This is my sixth post for the campaign #MyFriendAlexa hosted by Blogchatter.
Hola My Readers,
Sending you wishes for two auspicious days in a row!!
Happy Navmi !!
This year on the auspicious day of Navmi, while performing Navmi Pooja, Apart from asking for the blessings of a Virus-free world, I urge Maa Durga before leaving for her Dham to bless the world’s men with a healthy mind and women with the safest tomorrow.
Happy Dussehra!!
This 2020 year has shown the ugliest phase, the best life lessons, and the rarest of rare changes ever happened. Have you ever avouched Durga Pooja without Durga Idol, Dusshera skipped burning the effigy of Ravana? However, I appreciate this move by the Government of some states in India.
Look At The Positive Side- I tried to dig deeper to fetch the positive side of the whole effect of Pandemic on this Vijayadashmi; I feel effigy Ravana took leave to make us realize that it is the time to peep inside first and burn the Ravana of our own misdeed.
You won’t deny that Pandemic may change the whole equation of life. It shelved the planning of small and big businesses, shrunken the guest’s lists in celebrations, halted travel, hit the economy worldwide, and changed education. Unfortunately still, there are few incidents whose data did not get affected by the deadly virus.
Doesn’t the rising data of Rape cases in India haunt you?
Doesn’t daily missing child post disturb you?
Doesn’t the death of girls due to dowry shivers you?
I know the increased number of data tears you apart, too, like me. Can you join the dots this year why I said to Maa Durga to bless every girl a safe tomorrow? Adding to this why it is time to remove The Ravana that resides inside in the form of a corrupt mind before liting Ravana’s statue.
Wish List:
I pray to Maa Durga to fulfill my wish list of changes required to dwell in a better tomorrow.
1). No parents live in fear when their daughter gets late in reaching home.
2). The flag of equality flies high in a true sense when mothers take responsibility to teach survival cooking and financial independence to all their kids irrespective of their gender.
3). Celebration of Nine days of Navratri runs the whole year in the form of worshipping little girls 365 days true-heartedly by all the men and women.
4). The Govt. Yojana “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” gets extended by ” Beta Padhao, Sahi Galat ki Pehchan Karao.”
5). Any state caught dowry case or death of a woman in this matter, should be banned from any further alliance or celebrations in the future; this will make the neighborhood more alert to have an eye if any dowry is taken or if any girl faces violence.
6). I wish the ‘Girl Child Scheme’ in India should be exchanged with Quarterly/Six-Monthly/Yearly Scholarship programs for everyone, the best way to promote equality.
7). Just like the Employee Appraisal Program, what if Monthly State appraisal programs come into the picture? Performance of Govt. state should have measured based on the factors, like Rape Cases/month, Murders/months, Burglary cases/month.
8). Not a single creature sleep empty stomach on this planet, no one dies due to expensive medical, no talent get suppressed due to irrational demands of the academic institution.
9). More than a girl’s parents, I believe parents of sons make sure that they raise a boy, where every girl feels safe.
Trust me, these are not that hard wishes that one can not afford to follow. Once these become applicable, no pepper spray, no safety app will be required to assure the safety of our daughters and well being of our sons.
Tell me, what is that one thing you wished this Navratri apart from Corona free world?
“I m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa”
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Post 1: Reality Check Of Relations.
Post 2: Choose Ideal Wisely
Post 3: Sonth-Gond Laddoo
Post 4: Social Media Addiction
Post 5: Mind Over Mayhem
Copyright © Archana Srivastava
This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava (archuswords.com). Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
I completely agree with your wish list .Hope we could bring these changes in our society and in our laws . I wish we start teaching our boys to respect girl .
I have a girl and a boy so I have everything in mind that you have describe and explain. I promise you I will raise my son to respect every woman
I want this wishlist to come true. The very thought of adding accountability to social responsibility will make our country a much safer, better, and lovable place to live our lives.
These are some great pointers for letting the girls exist in peace and more importantly without fear. I am a mom of a son and I am trying to teach him the correct and equal way of living.
Even though we say our society is progressing but the mindset of individuals is still residing in the past era. I agree with the wishlist you have created and we are in dire need of such changes. Hope the Goddess listens to your prayers and answers to these wishes.
your wishlist really resonates. i too do hope this comes true. the future definitely needs to change and indeed, the mothers can play a huge role in it.
Don’t we all need a society and a world like this! Amen to your wishlist, however, these imbalances are man-made. Unless we as a society change our core beliefs and perspective of co-existing things will always look this murky.
Yes, absolutely right. It is especially important to focus on how boys are being brought up. I know when a girl is born many people worry about how to bring her up…. But I believe that it is more important that boys are brought up right.
You are right.. except these invisible viruses , there are so many other visible viruses in our society which need to be clear .. I like your future wishlist.
These wish list are the one which we all want to be fulfilled. Raising boys in a manner where girls feel safe is the wish I too ask for.
My wishlist is almost ditto to yours, Archana. We can only wish and pray that the world becomes a better and safer place to live.Sometimes I feel happy that I wot be alive to see the degenration worsen
I couldn’t agree more with this. It is our mind that needs to focus on the positivity around us. This post has much needed positive vibes, loved reading this 🙂
True ya! We too wish for a corona free world. where the air would be cleaner yet safe to travel around and meet our loved ones freely. May that day is here sooner than we think!
I echo your hopes and wishes for the future. Let’s pray that the mantle of woman power celebrated during navratris are continued throughout the year!
I wish all these things too and hope that our law is made strong enough to let the girl child get the opportunity and safety she deserves. A wonderful positive post for Navratri!
Indeed Archana, wish these pointers are taken care of for equality, love. The world would indeed become such a beautiful place to live in
I have a son n a daughter n while I am raising a bold and fearless girl and preparing her to face the world I am also raising a boy who will love n respect women. Life skills like cooking and being in kitchen and taking care of the house n their belongings is being taught to both my kids. Its high tme we treat both genders equally.
There are so many problems in and around us and I really wish all those get solved and we get one happy environment ..praying same for such happy society
I totally agree! I just wish that these could be achieved sooner! It will take generations!
You have covered everything, practically everything that will make it a much place place to live in. I’d also like to wish it to be a safer place for kids to be
Wow that’s quite an elaborate list. I like the ones saying that we parent shouldn’t be worried about our daughters being out late. That would be nice but I know it’s impossible.
I wish the same. Our society has so many evils that it’s time to get rid of all of them. I wish world to be a better place for everyone, where there is no fear, no corruption, no evil. Just love love and more love.
Completely agree with you Archana. There are so many virus in the society that need to be taken care of. There is no vaccination for those viruses other than self realization/ self reflection, and intersection.
completely agree with your wish list dear. indeed there are so many problems and social evil in our society that make feel our girls unsafe and as a mom of two young girls I could feel that anxiousness so well when I read or watch these kinds of incidences in our so called modern society, hope these changes for better in future and we had a safe nation for our girls.
wow what a beautiful post.. indeed there are evils in our society and to fight them we need to improve ourselves , review and reflect on our actions so we can create a save environment for girls specifially.. and I completely agree with your last pointer