Impact Of Indian Daily Soap On The Society #CauseAChatter

While talking to one of my friends on various subjects of past and present incidents, I learned how her aunt( Chachi) is a crazy fan of daily TV shows and gives 3-4 hours religiously in watching daily episodes. No wonder she started living in a world of TV shows. If any day the show’s track doesn’t go the way she expects, she starts behaving weirdly. For, e.g., missing lunch/dinner, scolding kids, etc. Also, due to watching so many crime shows, she started having trust issues.

I got stuck in the conversation for 2 days, and it forced me to rethink how someone can be this much hypnotized by certain TV Shows that they forget to live their own life and start dwelling in a fictional world? Can these TV shows overpower our nervous system or brain up to this extent? And that was the day I decided to write about it!

Indian Daily Soap is a significant part of the lives of huge masses. It does impact our lives up to a certain extent in both positive and negative ways. Albeit the invention of Daily Soaps was done to entertain the audience, the lot belongs to the housewives to the best use of their time after finishing their chores. However, the TRP race turned the entertainment into mental and emotional harassment of the audience.

Let’s talk about Hindi Daily Soaps, not to mention there was a time when I belong to the group of daily soap’s loyal viewers, though my choices also changed the group over time, you will get to know soon those reasons.

There are lots of daily soaps that are entertaining in the best way they can; however, the negative aspects of too many irrational sequences in the serials also affecting the mental state of the audience from all the age groups 14 -25 youth to, middle-aged people especially the women.

Note again I will be only talking about Hindi Serials that I have watched the most until it started panicking me from few years for these reasons.

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The Most Pathetic Things Of Indian Daily Soaps

Exaggerative Stereotype Characters & Unethical Behavior

Most of the daily soaps are women-centric. Women are shown as superwoman no matter how intelligent they are; their worth is judged on only one scale if they are experts in the kitchen. How much she can bear the pain of humiliation still stand for those, who belittle her presence. She is over expert in keeping secret, and take every blame on own. Husband’s extramarital affair is justified in the further story track anyhow, but a woman has to be Sati Savitri. If any girl chose a career over marriage, her character is portrayed as the wrongest person.

Even reality shows have lost their charm in the cutthroat competition of TRPs. On the name of ‘Janta ko, Masala Chahiye’ creative board is failing in holding the originality. Someone, please tell them Janta wants logic more than Masala.

Inordinate Celebration And Wearing

Watching Gladrag is way better than watching ladies of the show laden with abundant jewelry in the kitchen, absolutely unreal in today’s era, especially if family shown living in the metropolitan. Linger of episodes with the uncalled unnecessary parties. Most parties have some common incidents for sure, for, e.g., remember the Chandelier falling scenes have to happen initially or later. Gosh! The audience needs a break, creatives. Can you please come with something new which is equally realistic?

Endless Conspiracies

I grew up in a joint family, I agree that thoughts are always there as every mind has its own logic, but filthy games and conspiracies to break the relationships? Isn’t it too much? I agree sometimes marriage doesn’t work; mutual separation could happen, but who marries to take revenge with the entire Khandan? Who adds a full box of salt and waste whole food just to defame daughter-in-law? And just one signature over the cup of tea brings the business tycoon on the road? I doubt how that tycoon cracked numerous deals and signed papers to take his business from scratch to the sky?

Repetitive Issues

Putting oil on stairs to make protagonist fall, eloping of the bride from her marriage making her sis or besti married to the groom to give a world-known turn to the positive character to negative. And here comes the iconic record twist of memory loss that takes the whole plot to the scratch level, where a well-versed mother and housewife becomes the young college-going girl. Anyways, let me tell you on behalf of the ardent audience that the fact behind this twist usually happens when an actor or actress refuses to play aged roles, and TRP is hitting higher. So see how these repetitive incidents made us expertise.

Emphasize On Physical Beauty

There was a show I used to watch a lot where the protagonist has shown a matter of laugh and the most unwanted identity just because she wears specs and ties braids despite being the most intelligent girl in the whole college, how the skillful team of serial overshadowed the real beauty by emphasizing physical beauty. And The day she comes in open hairs with the contact lens, miraculously she becomes the most adoring girl, her meritorious qualities become the talk of the town just because of her makeover, I mean seriously. Being a girl who wears spectacles with pride and embraces her reality high headed. It made me realize that actually, I am so skillful in wasting so much of my precious time on such illogicalities.

Noisy Background Music

The most pathetic part of Hindi Daily soap is high-pitched background music. Whether it is sad, happy, surprising, or shocking scenes, the ear-piercing music is enough to disconnect your interest from the show; at least, in my case, it has been one of the reasons. Also, if you have any old-aged or sick persons or small kids/infants at your home, this deafening music badly shakes their mental well-being.

Impact Of Indian Dramas On Mental Health

It Promotes The Passive Thought In Mind.

There is a belief that TRPs go high when the protagonist cries; this illogical pattern makes the creatives stick with the sad track. Somewhere those who easily get attached to their shows start feeling low and depressed as they fail to see their favorite actor shine and smile in the show. Which leads the passive thoughts in their deeds.

Solution: Better to avoid watching so many fictional shows, or if not, then make yourself understand that these are just a show, and you are not going to talk about it once the TV switches off.

It Detaches From Real World

An addiction of daily Soap detaches the person from the reality. To catch every bit at first, shows addicted people stop engaging in social gathering, or interaction, as their mind is stuck in thinking what comes next.

Solution: Limit your time in front of the TV. Revamp your daily routine. Have a specific slot for interaction with surroundings. Make a list of favorite genres and pick one or two shows that too make sure are from a different genre.

It Messed Daily Routine

Watching too many shows in a row definitely lands you in delaying the rest of the chores. Which ignites irritation, unnecessary fights, and arguments with family members.

Solution: Priorities your task. Stick with the condition that you will watch the shows only after finishing the prior chores. Also, you can prepare a list of few shows that relay after your chores are done. Isn’t it the easier way out?

Remember, nothing is important than our mental sanity; anything that puts our mental well-being in danger deserves a determined disappearance from life. These shows are meant to entertain us, with utmost ethnicity. If it fails to serve the purpose, be courageous enough to shift your mind towards positive content.

Have you ever witnessed such incidents? Do share in comments.

This post is a part of the #CauseAChatter campaign with Blogcahtter and I am talking about Mental Health. Would you like to spread awareness? Get yourself register!

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