Life Is Ocean : Myriad Of Emotions – Today’s Emotion is ‘ Jazz Up’
‘Jazz is the big brother of Revolution. Revolution follows it around.’ ~ Miles Davis
‘Jazz is one of the best things that you can find in your life, it can always be your friend.’ ~ George Gershwin

Monotony In Daily Life::
Have you ever felt that you are losing all the fun, excitement in your life despite doing all the things you wished long back or dreamt of? Have you found yourself under the loathe of monotony just after returning from your hobby class? Or While following your passion at least for a day, you find everything around so wretched?
No? or Yes? Or Yay sometime?
As a human, we do go through such state sometime sooner or later. Some know the reason behind it and hold to their passion with the utmost patience till the boredom passes by. Some get distracted and lose track. Some keep themselves update beforehand and explore the solutions.
This is the time to understand the moment and look to jazz up or spice up life, intending to avoid the rough patches that arise from the monotonous life.
How To Jazz Up Your Life?::
▶️ Bring New Twist To The Old Habits– By changing your hairstyle, dressing style, cooking pattern, or the way you spend your ME TIME, you can bring a doable twist to your monotonous routine. I have my way to jazz up my daily routine, a different( different from daily wear) set of clothes, a new hairstyle or a change of my walking track, listening to song while working, a bubble bath, are few things on my fingertips that I spice up the monotony of my day.
▶️ Try New Things– Always, Always thumbs up. It is not just to bring change; in fact, I would say do not let rest to a learner that resides in you for any day. Lockdown has already made us perfect to this practice; we learned many new things. Here I would say it is good to sometimes activate the idle cells by trying hands-on hobbies that you never thought could be your cup of tea. Watch a movie out of your list genre, pick the sport you never tasted before.
▶️ Reassess Your Life – Engage yourself fruitfully as a volunteer, take or share responsibility different from daily routine by extending your zone with some kindness. For instance, Get two jars labeled with gratitude and dreams(realistic), respectively. Make the chits of every tiniest and the biggest things you get every week that fills your heart with gratitude, similarly, chits of dreams you want to fulfill related to the job, partner, habits, home, social circle, travel, conversation with the long lost buddy, etc. in another jar. Let the jar of gratitude be filled the bim once you turn your dreams into reality. Reevaluate your life, where you start, and where you are now. Get ready another set of Jars every month. It may sound funny or kiddish; trust me, the happiness you acquire while checking your deeds’ balance sheet at the end of the month is surreal.
▶️ Go Konmari Method– The KonMari Method encourages tidying by category not by location, beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. It is taught by Japanese organization guru Marie Kondo.
▶️ Changed Perspective– If you can’t change the situation, it’s better to change your way of looking at the situation. “Amaya got the message on her mobile early morning that her day would be lined up with so many meetings till the evening. Initially, she was agitated, but as soon as she realized to have such a busy day, some lost their job every second in her company. And she dressed up joined the meeting wholeheartedly, and her joyful face remained fresh till the end of the day.” See how a changed perspective jazzed up her day!
No one could stay positive, motivated 24x7x365, nor even who claims to be so. And trust me, this is normal. Moment of boredom keeps hitting us every then and now, we get lethargic, we get depressed despite surrounded with like-minded people, or following our passion. What we need to do is to bring the excitement back just by adding or switching on new things.
So, tell me are you ready to jazz up your daily routine amidst the toughest challenge of #BlogchatterA2Z?
Read Theme Reveal here.
Letter A: Appreciate the things you see or you feel.
Letter B: Latest trend of bullying.
Letter C: Confrontation is an art more than science
Letter D: “Deja Vu”
Letter E: Embrace your imperfections
Letter F: 8 things to sacrifice for better future
Letter G: How to proceed guilt-free Life?
Letter H: Value Your Time, Help, And Advice
Letter I: Find Your Ikigai
‘This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.‘
Copyright © Archana Srivastava
This article is the property of the author Archana Srivastava ( Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited.
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Trying new things in life and the Konmari method excites me!
I agree with you when you said one should try new things as learning is always a never-ending process . I am ready to jazz up my life after reading your post .
Great! 🙂
Rearranging things and trying something new is sure to jazz up our lives. All five points are worth following.
Thank you Aditi 🙂
You jazzed me up here! Great techniques to bring back that interest when monotony hits you hard!
Thank you so much Daisy 🙂
This is such a detailed post Archana. And. Happy that all the five ways mentioned is something that I practice
Great Sindhu 🙂
This is one of my favorite posts. Certainly, I agree with you when you said one should try new things as learning is always a never-ending process and I also liked how rearranging our routine can help jazz up our life!
Thank you so much dear! Glad to know this! 🙂
Oh, yes!! I am all set to add Jazz to my life. This is so perfect post to add a smile to your life!!
Thank you 🙂
This is such an insightful post. I resonated with almost every point especially how trying new things and changing our perspective on the situation at hand, can add charm to our otherwise monotonous lives. Loved it!!
Thank you Navita 🙂
Oh yes, we need to jazz up our life every now and then when the monotony and routine get on our nerves. Jazzing up life by adding more fun, try new activities, meet new people, go to new places, and have new experiences. A great post with loads of ways you had shared to help jazz up.
Thank you Pragun 🙂
All the options you have suggested are so good dear. recently I had watched the show tidy up..on Netflix and learn the konmari method, you had mentioned here. I agree making few changes in our routine and also changing perspective work wonder in jazz our life.
Great to know this dear, I didn’t know about this show, will surely check this out!
I always learn something new from your posts. Konmari is an interesting concept. Jazzing up life is so important to keep the fun alive. Even a different hairstyle can be thrilling!
Thanks a lot for your words Varsha 🙂 you made my day dear!
I think trying new things is a sure fire way for that extra jazz!
Exactly! 🙂
Thank you for the motivation buddy, was bugged by the monotonous routine. Also loved to know about Go Konmari Method.
Thank you so much dear!
Of the lot, this konmari method really intrigues me. I don’t think I’ve done anything like this.. And it feels like it would make a positive difference, making one reevaluate
Glad you find it intriguing! 🙂
well said. Changing perspective helps me look at the situation from a different angle and calms me down.
Thank you 🙂
Breaking the monotony is very important. I always keep changing my haircut or hair color. It helps me feeling fresh.
Great Ujjwal 🙂
I think all of us need to jazz up our lives once in a while otherwise everything seems to be too monotonous and boring. I like when you say change the perspective if you cannot change the situation. All the pointers are doable.
Thank you Swati 🙂
I think all of needs to jazz up our life once in a while otherwise everything will look too monotonous or boring. I like when you say change the perspective if you cannot change the situation. All the pointers are doable.
I am ready to jazz up my life but I need some inspiration and some motivation:)As u grow older the novelty wears off especially if u live alone.
I can feel you Harjeet! I am so sure you find the best way to jazz up! 🙂
No yes and yay sometimes. Loved this. So true we need to jazz up our life with all the points you mentioned. Hobbies, Marie Kondo way, changed perspective and the best add twist to old things. Life can get monotonous and we have to spice it or rather jazz it up. Wonderful write up
Deepika Sharma
Thank you for Deepika for always making me smile with your wonderful comments 🙂