Book Review: DREAMS DECODED By Ujjwal Mishra #BlogchatterEbook #BookReview


I am a person who believes in dreams if not completely than surely at some point I do consider dreams as a signal of future incidents. I really do not know which term should I use for me as since childhood I could remember the maximum of my dreams every morning as soon as I wake up I run towards Thakur Prasad’s calendar (An yearly calendar used in most of the house to track the dates, festivals, particular worship Muhurat, and dream sequence ) because the backside of that calendar they print the cause and effect of one’s dream, my family members hardly turned those pages reason sometimes they do not believe on dreams or sometimes they do not remember their dreams. You won’t believe my mother really surprised how someone can remember all her dreams so perfectly like any scene of a movie. This is the reason this book Dreams Decoded attracted me the most somewhere I got connected with its name and tagline ” Understanding Dreams Better”

The black cover page of the book with a man standing in front of sea-colored spinning roundabouts(chakra) itself is so appealing so apt and sufficient enough to give the clue to its readers that what the book is all about!

BOOK NAME: DREAMS DECODED (Understanding Dreams Better)

AUTHOR: Mrs. Ujjwal Mishra

GENRE: Non-Fiction



PUBLISHER: BlogchatterEbook Carnival



About The Author:

Ujjwal Mishra has always been strong in creativity and imagination. An engineer by education and working in software development and recruitment, motherhood brought her to the world of blogging. She has written for many portals like Jobsforher, Womensweb, Babychakra. She is the author of an ebook. She writes on moms in modern times and their tryst with career and family along with writing on social issues, childcare, and musings.

Summary Of Book:

Have you ever felt that your dreams are giving you some signals but wondering what? Why were you not able to finish your exams in your dreams ever? Why you get nightmares? How witnessing your own death in dreams shaken you? How you got stranded on the island? Do not worry if you have no idea about it, author Ujjwal Mishra has brilliantly compiled all her research and analysis regarding the dreams. She tried to decode messages related to these so well through her book Dreams Decoded.

Dreams Decoded is a book that will take you closer to your dreams and understanding them. A wide array of dreams are covered in it, right from dreaming about aliens to what do kids see in dreams. Find the answers to your dreams in this book.

My Review:

The Language of the book is simple yet polished that anyone can read it at ease. My favorite part is the first chapter where the author has well described the type of dreams as daydreaming and nightmare are the words we commonly pick while talking about dreams but the term Lucid Dream is something very new to me. The best part is where the author has considered all the scientific angles behind the dreams with the crisp of the gestures and postures of the subject for eg. if the animal is running behind you, or you are trying yourself hide from it in dreams, in a similar way whether its stagnant water or flowing source of water, the specific water body as every water body reflects different means, why a person has the ability to remember his dreams whereas, next to him/her might have a tendency to forget it? She perfectly projects the difference between babies and toddler’s dreams, tweens, and teen’s dreams, when either you or your wallet lost in dreams. How should parents handle the situation when kids talk about their dreams.

Honestly, I hardly found anything missing related to dream and its factors in the book Dreams Decoded. I strongly recommend this book to all the readers from teens to adults. My rating for Dream Decoded is 4 stars out of 5. This worth reading book is free to download for a very limited period of time, I have already downloaded my copy so hurry up! grab your copy from the below link.

#BlogchatterEbook Carnival

#Blogchatter #BookReview

32 thoughts on “Book Review: DREAMS DECODED By Ujjwal Mishra #BlogchatterEbook #BookReview”

  1. This book by Ujjwal is long due..and in my bucket list.. I am so interested in this topic.. once I am done with all the prior commitments I am going to read this.

  2. I have read many post from Ujjwal during the A to Z challenge she has given a new perspective to look at the dreams. in fact I had no clue about how dreams good also convey messages and give us a hints about what coming ahead you have done a beautiful review. I wish we could take it further by reviewing each others book too in the future

  3. I am surely going to check out this book. The concept of dreams and the meaning behind them has always piqued my interest. I can’t wait to uncover so many wonderful findings in this.

  4. Dreams is one topic that makes me really curious to know more and read more about. Surely downloading this book for unravelling the mysteries behind ddifferent dreams.

  5. This is such an interesting topic that I am intrigued to read the book soon. I loved your review, it looks like my weekend read is sorted.

  6. Dreams are something always fascinates me and I have read a few chapters it is beautifully written ..What a great and honest review!!

  7. Thanks Archana for reading and sharing this generous review. I really appreciate it. I will reach out to you to get more feedback on this as I plan to take it to KDP now.

  8. Deepika Mishra

    Ujjwal, congratulations to the ebook! Very unique topic and so the book contains too.AI have already read some chapters of the book. The description and detailing is so interesting. Best wishes!!

  9. Wonderful review. I am now enticed to read this book. I always get intrigued by my dreams and this significance. The book looks like an interesting read.

  10. I definitely do subscribe to the view that our dream always reflect our state of mind and by interpreting the dreams one can try to work out the mental and emotional state of a person.This book really looks interesting to me.

  11. I have always been an admirer of Ujjwal’s writing skills. Dreams is one topic that fascinates many. Decoding them need a lot of research and then putting them in an easy language is another task. And when I read a couple of chapters from this book, it was evident how much efforts Ujjwal has put in it.

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