CHANGES From Other’s Eyes In Pandemic #MyFriendAlexa Post-7

This is my seventh post for the campaign #MyFriendAlexa hosted by Blogchatter.

In the series of CHANGES, I talked about the changes that I experienced or wanted to happen in the future. Some changes debunked my myth, some came as an eye-opener, some changes required a mandatory shift from negative mind to positive to get control over the Mayhem.

This time I thought to give it a little twist by bringing the changes from different angles. Yeah! from the other’s eye.

So I requested my family and friends near and far, belongs to different fields to share their views about the changes they might feel in the Pandemic.

1). Mrs. Saumya Rai:

Introduction: Senior Development Manager at FIS Pune India, Mother of 10 YO son, Wife of a loving Husband cum colleague at the same workplace.

Saumya says,” I have become more patient in terms of everything. As a working mother, this lockdown and work from home have been a kind of blessing for me. As it is the longest time, I have spent with my son. I get time to teach him, which makes me feel contented at the end of the day. As a wife to this pandemic, it made me realize how important my family is for me, and for that, it is important to spend not only a fun time but also a tough time.

Around May or June, when the Company announced to cut a certain percentage of salaries in addition to no hope of increment shortly, initially, it does make us worried about later, these small worries helped us in becoming stronger.

As a daughter, I have become quite immature; just pray to bless my parents and me with some more OUR time. I want to give them all the happiness to which they have not yet encountered.

As an employer, I really feel that somewhere I broke my own glass ceiling that made by myself; learning testing and becoming a Dev. Manager, people think a quite impossible combination. Honestly, I am thoroughly enjoying my decision. I realize one should never stop learning.

The most important change that debunked my myth is that we Indians can survive without a maid.

2). Mr.Badrish Srivastava:

Introduction: Senior Academic Coordinator & Faculty at Mount Litera Zee School, Ghazipur Branch, UP, India.

Badrish says,” I will like to start with an approach I usually apply in my life. It’s called ACR.
A – Accept the change
C – Change the changeable
R – Remove yourself from the unacceptable.

As part of the academic fraternity, the major change and challenge were the new normal of virtual classes and online delivery mode. In the beginning, it was a little problematic, but once I accepted the changed format and started focusing on the positive aspects, it started reflecting as bliss. I realized that it was a blessing in disguise. Something that every one of us dreamt of was coming true. Dream of not going to the office for months and work from the comfort of home. This pandemic allowed spending quality time with family, which otherwise seems impossible.

Although there was a lack of personal and tangible feel with the kids and the increased screen time has also become an issue for the overall development and health.

Another big issue was maintaining a positive and healthy mental status, focused, and motivated mind. This paved a way to a deeper sense of meditation and thereby initiating mindfulness sessions.

Mother nature has started balancing itself, and in that course of nature, certain changes happening in our own and our loved one’s life has created a sense of uncertainty.

I would like the emphasis on the fact that man proposes God disposes of. This pandemic has definitely debunked the myth that human civilization has reached its glorious era and has developed certain capabilities to control nature’s course.

Mother nature has established that she can rectify and balance itself with the help of an invisible virus. Everything can rejuvenate just by a pause of human intervention”.

3). Ms. Moushmi Bhat:

Introduction: A Bright student of High School Senior (12th Grade) Georgia, USA.

Moushmi says, “This COVID-19 pandemic has hindered my schedule and made it very difficult to attend school and learn. Before the pandemic, everything took place in a certain manner at a certain time; life was quite predictable. Between the poor internet connections and miscommunications, it is fairly difficult to learn new material and take tests. One of the most difficult things about remote learning is that I miss out on all of my practical assessments and labs. Considering that I want to pursue medicine, these practical assessments are very crucial. Overall, even though most of our summative assessments are open notes, it has become difficult to comprehend and implement the material I am learning online. Another difficult aspect of this pandemic is that my social life has come to a standstill, as I cannot see my friends in school or outside. I cannot participate in any special school events, which hit me the hardest as this is my last year in high school”.

4). Mrs. Alpana Deo:

Introduction: Parenting Blogger, Podcaster, Published Author in the USA.

Alpana says, ” Change is never comfortable. It upsets us and confuses us. But surprisingly, in odd situations, also we find an alternative that works for us.
Like everyone, my life was also got affected due to the pandemic. But I always believe in seeing the silver lining, and here also, I am trying to keep my spirits high. Being a mother, full-time blogger, and a podcaster, balancing work and personal life is not an easy walk during this time. Still, again as I said earlier, we find an alternative in tough situations. It made me a better planner and organizer (since everyone is at home and I cannot afford to waste time), kept me on schedule(by not messing up with my early waking up habit just because there is no in-person school).
We all have our take always from the past months, and these will stay with us forever”.

I thank all my dear ones mentioned above for sharing their perspective on the changes we all are dealing with in our daily lives.

Can you relate to their changes? Or you have a different story of changes during the Pandemic.

“I m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa”

Read here Related Posts:

Post 1: Reality Check Of Relations.

Post 2: Choose Ideal Wisely

Post 3: Sonth-Gond Laddoo

Post 4: Social Media Addiction

Post 5: Mind Over Mayhem

Post 6: Wishlist For Future Change

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

19 thoughts on “CHANGES From Other’s Eyes In Pandemic #MyFriendAlexa Post-7”

  1. I liked your idea of selecting propel from different backgrounds and age groups to share their experiences. I believe that this has been a steep learning curve for everyone.

  2. That’s an interesting read. I really liked your idea of asking different people to share their views about the change due to the pandemic. Change is never easy but it’s necessary as it teaches us some important life lessons.

  3. Interesting post. Pandemic has changed everyone’s lives but I’m kind of liking this waking up late because my daughter can handle her classes alone now. We don’t have to run to the bus every morning. Hahaha.. but yea I hate wearing a mask.

  4. Great idea of getting insights from different age groups and different careers.That’s a wide range of perspectives..A blogger, a career woman and mother, a student, a teacher..each with their own views. We adults are coping somehow but its the kids who are taking it badly. Look at the young girl..poor thing..missing her friends, socialising, education has become difficult. Most of all is the uncertainty of time it will take to get back to normal.

  5. Loved the post dear and it was so interesting to read different perspective on this pandemic situation. I agree this pandemic has made us more patient and we had realized importance of so many routine things in our lives which we had a habit of taking for granted.

  6. Changes are not always makes us happy ,sometimes it upsets us and disturbs us . I am glad to know others view on this change.

  7. Wow so amazing stories shared by you 🙂 really inspiring & interesting 👌 really loved reading it thank u for sharing

    1. No body like changes and the current situation was unavoidable, glad you shared so many perspectives from various age groups and walks of life.

  8. This pandemic has been stressful for me… Although, it was different to different people. For me, this was tiring and had lots of worries attached to it. At the same, I believe I have got to learn a lot of things in life.

    By the way, how it is for you??

  9. Wow great post dear and it was really interesting to read all these amazing overviews about pandemic. Agree this pandemic has taught us many valuable lessons and we all became more patient.

  10. Very well summarised and it’s understandable how difficult it is to connect with different ppl and consolidating their thoughts..👍👍👍 superb one

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