#BlogchatterA2Z Xtra Dose of Blessings



Everyone has their own wishlist ,in which I am sure we all try our best to achieve or to fulfill, almost every wish upto certain level,but among those listed wish items everyone has their some points of favorites for which they are little selfish and wish to have a bit extra proportion in comparison to other listed items, to which we call XTRA DOSE or YEH DIL MAANGE MORE .Isn’t it?For instance,some ask for extra dose of love,some anticipates more clicks of luck, some craves for money,some wants extra hours to sleep,a kid whinges for extra day for playing and so on.But for me and I am sure max of the people also out there just like me wishing for xtra dose of BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes,for me blessings express our feelings. They need not be traditional ones. They simply need to come from the heart. When they do, they can change lives. Blessings always been the most important and valuable thing in life ,”BLESSINGS CAN NOT BE SEEN BUT ITS POSITIVITY CAN BE EXPERIENCED TIME TO TIME”.If you have a happy family,loving and understanding partner,caring friends,food to eat , a healthy body,roof on your head , financial abundance, a successful career, trusted friends. These are the essential ingredients of a blessed life, having all of them turns your life into an extraordinarily blessed life.

Keep your blessings stock full by helping others in their need,by being honest to yourself and the people around.Blessings works as a shield through your rough times,your good deeds will never going to be unnoticed,it is like fixed deposit of your blessings,which offers guaranteed returns.

Count Your Blessings And Earn Your Blessings!!!!!!

#BlogchatterA2Z challenge Alphabet X

Disclaimer-:Images sourceand some of contents from internet and some my own beliefs and experiences.

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