Book Name: A2Z Of Common Diseases & Their Homeopathic Treatment
Author: Dr. Surbhi Prapanna
Published By: Blogchatter
Genre: Non-Fiction (Medical/Health Management)
Language: English
Pages: 132
Format: Ebook
Rating: 4.5/5
Download Link : https://www.theblogchatter.com/…/a2z-of-common-diseases…
About Book

The book cover of the ebook ‘A2Z Of Common Diseases & Their Homeopathic Treatment’, a handy guide about causes, symptoms, and homeopathic treatment of common diseases, is clearly noticeable and comprehensively well designed. Four lying small glass bottles filled with white sugar balls that we use to get from our homeopathic medical experts are evidently illustrating the book’s substance. I believe the pink and purple flowers on the bottles symbolizing the care that the simple deep roots of Homeopathic Treatment provide us. Furthermore, at the top of the book cover, the author has finely designed the images of patients suffering from common diseases. So, in the area of designing the book cover, I would definitely give full marks.
About Author
Dr. Surbhi Prapanna is a Homeopathic Therapist by profession and a writer and blogger by passion. She has more than 4 years of professional writing experience, and her work had been published on various prestigious online platforms like Momspresso.com, kidstoppress.com, cureJoy.com, and shivanaspirit.com. Health, parenting, and creative activities for kids (art, crafts, DIYs, etc.) are her niche. And she shares her areas of expertise and parenting experience on her blog Surbhiprapanna.com. She has won so many awards for her academic and professional excellence but won the “Best Parent Award” is the most precious and satisfying experience of her life.
To know more about Dr. Surbhi Prapanna visit her blog: www.surbhiprapanna.com
Also you can reach out her : ritu.prapanna@gmail.com
My Review
Homeopathy has intrigued me for many years; it won’t be wrong if I say I grew up with it. Although I know so many people around me who don’t pay heed when I suggest or talk about any Homeopathic benefits. I request them to not pick this book, as they couldn’t understand the amount of hard work the author put in making the best, small version of the encyclopedia based on common diseases and its Homeopathic Treatment. I strongly believe any treatment or medicine only works when a medical expert and a patient both have full credence in the process.
In the ongoing pandemic and lockdown situation, when reaching the medical expert for the common day-to-day disease is quite difficult, the eBook by Dr. Surbhi Prapanna, ‘A2Z Of Common Diseases & Their Homeopathic Treatment’, comes as a blessing in disguise. Homeopathy therapist Dr. Surbhi’s book addresses every common problem we face in daily life like fever, ear pain, Baby colic, acidity, pimples, hair fall, obesity, indigestion, toothache, mouth ulcer, sleeplessness, runny nose, nosebleed, Joint inflammation, Varicose vein, Warts, Yeast infection and many more. Although there are a few terms like Xerosis, Q fever, Keloid that certainly came new to my knowledge. The book has 26 chapters plus a bonus chapter in total.
What I like the most about this book is not limited to a particular age or gender disease; the reader will get a handful of solutions for all the family members’ common disease problems. Moreover, being a responsible therapist, Dr. Surbhi has sincerely mentioned the proper doses of any disease considering the age of the patients.
Hit Points
This book contains numerous hit points. The first is the author’s exhaustive research on every disease she has mentioned in the book, right from the introduction of disease followed by the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, types, prevention, treatment of diseases, and the accurate doses of the particular disease medicines are truly laudable. Next, the author has kept the lucidity of any disease at precedence with the meticulous use of the relevant diagrams and images of symptoms/disease and medicines. Finally, the author’s last ( Bonus) chapter FAQs related to Homeopathy Treatment by friends and family is truly a crowning stroke. Where she attempted to clear many doubts and queries by her readers in the best possible way.
Miss Points
Any suggestions or recommendation that directly comes from the medical expert like Dr. Surbhi Prapanna I don’t think I will be the right person to pick the miss points in the book. I know that to expect all the diseases in just one book would be unfair, and more than that is impossible. Still, as a greedy reader or a firm believer of Homeopathy Treatment, I wish I could ask for more chapters to add to common diseases in the book.
