Latest Trend Of Bullying! #BlogchatterA2Z

Bullying in trend

Life Is Ocean: Myriad Of Emotions: Today’s emotion Bullying

Bullying, in any form, is considered the most heinous crime. Unfortunately, it can be experienced by anyone at any stage of life. Some are visible, while others can be more subtle.

Common Trend Of Bullying

Before taking you towards the latest trend of Bullying, have a look on the four common types of bullying.

Physical bullying: It includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching, and pushing or damaging property. 
Verbal bullying: It includes name-calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse. While verbal bullying can start off harmless, it can escalate to levels affecting the individual target.
Social bullying: It is referred to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognize, and can be carried out behind the bullied person’s back.  It is designed to harm someone’s social reputation and/or cause humiliation.
Cyberbullying: It defines cyberbullying as Intentional and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, phones, and other electronic devices.

Latest Trend Of Bullying (Non- Verbal Bullying)

Non-verbal bullying referred that is intended to demean someone. Major signs of non-verbal bullying are: making rude signs towards someone, purposely leaving them out of games, graffiti, etc. Non-verbal bullying may not appear physically, however, leaves you emotionally and mentally damaged.

We talk about bullying; we read about thousands of ways of how to get over it? When to report it? Whom to report it? We find out endless solutions to make our children aware of how to stand bravely and act smart when facing such things.

Trending Forms Of Non-Verbal Bullying

Whatsapp Group Bullying: Members of a WhatsApp group collectively ignore a person’s message, whereas responding to every relevant or irrelevant message of other members. This type of Bullying could take place, either way, in formal or informal groups.

Ignore on Social Media: The craziness of showcasing on social platforms becomes the most common weapon to hit the person mentally. Ignoring victim’s posts, avoid commenting on them. To ignite the feeling, Bullier does not miss any post without commenting on all the people’s posts around the victim.

Continuous Stare And Glare: Make conscious someone with a continuous questionable stare as soon as a person takes entry into the area. Most of the time, this kind of bullying is different based on gender.

Demean Person’s Thought: Discount the suggestions or advice or POV of a person over any group conversation.

Avoid Eye Contact: Consciously watch something else instead of having eye contact with speaker( a victim), under the impression of negative intention, to make that person feel like his existence doesn’t matter.

Non-Verbal Bullying is ubiquitous. Mostly unnoticed by the surrounding peoples. It pushes the victim to the bottom of the oubliette. The tactics that required to come out of all these are:

  1. Be rational in sharing the story from the other’s perspective or perceiver instead of whining over the situation.
  2. Be specific, be germane, while bringing the topic to the conversation.
  3. Be a bit selfish towards enhancing your potential and competence.
  4. Last but not least, make your move towards positive groups. Though it’s difficult to apply this tactic to formal groups, it works as the best therapy for informal groups.

You might have faced non-verbal bullying, maybe once or twice or often, how did you respond to it? Do share your views on it.

Read the Theme Reveal post here.

Letter A post- Appreciate the things you see or you feel.

This post is written as a part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge, organized by Blogchatter.

Copyright © Archana Srivastava

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25 thoughts on “Latest Trend Of Bullying! #BlogchatterA2Z”

  1. Pingback: Learn Zeal To Life And Zip To Lip #BlogchatterA2Z

  2. Glad that you made this into the a2z challenege. I went through it in my school days and was shattered. it took me many years to actually recover and gain self confidance

  3. Bullying is a major issue these days. Cyber bullying is getting very common. And the sad part is kids are being victimized of this to a great extent. We can only teach and prepare our kids to stand for themselves and have a open communication at home.

  4. Very effective writing with insightful tips on bullying. Cyber bullying and non verbal ones are so rampant and might appear harmless on the exterior but they’re like slow poison which can destroy you from inside! Great post!

  5. Non verbal bulling is very common now a days and it’s not that people don’t notice, it’s just that people can easily get away with it . I have seen it myself though I am not the victim but I have caught people doing it and thrashed them left and right.

  6. I think this is something we all face every now and then.. and may be sometimes we also become a part of it knowingly or unknowingly.. awareness and mindfulness are what needed to condemn ourselves and others.

  7. Unfortunately each one of us must have faced bullying at different stages of life… Starting from kindergarten to work place… Sometimes it happens even in family gatherings as well. Even when I hear to my Son’s stories about school I can see the bullying incidents. I really wish they could imbibe these anti bullying steps and how to deal with it since childhood…. Because somehow otherwise it seems to get imbibed and flows in us doing only greater harm by becoming a vicious circle.

  8. Bullying in any form should be condemned. It is a threat to mental peace. The cyber bulling is trolling and is just rising every single day. When adults find it so hard to deal with the issue, I feel really sorry for the kids who go through all this.

  9. Such a thoughtful post. Many of these may sound new but they are the new menaces in the society. I am so glad you choose to write on them

  10. This is definitely been there for a long time, but now we are giving it a name and calling it out in public.

  11. I have gone through so much that I just don’t react anymore. Being a widow in India is being an easy and soft target. I have been left out of society! I feel sorry for those who go to such lengths to make others miserable. They are hurting themselves more, Is what I feel. But bullying kids in school should stop.

  12. It’s very good that you wrote about this, a young boy recently ended his life due to social media bullying. With kids attaching so much importance to this medium we need to highlight the bullying aspect too.
    Deepika Sharma

  13. Some important insights into this sensitive issue. You are doing a great job spreading awareness about this evil crime. Looking at the types of bullying you have mentioned, I feel that many of us might already have been going through one or two kinds of bullying but never thought of giving it a name.

  14. Yes, have many times faced non-verbal bullying which I then didn’t realize is a type of bullying. I try to avoid and switch my thoughts towards a positive outlook at that time. But then I sometimes even think about maybe that person who did it must be going thru something that made him/ her do it which may not be intentional too.

  15. yes dear bullying is a sad and harsh reality of our society . starting from schools and colleges, now this thing has spread widely due to presence of various digital medium. I believe it is very important to keep ourselves and our kids to educated to deal with these kind of situations. sadly, we can not change others . but we can learn the way to deal with it better.

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