Book Review: Image Management, Guide To Create Your Own Brand By Swati Mathur

Book Title : Image Management

Published By: Blogchatter

Author : Swati Mathur

Format: Ebook

Genre: Non- Fiction

Language: English

Pages: 74

Rating: 4/5

Download Link:…/a2z-of-image…

About Book

When we talk about anything related to image management or makeover, most of the time, the terms give the illusion of turning our real looks to 360 degrees by copying someone else. The Book A2Z Of Image Management’ By Swati Mathur strongly condemned these thoughts instead shows the path to carry out the best version of yourself.

Starting with the book cover of “A2Z Of Image Management”, which is very simple and highly impressive, a girl with not much impression on her face; however, the way she held her hat says all about the equanimity of her personality. The tagline of the book ‘Guide To Creates Your Own Brand’ is so conforming.

Book Cover: Image Management

About Author

Swati Mathur is a Certified Image Consultant and NABET certified life skills trainer; she believes in ABC of life, where A stands for Appearance, B for Behaviour, and C for Communication Skills. All these three elements improve the probability of success in people’s life. As an Employability and job coach, she has trained 2000+ students and successfully placed them across various industries. As an EQ Coach, she helps her clients to master their emotions, reduce stress, and develop Emotional Intelligence. She believes in empowering and enabling people to become the best version of themselves.
You can find her on Twitter @swatimathur1701 and Instagram, and she blogs at

My Review

The book is composed of 26 Chapters. It contains the powerful tools, strategies, and techniques of creating the right image for oneself and others. The detailing of every essential facet in fabricating one’s personality by the author is laudable. Right from the attire to the accessories, the life cycle of cloth to the fashion cycle of the market, the body shape to face shape, the pattern to the color of the cloth, from Wardrobe to shopping skill, Swati has left no stone unturned in making her readers understand the skills of being her/his own brand.

This book will affirm your belief that merely wearing makeup will not give you 100% result unless you give the touch-up of confidence to it. Love yourself the way you are, is the foundation of nurturing beauty.

The main chapters are Wardrobe Strategies, X-Factor of Smart Shopping Skills, Yin and Yang in Clothing, Zenith of Fashion Curve, Art in Everyday Dressing, Body Shape Evaluation for better understanding of garment Shapes, Elements of Design, Know life cycle of clothing needs, Makeup Make down Makeover, Go to guide for patterns in clothing and so on.

Among all my favorite chapters is ‘X- factor of Smart Shopping Skills’; it really made me realize that every penny matters, sense of smart shopping can only save you and your wardrobe from unnecessary loads.

Hit Points

The major coup of the book ‘A2Z Of Image Management’ is the author’s effort in gleaning all the relevant factors, inner or outer both, that contribute to grooming the personality. At every point, she emphasizes on “Be You” and “Be Economical” concept. No matter which body shape or color you belong to, your persona can only speak louder when you are content with what you are and what you have. Similarly, keep the things in your wardrobe that can be wear in 4-5 different ways by mixing and matching or adding a bit of creativity to it. Isn’t it the best advice of this era when the whole world is going crazy in showing off?

Also read: Book Review Of Beyond Fairy Tales

Miss Points

Being a Certified Image Consultant Swati Mathur has done full justice to her book. Even though this book is her first publication, I didn’t find anything missing from the topic she chose to write. However, While the reading table of contents I felt chapters could be divided based on the outer and inner grooming areas like the dress, make-ups, Body structure, and shopping sense/tools.


A2Z Of Image Management is a must-read book for everyone, wondering to understand the dynamics of their personality and the ways to be presentable with suitable attire, relevant color, design, gesture, and posture, etc. The author has tactfully fetched all the topics that are required in building an overall persona. The language of the book is very easy to understand with helpful images.

Based on the content, I can assure you this book will not disappoint you by limiting it to a specific gender or age. It serves the purpose for all age groups. Furthermore, it will also enrich you with plenty of ideas of dress sense and shopping skills, wardrobing in the end. I will give a 4 out of 5 ratings to this wonderful read.

Chit Chat Corner With Author Swati Mathur

Q.1 What inspired you the most to pen down on the particular subject or genre?

Swati ~ Being an Image Consultant and Job and Employability coach I understand the importance of creating positive first impression. It not only gives you confidence but also appraise competitive advantage over others. I always believe that no matter what you do in life or whatever is your profession, everyone wants to be successful . And to achieve success there are two important aspects, first , getting an opportunity and second, once you get an opportunity you need to perform to prove your self. Getting an opportunity is the factor of creating impactful first impression. Creating powerful first impression comes with ABC rule of life, where A is your Appearance, B for Behavior and C for Communication skills. My book A2Z of Image Management is the complete framework of all these three rules. As an enabler I want to empower people to enhance their critical skills and to alleviate my reach I felt writing a book would be a great idea.

Q.2 Have you ever gotten writer’s block?How you overcome it?

Swati ~ To be very frank I do not know what do you mean by writers block. I write what I love. So never felt that. One of the reason could be as till now I have written only non fiction and never tried my hands on Fiction stuff. I write what I have expertise on, but I do believe that whenever you wit something make sure you are in happy and relaxed mood.

Q.3 What is the best advice you would like to give to budding writers?

Swati ~ This is my first book and seriously I don’t think I am in a position to advice . All I can say is

  • Always push yourself to get better at your craft.
  • You must know your subject matter really well.
  • You must have deep emotional conviction about your subject matter
  • You must be a good communicator
  • Wow-what you believe in
    Follow this, and everything will fall into its place.

This Book Review is a part of the #BlogchatterEbook carnival hosted by Blogchatter. I have also published my ebook this year Life Is An Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions. Do not forget to download it here.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterHalfMarathon hosted by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

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6 thoughts on “Book Review: Image Management, Guide To Create Your Own Brand By Swati Mathur”

  1. What a glorifying review, Archena. I read it all as I was also into personal grooming and I got to learn so much. My favourites too are Be You and Be Economical. We should be confident of our own selves and make our own style statement. Spending too much money doesn’t buy you style. You only need confidence and the right clothes to match it.

  2. You have a way with reviews. They are so detailed and eloquently written. You give the essence of the book without spoilers and the chit chat is the icing on the cake. Loved your take of the book
    Deepika Sharma

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