Suprabhat (Morning Greet in Hindi) Friends

After acknowledging the self love in the form of acceptance and adaptibility lets move forward on the treasure hunt of forms of love,how at the different ages of life we witness the different faces of love.everyone has his own set of definition and direction to express his love and find peace and satisfaction.
LOVE is the only language where words are not mandate to express ,it can easily be identified and understood by its kind gesture. For me, love is one of the most powerful force in the world,which can not be hide by any way ,if it is pure and selfless,it shines through all your relations.

“I am convinced that love is the most durable power in the world. It is not an expression of impractical idealism, but of practical realism. Far from being the pious injunction of a Utopian dreamer, love is an absolute necessity for the survival of our civilization. To return hate for hate does nothing but intensify the existence of evil in the universe. Someone must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate and evil, and this can only be done through love.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.”
Unbeatable thought given by an American Bapist minister and activist and the youngest Noble Peace Prize Winner Mr.Martin Luther King Jr.who worked hard for his every word ,he said. A greatest refreshment of one’s life is just a pure love .Love is the medium,which helps oneself’s to sustain in life with equal mix of courage,confidence and kindness.Love enriches you with all its positivities,by removing the craps like hatred, jealousy and drama from your life. We all know that there are a numerous emotions propagated by love. It might be any relation binding us together, love is encountered in various forms. A passionate lover’s kiss,soft mother’s touch, expresses love. Newly born babies when they don’t able to realize their existence even ,they perfectly sense their mother’s touch and thats the power of love in a same way a fatherly concern or a sisterly cuddle, a brotherly care, , each and everything expresses their love.Love doesn’t limits to the humans ,it proliferates everywhere from human to animals,from earth to sky.Have you ever wondered ,how a pet/any animal quickly identifies its owner’s touch/mood and their presence/voice? Its simply because of the sweet bond of love they both share .Planting is also a form of love,those who loves nature,inpours all strength to keep their plants fresh and healthy.

Love is a panacea for a healthy ,happy and a blissful life .Love can be the biggest healer for any broken heart and soul.It can bring people together and keep them closer inspite of living too far from each other. No one in this Earth can live a happy life without love.
Must say,somewhere deep down everyone is craving for love.So spread love as much as you can, it is not going to empty your stock trust me,in fact, it will certainly come back to you with double velocity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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