My Verdict
This book ‘A2Z Of Common Diseases & Their Homeopathic Treatment’ by Dr. Surbhi Prapanna has masterfully covered almost every common disease we suffer in day-to-day life, and that too for all age groups. She has tried her best to keep the language as simple as easy to understand for any person irrespective of medical, non-medical background. For me, this exclusive encyclopedia has successfully spotted its place under the umbrella of the ‘MUST READ’; also, I would add a new category for this book only for those who have faith in Homeopathy and, i.e., ‘MUST KEEP’ books. Therefore, based on extensive research and the detailing, I will give 4.5 out of 5.
Do not forget to Download the ebook “A2Z Of Common Diseases & Their Homeopathic Treatment” By Dr. Surbhi Prapanna
Chit Chat Corner With Author Dr. Surbhi Prapanna
Q.1 What inspired you the most to pen down on the particular subject or genre?
Dr. Surbhi ~ Honestly, my blogs/ books are always about my readers. So, before finalizing the theme of any writing project, I always make an in-depth analysis about the subject and ask myself that “will this subject provide some kind of value and good information to my readers?”. If I answer as “yes,” then I pick that particular subject to pen down as either a blog or a book’s theme.
Q.2 Have you ever gotten writer’s block?How you overcome it?
Dr. Surbhi ~ Yes, like all others writers, I also get “writer’s block” from time to time. Whenever it happens, I give my mind a mini-break and come on the track like a natural process. Also, I take creative inspiration from surrounding society and their problems. It gives me multiple ideas to write and helps in overcome “writer’s block. “
Q.3 What is the best advice you would like to give to budding writers?
Dr. Surbhi ~ Of course, consistent hard work with firm determination is key to success in any area of life, and the same thing applies to writing. As the best piece of advice to budding authors, I would say, “ serve your audience, provide some kind of value or worthy information through your write up and always keep a never give up spirit. This attitude will help you reach a new height and get the things you actually want in life”.
This Book Review is a part of the #BlogchatterEbook carnival hosted by Blogchatter.
Stay Tuned more book reviews are coming in the month of June. In meanwhile, do not forget to download my ebook Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions, which is free for a very limited period of time. , in case you are yet to download it, click the link below.
Read More: Book Review ‘I Live To Love You’
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.
Copyright © Archana Srivastava
This article/ image is the property of archuswords.com. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site is strictly prohibited.
If you are a brand for any collaboration or review, please email me at archana.sahay9@gmail.com or you can also connect with me through any of the following portals.
I am going to definitely dig into this one as I wanted to refer for my son. Have read fabulous reviews on this book nd it’s definitely one on my list now.
I will surely download this book and give it a read. Last year, my daughter was diagnosed with psoriasis and when everything failed, Homeopathy treatment helped her recover..although it is a slow process,it helped a lot.
You will love it dear!
I have read Surbhi’s previous book and I loved it. Thank you for such a detailed review m this book looks really nice. Will definitely read it soon
My mom is so found of homoeopathy. She is been using since 10 years or so. And I have t agree, it has given my mom amazing results.
Thanks for the review, would get my hands on her book.
Glad to know this Sadvika!
This is an interesting book that everyone must read I think. Thanks for detailed review Archana. I will download this for sure.
Your book review really got me excited to gain knowledge from this book & the fact that you mentioned its a’ must keep’ . Gotta grab it now.
Thank you Vashi!
Archana, you have reviewed the book considering all the pointers and giving the scope for Surbhi to magnify on it. Really liked the chit chat corner of the review, that makes readers more close to the author to pick the book.
Thanks dear! 🙂
That’s a very detailed review Archana. Her book is definitely a handguide for us at home. I reviewed it too
I have read Surbhi’s book and agree with your Review. This is a must read for those who believe in homeopathic medicine. Loved the way you have reviewed the book.
Homeopathy is actually good and this is detailed so I think it would be beneficiary to have a copy of this.
Enjoyed reading the review and the interview. This seems like a handy book for people interested in homeopathy. Unfortunately, homeopathy does not work for me. Nonetheless, I would love to read it.
The book must be informative…..Nice review…
Homeopathy is so useful specially for treating kids cold and flu. This definitely sounds like a good read.
