GOODBYE Alexa!! Open Letter to My Friend Alexa in 100th Post! #MyFriendAlexa Post -8

Image Courtesy: Canva

This is my eighth (Last) post for the campaign #MyFriendAlexa hosted by Blogchatter.

Dear Alexa

See how this 1 month passed riding through a roller coaster ride of reading and writing, didn’t realize we made it this far. And here I am writing the last post for you.

Is this a dream? Wait, Can you please pinch me, Alexa? Ouch! Yeah! I have successfully completed publishing eight posts in series on CHANGE or more than 8 posts, including other campaigns.

You have changed me, Alexa! You made me meet my potential. At several points, I felt to give up in this whole month, but every time your charm pushes me to hold on before calling quit, it kept screaming, “No! No! you are close to finishing line keep going on”.

Ah! Wish you could stay a little longer. But I know Sun has to set for another new day with even brighter Sunrise. Similarly, everything that starts has to end to give a new beginning to another process.

Before bidding adieu to you, let me share you 2 surprises with you:

1). Alexa, you hit the century on my blog today. Yes, archusblog has completed 100th posts. You have always been a favorite of mine; from now, you have secured a special place in my blogging journey.

2). Did you check my ranking when I boarded and when I successfully completed the journey? No! Have a look!

The Day I Registered For #MyFriendAlexa Pic 1
Mid Of #MyFriendAlexa Journey Pic 2
At the time Of Bid Adieu to #MyFriendAlexa Pic 3

You will be missed, Alexa! Thank you so much for bringing me on track in writing and reading; though I still have a long way to go, I know the path you have shown me, if followed diligently by me, will never let me derail any more.

See you next year, My Friend Alexa, till the time, take care and wish me to be the biggest loser of Alexa Ranking. As there are scarce things in the world where losing something actually makes you WINNER, and Alexa Ranking is from that cadre.

Thank you, Blogchatter, for such an amazing experience of #MyFriendAlexa2020. I truly enjoyed the journey through your revamped new version website this year! Waiting for the next challenges to come in my way!!

“I m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa”

Read here Related Posts:

Post 1: Reality Check Of Relations.

Post 2: Choose Ideal Wisely

Post 3: Sonth-Gond Laddoo

Post 4: Social Media Addiction

Post 5: Mind Over Mayhem

Post 6: Wishlist For Future Change

Post 7: Changes From Other’s Eyes

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.

15 thoughts on “GOODBYE Alexa!! Open Letter to My Friend Alexa in 100th Post! #MyFriendAlexa Post -8”

  1. Congratulations on celebrating your 100th post with #MyFriendAlexa. I so agree that it gets overwhelming but when it’s over we miss it. Hope that your awesome blog stats stay!

  2. I can so understand the feeling. I had such emotions while I was writing my first alexa. Congratulations to you on completing, hope to you again next year!

  3. Such a beautiful way to bid adieu to My Friend Alexa with this lovely post. Congratulations on the 100th post and attaining the amazing Alexa rank. Kudos to you and I wish you keep writing wonderful posts & keep losing your Alexa rank.

  4. Alexa was indeed a wonderful experience for me too… from brainstorming for topics with husband and friends and writing and trying to meet deadlines of reading…. it was a fun ride…. n this month I m missing Alexa too.

  5. Congratulations, Archana! The best thing about Alexa is that apart from our ranks improving, we’ve learned better practices of blogging, content creation, promotion, reading and networking.

  6. Congratulations on your blog century and for completing Alexa!Phew! What a month its been. Wish u many more hundreds to come Archana. I feel like taking a break from blogging and Social media but then I cannot even travel so rather slow down a bit.

  7. Many congratulations dear for completing Alexa successfully. And I could co realte with this feeling as I also had various struggles during last month but finally did it. Wishing you much more success and happiness for future.

  8. Congratulations for completing MFA with flying colors Archana. I know the feeling. Have been there before. This year, I didn’t participate in the challenge but read posts written by other bloggers. Now don’t break this habit of regular posting. Good luck!!

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