ENGLISH Will Not Decide Her Worth! #A2ZofBollywood

E For English Vinglish

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Today I will take you to the house of Shashi Godbole a simply sweet lady with a sober look, cotton sari, straight braid, small bindi on the forehead with the makeup of humbleness and jewelry of kindness, from the movie English Vinglish( 2012), Yes, again one of the finest performance of Classic Beauty Chandni. English Vinglish was the come back of Female Superstar Sridevi to the silver screen, After a gap of almost one and half decades(15 years), some fans were eager to get a glimpse of her star on screen, whereas, some doubted on her capabilities considering the huge gap of years, as soon as movie approached the box office Legend’s Charisma Roared once again and Sridevi let the world know that Lioness is back in the game. The movie was a directorial debut of Gauri Shinde,, it won many awards, released in various languages, One of the cameo role is also there done by Amitabh Bachchan. Onscreen meet of two superstars of Bollywood after ages was another treat for the eyes.


Plot :-

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The film is a breezy light-hearted yet touching transformational journey of Shashi Godbole (Sridevi) a wife of workaholic husband Satish Godbole, mother of two and a dear daughter in law, she takes care of everyone’s choice, needs, and comfort in the house also runs a small business of making laddoos (Sweets) highly demanded among customers, Speaking English was her big fear, which makes her insecure. She constantly mocked by her husband and teenage daughter over her lack and profession. Although her mother in law and her son appreciate and respect her devotions. Shashi has to travel the USA all alone for her sister’s daughter wedding function, her family would also join later as the wedding date approaches, she was so scared, he made many practices of answers immigration officer would have ask. She enjoys her experiences and lessons in her first flight journey. One day while her outing she badly get humiliated at the coffee shop because of not able to understand the English.


She joined the English speaking short term course where she gets many friends from different parts of the world of different religions and sooner become the favorites of everyone there.

Shashi followed the course with all integrity, but her family surprised her by reaching a day before of scheduled flight, Shashi decided to leave the class in midway but her good friend a french chef Laurant helped her a lot in continuing the course by keeping the mobile ON from the class so that she could attend the lectures. Shashi’s exam date coincides with the wedding date of her niece, again she preferred family over self and left the exams, her niece Radha invited all her friends and coach to the function.

ON the date of the wedding Shashi was asked to speak a few words to bless the newly wedded couple, knowing her weakness of English speaking her husband and her daughter tried to overshadow her. Surprisingly, Shashi took an effort to speak on her own without any hesitation and left them shocked. In the words of blessings, Shashi made understand the newly couple meaning of marriage and about the importance of respect in any relation, despite countless shortcomings, everyone deserves love and respect, on the other hand, she also thanked all her friends and coach for believing in her and supporting her. This speech was a tight slap on the face of her husband and teenage daughter, they felt sorry for their behavior towards Shashi, and the last Shashi’s also passed the speech exams with flying colors as the Coach considered her speech for evaluation.


My Learnings :-

1). Respect is always greater than Love, a relationship can last longer if respect is the base of their relation, respecting doesn’t mean that you have to worship someone for every then and now, it only meant to treat someone decently and appreciate for what they are.

2). Never ever allow anyone to degrade your virtue, proudly accept for what you are and what you do and let others know your worth, sometimes being vocal for your deed becomes necessary.

3). There is no age for learning, an opportunity never ask about age, there is no shy in a late start, every day is a new start, it is all about acceptance and belief, start with the acceptance of flaws and next comes to believe yourself take both hands in hand accompanied with your hard work and diligence, there your destination will welcome you with open arms.

4). True friendship is beyond any religion or language, if your emotions are real you will feel connected with total freedom of conveyance. Friendship of Shashi and Laurant(French chef) is the best example of this in movie.

5). Marriage is an institution where two identities come along to spend life together with the love and respect they support each other, compromises equally, shares responsibilities, understands and appreciates, dreams together, it is not about losing your identity.


See you tomorrow with another dynamic character. Till then have a happy reading, leave with your comments with a promise to be back tomorrow!!

#Staysafe #Stayathome #Stayaware #goawaycorona !!!

**If you missed reading my post on Letter “D”

**This post is for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge Letter E**


34 thoughts on “ENGLISH Will Not Decide Her Worth! #A2ZofBollywood”

  1. wonderful Archana. It was a lovely comeback of Sridevi. I wish we could have watched more of her come back films. She was a powerhouse of talent. Whenever I recollect the movie, I always think of two scenes when she says when a woman cooks, it her duty and when a man cooks, its an art. and her speech in the end…

  2. This one of my favourites, last time it was coming at 1130pm but I stayed to watch it. So so loved Sri in it and story and direction are awesome. More power to women who want to learn and bring a change. I loved your learnings from the movie.

  3. I saw this movie and felt an emotional connect. Often people recognize your qualities with a particular language. I personally think any language can’t decide your personality. Agreed with the pointers.

  4. One of the finest movies I have seen and definitely an excellent comeback by Sridevi after more than a decade. I love the message this movie conveyed but Sadly, still, people judge on the basis of the language we speak, the clothes we wear and whatnot. A good read, Archana

  5. Noor Anand Chawla

    I see you’re a big Sridevi fan because I’ve seen her in two of your posts! This was a fantastic film and an iconic character for sure!

  6. I saw that movie on Television. It was indeed a great movie. And I hated it when the husband treats her pathetically just because of her poor English and declares, ‘My wife was born to make Laddoos’. A woman is much more than her cooking ability would indicate or for that matter her ability to speak English.

  7. You have very beautifully analyzed the story and the movie. Loved it. The movie is fantastic and the iconic Sridevi is simply at her best.

  8. You Know Archana, this one is again my all time favorite movie, and I loved everything about this movie..concept, direction and acting of all actors..and I am highly impressed with your takeaway from each movie. I have to say, you are a great analyzer and you are sharing amazing points about each movie.

  9. This is one of my favorite movies. The message in this is beautiful. Its something many women face these days. English is just a language, not a deciding factor for anyone’s intelligence and worth.

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