Effective Communication Wins The Battle #CauseAChatter

Alt= 3 persons image and emojis on head showing the communication. a pin board represents the winning battle.

What Is Effective Communication

“Communication is a weapon makes win the battle if served smartly; it brings volcano if served harshly; moreover, it bombards you with disasters if served wrongly”.

Communication skill does not refer to the command over a particular language. Good communication is the tool that plays a major role in imprinting the deep mark in your journey at the workplace, in social circles, or at home everywhere. A good communicator has the power to turn the unfavorable condition into favorable up to a certain extent.

Rare one could fetch the difference between communication and effective communication; to influence the people, one must understand the thin line between both.

Google says, “Communication is simply the flow of information from the first party (the sender) to the second party (the receiver) irrespective of whether the recipient has properly downloaded the message or not, whereas effective communication is the flow of information in exactly the same manner the sender intends to do so”.

What if someone doesn’t understand what you want to say?

Do you feel vulnerable in the lack of the right words to put your point?

What if in public, you fail to express yourself?

How it feels when you have no option to miss an opportunity to speak due to weaker communication skills?

Improving communication skills is not rocket science. Anyone could overcome the shortcoming just by understanding the basics, working on it, and, last but not least, practicing it in daily life. Have a look at the basics of effective communication.

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Pillars Of Effective Communication:

1). Be a good listener: Understanding anything starts with listening only, so practicing listening to others comes first and then responding. Disasters of communication arise when people ignore the primary stage of communication and, i.e., listening. That’s why there is a famous say, “A Good Listener Is A Good Communicator”

2). Body Language: Right body language authenticates the words. Well placed eye contact, gesture, and posture enhance the level of confidence in communicator and reliability in listeners. The best way to check on your Body language is to speak in front of the mirror for 15 minutes daily.

3). Right Selection Of Words: Again, the wrongly written or spoken words are the main culprits in putting someone at fault. Pay extra attention to the words while speaking in public or private, even while texting formally or informally. Albeit, not everyone has the ability to click the right word at the right time, better to take a pause for a while, think, and then speak or limit your words wisely.

4). Agenda: The starting point of any communication in the world is an agenda or content, “No Agenda No Communication,” an ambiguous agenda ruins the communication and listeners’ interest as well. Ergo, to make communication effective, one must be well aware of the purpose of communication.

Benefits Of Effective Communication:

1). Better Relationships: A well-balanced communication flourishes the relations. A gentle distribution of the roles between being a good listener and a good speaker leads to healthy relations at the workplace and home.

2). Higher Self-Esteem: The freedom of expressing your views in front of either big or small groups, or anywhere, anytime, boosts your confidence that results in higher self-esteem.

3). Cultivate Trust: The ability to listen and make the other side understand clearly builds trust among the people.

4). Leadership Skill: Effective communication skills develops the quality of leadership and Volunteers.

5). Keeps One’s Active: An effective communicator uses his communication skill to spread awareness through active participation in social activities.

What would you prefer to be a communicator or an effective communicator in life? Do share!

NOTE:- This post is written as part of Blogchatter #CauseAChatter Blogging with a purpose.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

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