Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotion – Today’s emotion ” Emotional Change in teens”

I am a mom of a Pre-Teen, prepping myself for the parenting of a soon-to-be teenager boy. Believing that before kids, their parents need to be prepared for teenage parenting. Do you agree with me?
Parenting of teenagers can be edifying yet equally challenging. A moment he/she is happier in your company, next moment suddenly they just walk away brushing you off. Initially, it might seem minor issues, albeit they can become colossal if not considered on time in a teen’s mind.
The teenage years are a time of transition from childhood into adulthood. This transition period gives the foundation to a new relationship between parents and teenagers.
That takes all the emotions to the next level, with more understanding, love, support, friendly, even more trustable, etched forever in both sides’ hearts and minds. But only if handled with utmost caress.
Boys and Girls both go through many physical changes through this phase, which required a separate detailed post, which I will surely come with sooner.
These physical changes are visible, easier to bring into the conversation, and once discussed, 50% of the responsibility of parents is supposed to be done perfectly. Although this mindful conversation with kids required a descent balance of words, tone, pitch, and of course, a huge amount of patience.
Parents’ major responsibility comes into the frame when they learn to handle their teen’s emotional changes during the transition from childhood to adulthood. It is an ongoing process that required time to time open conversation between both parties.

Change in Behavior
Few emotional changes teens go through are:
▶️ Kids experience mood swings:
Mood swings are common among teenagers. More often than not, the subtle changes in their feelings and emotions are due to the hormonal changes in their bodies. Your teen will seem relaxed and reasonable at one moment and may lose her temper the next.
▶️ Become Self Conscious:
Your child may feel judged from every nook and corner. their mind and body do not ready to move parallelly. they become conscious about their dress sense, their walk, their presence.
▶️ Become more sensitive
Once the child approaches teenage time, relatives and other people around start expecting them to behave like a grown-up and in just one day. This sudden expectation puts your child under severe stress; thus, he/she starts behaving in a way that others could not judge them wrongly rather living her/his own happiness zone, which leads to emotional outbursts.
▶️ Changes in relationships
Relationship dynamics change soon after puberty. Your kid may start spending more time with peers than with you. They may even feel embarrassed to be seen with a parent in public. It may seem that friends are more important than family to your child.
▶️ Feel confused or weird:
Your child may experience various different feelings physically and mentally during puberty. These changes may depress them. If not addressed, rightfully, your child may slip to the negativity about their appearance, existence, etc.
▶️ Gender-Specific Manners:
Your child starts changing behavior in front of different genders. It might happen your boy becomes shy or conscious while talking to girls or vice versa.
▶️ Change in sleeping pattern:
The body’s sleep-wake cycle is dependent upon a “circadian rhythm” which in turn, is influenced by hormones. During puberty, a natural shift occurs in a teen’s circadian rhythm that causes them to feel more fully alert later at night. Children’s moodiness can be affected by their lack of sleep.
Tips To Deal With Teen’s Emotion
The best thing is that few tips can help us manage our teen’s emotions, even when we have the least idea of the cause and effect of their behavior.
▶️ Acknowledge Emotion:
The mantra of Modern Psychology, “If you can name it, you can tame it,” acknowledging’ speaks to the feeling behind the response to bring calm: ‘I can see how upset you are with me. “I understand how much you want to go to the party.” The result may not be visible so easily, but your teen will immediately calm down, seeing himself/herself listened to, felt, and seen. Trust me, the process of rational conversation begins from that moment.
▶️ Give them space:
Enrich your child with both tangible and intangible kinds of spaces. Firstly, create your child’s personal space in the home, a separate corner or room for them, bringing a feeling of SELF into them. Secondly, if they want to talk to their friends somewhere away from the parents, do not breach their privacy; once the telephonic conversation over, you can casually ask them.
▶️ Promote self-compassionate:
Despite loads of caress and well planning, life may not serve you what you desire. The truth is life can be frustrating, stressful, and disappointing. Instead of allowing frustration and self-doubt to ground, encourage your teen to be compassionate over the circumstances, they have the ability to turn the table.
▶️ Be Calm
There may be some moments when your teen boy/girl yells at you or slam-door at you; I know remaining calm is the toughest thing to do at that moment. However, remember that yelling in response will bring perpetual damage. Your child may refrain from sharing anything with you in the future. Understand their anger with whole patience and calmness.
▶️ Do not forget to Praise your child:
Along with the talk over education, and encourage your children to talk with you when they are confused or feeling stress. Most importantly do appreciate him/her for his/her accomplishments.
▶️ Respect their views:
Try to involve your child in every family discussion, ask their choice by offering them alternatives. Respect their advice and suggestions by listening to them.
Apart from these enlisted tips, there are few more pointers shared by “The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) ” for parents to prepare for their child’s teenage years:
- Providing a stable, safe, and loving home environment
- Creating an atmosphere of honesty, mutual trust, and respect
- Creating a culture of open communication at family mealtimes
- Allowing age-appropriate independence and assertiveness
- Developing a relationship that encourages your child to talk to you
- Teaching responsibility for their belongings and yours
- Teaching basic responsibility for household chores
- Teaching the importance of accepting limits
- Teaching the importance of thinking before acting

