chill a big chill,at the very first point of time you need to visualize the area of your growth , sequence your to do list,calculate the possibility sensibly and decide your move accordingly.You will definitely witness the charisma of self growth.

Keep Growing Sensibly!!!!

#BlogchatterA2Z Alphabet G


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