Treasure The Gift Of CHILD

In the era of huge cut-throat competition amidst of express speed of life, with the rushing hours, somewhere and somehow, unfortunately, we as a parent intentionally or unintentionally involved our kids into this meaningless marathon, everyone wants all-rounder kid, because being “HAPPY IN LESS” is not into the trend, some literally living and enjoying their life with this strong belief, and trying their best to put the weight of their fulfilled/broken dreams on the small innocent shoulder of their kiddos, it is not the kind of kids, it’ is their parent who doesn’t want to accept that YES, it really doesn’t matter much, if my son/daughter doesn’t show interest in particular field that they want them to perform at par, but yes, doing exceptionally well somewhere else. Maybe, some of you get me wrong, but this is the hidden prevailing fact, at some point we accept, some don’t have the courage to accept, and rest don’t realize that they actually into this useless race.
Many parents I can see spending their life in counting their own win only, where they won to force their child to participate in contest and kid also performed well, without giving least consideration on their kid’s forte, but someone around is performing in that field, we have no choice but to let our children get into it anyhow.
I consider some of the major attributes if we as a parent can effort to put in the mind and soul of our kiddos, it will come as a great treasure for them in achieving long term goals, but then again I will say before inducing it in our children we have to make ourselves understand very clearly to focus on long term winning not short term achievements.
1.) BE YOU -:

Dear Parents let your children be the best version of themselves, we as a parent has to understand at the beginning that compelling child for the things-to-do, is actually a one-sided game with them which leads the little innocent mind towards loss of confidence, they won’t be able to recognize ever their interest and area of perfection.
2). Win your Inner Battle-:

As a parent let gift our child the strength and power to win with their inner enemies of fears like unnecessary competition, jealous, insecurities, fear of defeat. an all if parent conquers this battle I am sure they would definitely like to transfer this treasure to their child to be a winner forever.
3). Be A Learner -:

Learning is a continuous process. Let your child tell to never put STOP sign on learning. This is the only way they can shine brighter and brighter without any extra effort.
4). Sharing Is Caring-:

We are completely aware of this major problem among kids that too in terms of materialistic things only but in parents, it lies in on non-materialistic things also, ok let’s unfold the riddle, as a parent in the race of competition we are losing our responsibility of sharing knowledge, somewhere back of mind having thoughts if not my child why to share with others this info. better to block the flow of sharing. save our child with narrow mindedness is our prime responsibility.
The way children grow as a parent we also grow both go hand in hand with holding bitter and sweet experiences and learning, by facing ups and downs, only the thing we can make sure we both parent and children come out as stronger with a clearer vision in recognizing the values of our kiddos’ precious childhood. tween age, teenage and enjoy each and every moment to the fullest.
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Now here’s a post that is so relevant in today’s world. I love your tips and feel we should understand our children, guide them but let them take their own decisions. As is said, set your child for the road but not the road for your child!
Thanks for the read Prerna!😊
Very well said ,a parent has to make sure they don’t put the kid into the dilemma to choose between what they love what they want to do or what their parents want them to do, these era parents have to be a little sensible in this and not put their dreams to be fulfilled by their kids.
Thanks for dropping by Jameela and sharing your thoughts.
You are right Archana. As parents we need to strike a balance between motivating and pressurising our kids. Often we put known and unknown pressure on our kids and that is not necessarily about studies and career it can be about an inter caste marriage, accepting a relationship, girls not being able to confess any sexual misconduct to their parents. The point is we must let our kids be what they are at least with us.
Thanks for the read Aakansha, so agree with you!
You have mentioned it so well. Today v want our kids to excel in everything. I second u .
Thanks for the read Sweta.
The idea of teaching the kids to be happy in less, resonates so much with me. Some very valid points you have mentioned.
Thanks for stopping by Maneet.
I love how you touched upon the success and the meaning of it. Yes, many parents force their children to run after their definition of success without understanding their child properly. Good one.
Thank you for the read and like Tina!
Well penned Archana. You have included the most important points required to survive in this world. But parents should first lead the way before expecting their children to do so.
Thank you for the read Anjali , so agree with you!
Well said Archana. No one wants to settle at less. Unknowingly parents are competing with each other to establish that their way of raising the child is best. One must prefer learning over winning. Kudos to take up such an important issue so easily weaved in words
Glad to know you liked it Thank you so much .
Agree with your points, putting too much pressure on kids is disheartening to see. Letting them learn on their pace is a good advice.
Thank you for the read Disha, yeah, truly believe in!
So true. Parents preach children to be happy in less but they themselves want their children to be perfect in all aspects of life. Irony.
Nice read.
Thank you for the read Aditi, so agree with you!
The part which struck me the most is teaching kids to fight with their own inner battles. As a society, we deal a lot with competition on the outside but hardly build the emotional strength the cope with the emotions inside. Well-penned!
Thank you Surbhi happy to know that you liked it!
Agree. Instead of encouraging the kids to only win, we should teach them to be their best self.
Thanks for the read Ramya, completely agree!
Completely agree and you have penned it so wonderfully.
Thanks for the read and like Rashi.
A very practical post. I completely agree with you that parents tend to push kids to fulfill their dreams. We have to be more careful about their individuality and let them be themselves. Some core values of sharing and learning are what will make them good and successful human beings. Lovely post 🙂
Thank you Arushi for liking it and sharing your thoughts too.
Aww! loved reading this one! amazing
Thanks for the read Vidhya!
True said, we grow as parents along with kids growth. Be what you are along with sharing and caring, lovely points you have covered for kids as well as parents too.
Thank you Pragun!
Completely agree with you. It’s not always Winning but the journey that matters.
Thank you Sindhu!
Excessive pressure leads to breakage. This is applicable not just in science but in life too. When parents push kids to achieve more and more, over enjoying little stops of life. Kids are burdened early. They do face burn out too.
This post serves as a reminder to parents. Nice one, Archana.
Thanks for the read and liking it Pragnya.
Loved the points you mentioned & totally agree that this is the real treasure to give your child.
Thanks Vij.
Cudgels of competition has really gripped the kids and parents alike. This is very nice blog with practical points. Sharing is caring is the most difficult attribute to teach the kids. With nuclear families and lesser friends in neighbourhood, kids dont know what sharing is like. Teaching them the principles of life is more important than any grades. ur writing style is very catchy and one cannot leave in between.
Very thoughtful and much needed advice given to parents and kids here. Yes we have some how unfortunately been aiming kids to become all-rounders. Worse still we expect them to top in all of them. This is just peer pressure. Fighting the inner battles is my favorite advice here
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on it Rashmi.
Thank you for stopping by Supriti, strongly agree!
Very well-said. I’m glad you are calling out parents on their ignorance and narrow-mindedness when it comes to their children’s achievements.
All the points are important, however being a learner is an ongoing process through out life.
Lovely post. It was great to read your dreams and good wishes for your child.It is very important to let our children create their own path without us forcing them against their wish.
Great post archu. Well expressed. First of all we have to teach them that success is not the source of happiness.
Success is important but the process which lead to the success is equally important. In that process, even if the child fails, its learning experience. Parents should always keep in mind that they have to teach they children to handle positive and negative results positively.
Great post Archana and I agree with you, yes! It is a common occurrence when parents push their kids so hard to fulfill their incomplete dreams or force them to perform..and this behavior make them unnecessary pressurized. Learning and enjoying the process of learning is way more important that end results. Thanks for sharing this important reminder.
Thanks for the read and sharing your thoughts Surbhi.
Very well expressed.
Thank you for stopping by Mittali.