Whatever changes come to your kid’s life physically and mentally, nothing can break them into silence unless their parents and family members are there to support him, empathize with him. So embrace the change of your parenting and your child’s teenage. Ultimately, in the end, raising happy, here to confident kids makes parenting successful.
I am ready to grow as a parent. Would like to hear your perspective towards the parenting of teens!
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‘This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.‘
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Very informative post .It is really a challenging task to raise a teen but it’s not easy to be a teen, as well. We need to give them space yet guide them also .
My son is 12 and I’m seeing him go through physical and emotional changes. It’s a tricky situation and parents need to be calm. Their minds aren’t as developed so we must let them develop their individuality.
Thanks for sharing the tips Archana. Parenting teens can be kind of tough but if we do handle them the right way it’s good
More than teenagers, it’s parents who are to mend their behaviour with their teenage child. Treating them like kids becomes a thing of the past. Treat them like grown-ups and respect their views.
Agree with each and every point here. It is really a challenging task to raise a teen but it’s not easy to be a teen, as well. Physical changes, emotional changes, peer pressure, mood swings everything works against them. Certainly, they need our help to cope up with everything and for that, we need a lot of patience.
I am a mother of teenagers and can relate to everything written by you. But the most important is to respect their views.. Absolutely staying calm and just listen to them helps to understand them to great extent.
The most sensitive age is teens and as a parent, we need to be very alert as they undergo with various changes both physically and emotionally. I liked the points you have shared.
Very informative and you had covered all points so well. my elder one is almost 12 now, so I could co relate with all pointers. personally, I feel it is very important to give enough space to teen ager kids and allow them to make their own choice, of course with parental guidance. it is a delicate phase and as a parent, we have to calm and supportive for our kids to manage many physical and mental changes.
It was a tough phase for all of us decades ago… i can only imagine its much worse today.
You know this is incredible research buddy, I will need it when my son reaches Teens as a reminder
I’m having a teen at home, and just don’t ask what all changes I’m experiencing these days. Thanks for sharing this post I will sure follow your tips to deal the emotional changes. Giving them space and respecting their views certainly helps to connect with teenagers. As a parent one sure needs to keep the calm and keep praising them every now and then.
Teenage can be a nightmare or a joy. In our times we didn’t have so much information and it was all trial and error. The only thing I knew was to keep the communication open always. Just make them talk and listen. Once they start hiding stuff then the game is over.
Very aptly put .when you remember what you did as a teenager you worry more. Listening to them and respecting their views is important. Your suggestions as always will come in handy
Deepika Sharma
Enjoyed reading this insightful post.