This sounds like a good book to refer to …saw a couple of things I wanted to learn more about from your review so definitely going to keep this one handy.
Thank you Raunica! 🙂
Surbhi has done a commendable job. You have also given an honest review. This is what is most important.
My dad is a homeopathy doctor and hence I have grown with homeopathy treatment. I will get this book for dad. Your review is very descriptive and apt. Thanks for this review through this came to know of this book.
Glad to know this Shail 🙂
All of Surbhi’s books are so helpful for readers, she surely adds value & never disappoints. Congratulations to Surbhi for her new book. And, thanks for this crisp review of her book, will be checking out her book soon.
Homoeopathy is gaining popularity because of many proven results. Sometimes when Allopathy fails, Homoeopathy does the job. Surbhi’s book is a must-have for every household.
Surbhi’s book is clearly a popular one with so many people reviewing it, and for good reason! She did a fabulous and in-depth job on a difficult subject. Thanks for your review.
Thank you for such a detailed review. My parents use homeopathy extensively and Iam sure they would enjoy this book. Thanks for the link. I too would like to read it as I have been contemplating homeopathy for some time now. Iam sure to get valuable insights.
Best gift from a caring daughter to her parents.🤗
I have also reviewed this book by Surbhi .She has thoroughly researched every topic and done amazing job.
Will read Surbhi’s book for some guidance on homepathy for common treatments for kids.
Yes, it’s worth reading, Seema!
A very heart felt review written with so much conviction and balance…i enjoyed the review and your writting style 👍
Thank you jigna!
Surbhi is an amazing blogger and I came across her blogs on homeopathy during BlogchatterA2Z. It’s wonderful that she turned it into an e-book which will help many people.
Such an important book Archana for all those of us who believe in this – Homeopathy. I was introduced to this by my Mom who’s father (My Nanaji) was a Homeopathic enthusiast and Doctor. who had a thriving practice in the Shillong hills apart from his other businesses…. My Dad is an Allopath doc and was always weary of it but never said “NO” when we were given the sweet white pills. I have tried that from my son’s sinus problems when he was a toddler to some amazing results…..Need to grab my copy asap. Loved how you have elaborated everything.
Glad to know this dear!
I follow Homeo medicines and take them regularly. Surbhi’s book is a treasure trove that I am going to be referring to. Downloaded it. Your review is so detailed, Archana and really motivates one to read the book. Homeo doesn’t have side effects and that is its greatest plus point.
Thank you Harjeet! 🤗
This book looks like a must-read. I enjoyed reading your review and the mini interview. It is always nice to read the author’s views on how they began writing the book.
Thank you Madhu 🤗
I love Surbhis writings and how wonderfully she has detailed the entire book with homoeopathic treatment. Have read few chapters from this series during A2Z and loved the information shared.
This might be a good read. Homeopathy is a wonderful alternative treatment for curing many chronic diseases. I’m saying this from my personal experiences actually. I’d like to read this book. Reading the author’s interview is an interesting experience as well.
Have a happy reading!
Such a nice and detailed review. This book seems to be a very useful and informative one. I would like to give it a try.
You will find it worth reading!
I have read Dr Subhi’s post all through the A2Z. As someone who is a big believer in Homeopathy, I really appreciate how helpful and detailed her posts are. You have reviewed the book in such a balanced manner, Archana. Really nice.
Thank you so much, Mayuri!
Hey, chit-chat with the author is the highlight of the review. The review is also very precise and to the point that makes the reader pick up the book to read.
Thank you so much, Suha!
Homeopathy has always been mine and my family’s go-to ‘pathy’ after Ayurveda. I have many good experiences because of Homeopathy. This book would be a good gift to my mother who is a hard core homeopathy believer!
The best gift for a mother from a caring daughter.
Thank you so much dear Archana for this amazing review of my book. I am so glad you liked the book and found it informative. your appreciation means a lot to me.
Pleasure is all mine dear!
Hey Archu!! I am so glad to be reading you after so long. The book you have picked to review, is a must have for us. Surbhi has done a great job compiling the book. Loved your review dear.
Thank you, dear, glad to see you here.
I think this genre would be interesting to read. I would like to read it and give my review in it