Goede Morgen (Morning Greet in Dutch) Friends
DAY 10 -: stop being “JUDGEMENTAL”

“Be curious, not judgmental.” – Walt Whitman
“Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover”!!!!Being judgemental develops a tendency of blindness in one’s personality by pointing only those harsh things which barely exist and by avoiding the positive attributes.Happiness can only flourishes when you throw all the negativities and criticism out from your thoughts and daily life.Nobody on the earth would like to being jugded by someone ,those who entertains the criticism can never enjoy and appreciate their life.
Judgment is a mirror, most of the time it is the reflection of your own sickness of mind and insecurities.Feeling of being judged compels you to judge back,it gives result in twinge of envy. Don’t make quick opinions about people just by their color,designation,looks,dress up,way of living. When you stop judging, you also stop caring about what other people think about you.Replace judgment with observation and curiousness. try to make a bridge between two.
Save and keep away yourself from your judgments. Everything doesn’t need your opinion.So stop wasting time on judging,focus on observing as it is the best tool of learning.
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